The following table lists all of the password security rights available in Dentrix Enterprise and a description of that security right.
Security Right |
Description |
Administration |
Password Administration |
Allows a user to perform the following tasks: Configure DXOne Reporting security options. Note: In the Report Security, the User List and Provider/Staff list display only the providers and staff members who are associated with clinics that the user has been granted this security right for. The Clinics list displays only the clinics that the user has been granted this security right for. From the Clinic Resource Setup, add providers, add staff members, change or delete a provider's log-on ID, change or delete a staff member's log-on ID, and change a user's password. Note: These tasks also require the "Clinic Resource Setup" security right. Access the Security Rights Setup to perform the following tasks: add, edit, and delete user groups, assign and customize security rights for user groups and individual users, remove group permissions, copy security rights, and view the authorization option for e-claims (changing this option requires the "Security Right Options, Add/Edit" security right). Notes: In the Security Rights Setup, the Select User list displays only the providers and staff members who are associated with the clinics that the user has been granted this security right for unless the user has been granted the "Security Rights Setup, View All Users" security right. The Clinic selected list displays only the clinics that the user has been granted this security right for. |
Clinic Admin |
Allows a user to perform the following tasks: Access the Enterprise Setup to add a clinic and edit clinic information (clinic settings, organization settings, ePrescribe subscription, Updox subscription, Outcome subscription, Meaningful Use subscription, and claim export options). Note: From the Enterprise Setup, the user can also access the Clinic Resource Setup for a clinic. From the Clinic Resource Setup, access and edit clinic information (clinic settings, organization settings, ePrescribe subscription, Updox subscription, Outcome subscription, Meaningful Use subscription, and claim export options). |
Reset Locked User |
Allows a user to reset user accounts that are locked due to too many failed login attempts. |
Appointments |
Appointment Day Notes, Modify |
Allows a user to enter, edit, and delete Appointment Book day notes. |
Appointment Events, Delete |
Allows a user to delete events in Appointment Book. |
Appointment Events, Edit |
Allows a user to perform the following tasks in Appointment Book: edit events, move events, move events to and from the Pinboard. |
Appointment Events, Schedule New |
Allows a user to schedule events in Appointment Book. |
Appointment Lists |
Allows a user to perform the following tasks in Appointment Book: View the Appointment List, ASAP List, and Open List for the clinic that is associated with the current view. Notes: Viewing these lists for all clinics requires the "View All Patients" security right (for the Central clinic) and the "Appt Lists, View All Clinics" security right (for the Central clinic). Viewing these lists for all the user's allowed clinics requires the following: The "My Clinics, View" security right (in the "Practice/Clinic Setup" category) to be granted to the user for at least one clinic other than the clinic that user is logged in to. The "View All Patients" security right (for the Central clinic) not to be granted to the user. The "Appt Lists, View All Clinics" security right (for the Central clinic). View the Pinboard List. View the Unscheduled List for the clinic that is associated with the current view. Note: Viewing this list for all clinics requires the "View All Patients" security right (for the Central clinic) and the "Appt Lists, View All Clinics" security right (for the Central clinic). |
Appointment Views, Add New |
Allows a user to add Appointment Book views. |
Appointment Views, Delete |
Allows a user to delete Appointment Book views. |
Appointment Views, Edit |
Allows a user to edit Appointment Book views. |
Appointment, Late Status |
Allows a user to clear or select the Late Appt checkbox in the Appointment Information dialog box. Note: This task also requires the "Appointments, Edit" security right (to view and edit appointment information). |
Appointment, Setup Operatory |
Allows a user to perform the following tasks: Configure the operatory setup for Appointment Book. Configure an operatory's schedule for Appointment Book. |
Appointments, Break |
Allows a user to break appointments in Appointment Book. |
Appointments, Delete |
Allows a user to delete appointments in Appointment Book. |
Appointments, Edit |
Allows a user to perform the following tasks: Edit appointments in Appointment Book. Fill open appointment times from the ASAP list. Fill open appointment times from the Open list. Flag an appointment as Wait/Will Call. Reschedule broken appointments. Move appointments to and from the Pinboard. |
Appointments, Open |
Allows a user to perform the following tasks: View appointments on the Appointments tab of More Information. |
Appointments, Purge |
Allows a user to purge appointments as of a cut off date in Appointment Book. |
Appointments, Schedule New |
Allows a user to perform the following tasks: Schedule appointments for existing patients. Schedule appointment for new patients. Schedule continuing care appointments (in Appointment Book). Schedule continuing care appointments (from Continuing Care). Schedule appointments (from Scheduling Assistant). |
Appointments, Set Complete |
Allows a user to complete appointments. |
Appointments, Setup Clinic |
Allows a user to perform the following tasks in Appointment Book: |
Appointments, Setup Providers |
Allows a user to perform the following tasks in Appointment Book: Note: Changing the appointment block color for a provider requires the "ApptBook, Change Prov Color" security right. Configure each provider's schedule. Configure each provider's Perfect Day Scheduling time blocks. |
Appointments, Setup Schedule |
Allows a user to configure the clinic's schedule in Appointment Book. |
ApptBook, Change Prov Color |
Allows a user to change the appointment block color for a provider in Appointment Book. Note: This task also requires the "Appointments, Setup Providers" security right. |
ApptBook, Remove Prov |
Allows a user to remove a provider from Appointment Book. Note: This task also requires the "Appointments, Setup Providers" security right. |
Family Appointment List, Open |
Allows a user to access the Family Appointment List, using any of the following methods: By viewing other appointments (from Treatment Planner). By right-clicking an appointment in Appointment Book and then clicking Other Appointments. |
Manage Appt Views, Copy To Other Users |
Allows a user to copy Appointment Book views to another user in any clinic. |
Manage Appt Views, Copy View |
Allows a user to copy Appointment Book views from another user to himself or herself. |
Manage Appt Views, Delete Views |
Allows a user to delete Appointment Book views for any other users in any clinic. |
Print Appointment Book Views |
Allows a user to print the Appointment Book view. |
Print Route Slips |
Allows a user to print route slips from Appointment Book. |
Scheduling Assistant, Open |
Allows a user to access Scheduling Assistant. |
Billing and Collections |
Collection Manager, Open |
Allows a user to open Collections Manager. Note: Opening Collections Manager from Office Manager also requires the "Reports" security right (to access the Collections Manager button and the Collections Manager option on the Analysis menu). |
Dunning Messages, Modify |
Allows a user to modify dunning messages for billing statements. |
Family Balance Manager |
Allows a user to access Family Balance Manager. |
Guarantor Notes, Modify |
Allows a user to perform the following tasks: Change account notes (from Ledger and Patient Finances). Note: Changing an account note from Patient Finances also requires the "Patient Finances, Modify" security right (to open the Patient Finances window). Change billing statement notes (from Ledger and Patient Finances). Note: Changing a billing statement note from Patient Finances also requires the "Patient Finances, Modify" security right (to open the Patient Finances window). Add guarantor notes (from Collections Manager). |
Guarantor Payment, Delete |
Allows a user to perform the following tasks: Delete a patient payment from Ledger. Note: This task also requires the "Guarantor Payment, Edit" security right. Delete a payment when posting a batch of patient payments. Note: Posting a batch of patient payments requires the "Guarantor Payment, Enter" security right. |
Guarantor Payment, Edit |
Allows a user to perform the following tasks: Edit patient payments from Ledger. Save the note text when the user is applying a suspended credit to a payment. Apply a suspended credit to a payment from Suspended Credits Manager. Post a patient payment as part of a fast checkout. Post credit card refunds (Axia only). Note: This task also requires the "Debit Adjustment, Void/Refund" security right (to refund or void a credit card payment). Reprint credit card receipts (Axia or Dentrix Enterprise Pay). View credit card payment signatures (Axia only). Note: Editing a patient payment when posting a batch of patient payments does not require the "Guarantor Payment, Edit" security right. |
Guarantor Payment, Enter |
Allows a user to perform the following tasks: Post patient payments to payment plans. Post credit card payments (Axia only). Post offline credit card payments (Axia only). Post credit card payments to payment plans (Axia only). Post credit card payments (Dentrix Enterprise Pay only). Post credit card payments to payment plans (Dentrix Enterprise Pay only). Post a batch of patient payments. Edit a payment while posting a batch of patient payments. |
Ins Payments, Delete |
Allows a user to perform the following tasks: Delete a dental or medical insurance payment from the transaction log in Ledger. Note: This task also requires the "Guarantor Payment, Edit" and "Ins Payments, Edit" security rights (to view the payment). Delete a dental or medical insurance payment from the insurance claim window. Note: This task also requires the "Insurance Claims, Open" security right (to view the claim) and the "Ins Payments, Edit" security right (to view the payment). |
Ins Payments, Edit |
Allows a user to perform the following tasks: Edit a dental or medical insurance payment from the transaction log in Ledger. Note: This task also requires the "Guarantor Payment, Edit" security right. Edit a dental or medical insurance payment from the insurance claim window. Note: This task also requires the "Insurance Claims, Open" security right (to view the claim). |
Ins Payments, Enter |
Allows a user to perform the following tasks: Post dental and medical insurance payments. Note: This task also requires the "Insurance Claims, Open" security right (to view the claim). Post partial insurance payments for dental and medical claims. Note: This task also requires the "Insurance Claims, Open" security right (to view the claim). |
Insurance Collection Manager, Manual Matching |
Allows a user to perform the following tasks in Insurance Collection Manager: Select the Claim Not Found option to search for unmatched claims. Open any ERA file with an Error Occurred or Requires User Action status. |
Insurance Collection Manager, Open |
Allows a user to access Insurance Collection Manager. |
Outstanding Claim Manager |
Allows a user to access Outstanding Claim Manager. |
Patient Finances, Add Payment Method |
Allows a user to perform the following tasks (Axia only): Add credit cards on file for recurring payments for a payment plan. Add a payment method for recurring payments while editing a payment plan. Notes: These tasks also require the "Patient Finances, Modify" security right (to open the Patient Finances window). Editing a payment plan to add payment method also requires the "Payment Plans, Add New/Edit Info" security right. |
Patient Finances, Modify |
Allows a user to access the Patient Finances window and perform any of the following tasks (without additional security rights): Change an account's billing type. Change billing statement notes. View failed credit card transactions (Axia only). Notes: In Patient Finances, the following tasks require the "Payment Plans, Add New/Edit Info" security right: Creating, editing, and inactivating payment plans. Creating, editing, and deleting future due payment plans. Manually post charges for future due payment plans. Add credit cards on file for recurring payments for a payment plan. Set up a payment plan (when accessing Patient Finances from Collections Manager). In Patient Finances, printing payment plan documents requires the "Print Payment Plan" security right. |
Payment Agreement Types, Setup |
Allows a user to access the Payment Agreement Setup to add, edit, and delete payment agreement types. |
Payment Plans, Add New/Edit Info |
Allows a user to perform the following tasks: Create, edit, and inactivate payment plans. Create, edit, and delete future due payment plans. Manually post charges for future due payment plans. Note: All these tasks also require the "Patient Finances, Modify" security right (to open the Patient Finances window). |
Print Billing Statements |
Allows a user to perform the following tasks: Generate a billing statement (in Ledger). Note: Printing the statement instead of sending it to the Batch Processor in Office Manager requires the "Batch Processor, Print/Display Reports" security right. Generate billing statements (in Office Manager). Note: This task also requires the "Reports" security right (to set up the statement options) and the "Batch Processor, Print/Display Reports" security right (to view or print the statements). |
Print Future Due Payment Plans |
Allows a user to generate the Future Due Payment Plan Report. Notes: This task also requires the "Reports" security right. Viewing or printing the report requires the "Batch Processor, Print/Display Reports" security right. |
Print Payment Plan |
Allows a user to print payment plan documents. Note: This task also requires the "Patient Finances, Modify" security right (to open the Patient Finances window) and the "Payment Plans, Add New/Edit Info" security right (to view the payment plan). |
Central Clinic Only |
Appt Lists, View All Clinics |
Allows a user to perform the following tasks in Appointment Book: View the Appointment List, ASAP List, and Open List for either all clinics or all the user's allowed clinics. Notes: Viewing these lists for all clinics also requires the "View All Patients" security right (for the Central clinic). Viewing these lists for all the user's allowed clinics requires the following: The "My Clinics, View" security right (in the "Practice/Clinic Setup" category) to be granted to the user for at least one clinic other than the clinic that user is logged in to. The "View All Patients" security right (for the Central clinic) not to be granted to the user. Viewing these lists also requires the "Appointment Lists" security right. View the Unscheduled List for all clinics. Notes: Viewing this list for all clinics also requires the "View All Patients" security right (for the Central clinic). Viewing this list also requires the "Appointment Lists" security right. Note: Without the "Appt Lists, View All Clinics" security right, and without the "View All Patients " or "My Clinics, View" security right, the user can view these lists only for the clinic that is associated with the current view. |
Audit Logs, Enable/Disable |
Allows a user to change the Enable Patient Access Logging and Enable Patient Print Logging settings for your organization. |
Database Mode Setup |
Allows a user to enable and disable single-user mode, which is required for performing month-end procedures. |
Document Center Repository Setup |
Allows a user to manage the paths for the document repositories in Document Center. Note: This task also requires the "Document Center Setup" security right (to view the repository setup). |
Dxone Report-Security, Select AllClinicProviders |
Allows a user to perform the following tasks when setting up report security: Select the checkbox at the top of the Clinics list (to select all clinics). Select the checkbox at the top of the Provider/Staff list (to select all providers/staff). |
File Exchange - Group History, View All |
Allows a user to select the View All checkbox (to view the export history for all users instead of only for the current user) while viewing the file group history for File Exchange. Note: This task also requires the "File Exchange, Open" security right (to access File Exchange). |
Integration Settings, Axia |
Allows a user to edit the Axia settings. |
Integration Settings, Data Services |
Allows a user to edit the settings for automated insurance eligibility verifications. Note: Managing Data Services accounts requires additional security rights. |
Integration Settings, Data Services, Add Accnt |
Allows a user to add a Data Services account for automated insurance eligibility verifications. Note: This task also requires the "Integration Settings, Data Services" security right. |
Integration Settings, Data Services, Delete Accnt |
Allows a user to delete a Data Services account for automated insurance eligibility verifications. Note: This task also requires the "Integration Settings, Data Services" security right. |
Integration Settings, Data Services, Edit Accnt |
Allows a user to edit a Data Services account for automated insurance eligibility verifications. Note: This task also requires the "Integration Settings, Data Services" security right. |
Integration Settings, File Exchange |
Allows a user to access the File Exchange settings. |
Integration Settings, MiPACS |
Allows a user to access the MiPACS settings. |
Integration Settings, RxBE (340B) |
Allows a user to access the settings for prescription data exports. |
Integration Settings, XRayVision |
Allows a user to edit the XRayVision settings. |
Month End - Charges |
Allows a user to apply late charges and finance charges as part of the month-end process in Ledger. Note: Before the user can perform this task, single-user mode must be enabled, which requires the "Database Mode Setup" security right. |
Month End - Payment Plan |
Allows a user to process future due payment plans as part of the month-end process in Ledger. Note: Before the user can perform this task, single-user mode must be enabled, which requires the "Database Mode Setup" security right. |
Month End - Update |
Allows a user to close out a month by running the month-end update in Ledger. Note: Before the user can perform this task, single-user mode must be enabled, which requires the "Database Mode Setup" security right. |
Multi-Clinics, Purge Appt |
Allows a user to purge appointments for multiple clinics (in Office Manager). |
Procedures, Inactivate/Activate |
Allows a user to inactivate and reactivate procedure codes. |
Security Right Options, Add/Edit |
Allows a user to change the authorization option for e-claims (on the Options tab of the Security Rights Setup). Note: This task also requires the "Password Administration" security right (to access the Security Rights Setup). |
Secure User Password Setup |
Allows a user to modify the requirements for creating passwords. |
Security Rights Setup, View All Users |
Allows a user to view all providers and staff members in the Select User list in the Security Rights Setup. Notes: This task also requires the "Password Administration" security right (to access the Security Rights Setup). Without the "Security Rights Setup, View All Users" security right, the Select User list displays only the providers and staff members that are associated with the clinics for which the user has been granted the "Password Administration" security right. |
TxPlanner Settings, Add |
Allows a user to perform the following tasks for customizing case settings in Treatment Planner: Add case note templates. Add case financing statuses. Add new consent forms. |
TxPlanner Settings, Delete |
Allows a user to perform the following tasks for customizing case settings in Treatment Planner: Delete case note templates. Delete case financing statuses. Delete consent forms. |
TxPlanner Settings, Edit |
Allows a user to perform the following tasks for customizing case settings in Treatment Planner: Change when estimates expire by default (and have the selection be saved). Change the default case note template (and have the selection be saved). Modify case note templates. Rename case financing statuses. Add or edit patient-friendly descriptions for procedures. Change which cases get status updates automatically (and have the selecting or clearing of the checkboxes be saved). Edit consent forms. |
User Import |
Allows a user to import a batch of users (providers or staff) in the Clinic Resource Setup. |
View All Operatories |
Allows a user to view operatories in any clinic. |
View All Patients |
Allows a user to view all clinics and access patient information in any clinic. The user can select a clinic when setting up a view in Collections Manager. When the user is searching for payments in Ledger, payments that are associated with any clinic are included in the search. Note: Without the "View All Patients" security right, only payments that are associated with the clinic that the user is logged in to are included in the search. All clinics are available for selection, when the user is performing any of the following tasks that the user is allowed to perform: Posting or editing a charge adjustment. Posting or editing a credit adjustment. Posting a finance or late charge. Editing a finance or late charge. Posting a batch of patient payments, or editing a payment while posting a batch of patient payments. Posting or editing a patient payment. Posting a patient payment to a payment plan. Posting a credit card payment (Axia only). Posting an offline credit card payment (Axia only). Posting a credit card payment to a payment plan (Axia only). Posting a credit card payment (Dentrix Enterprise Pay only). Posting a credit card payment to a payment plan (Dentrix Enterprise Pay only). Posting a dental or medical insurance payment. Posting a dental or medical insurance charge adjustment. Posting a dental or medical insurance credit adjustment. Viewing the Appointment List, ASAP List, Open List, or Unscheduled List. Changing the required procedure fields (in Chart). Entering the required procedure fields when the user is charting a completed procedure (in Chart). Editing a condition or diagnosis. Editing a completed or planned procedure (in Chart). Adding or editing a patient health assessment. Selecting a patient's preferred clinic when the user is adding a new family or a family member. Selecting a patient's preferred clinic when the user is editing patient information. Setting up provider IDs for dental or medical insurance plan (in Family File). Posting or editing a treatment-planned procedure (in the Ledger-Treatment Plan view of Ledger). Creating a batch of primary insurance claims. Starting a clinical note review (Evaluator). Resuming a clinical note review (Evaluator). Resuming a clinical note review (Second-level Evaluator). Signing a clinical note review (Evaluatee). Signing a clinical note review (Evaluator). Signing a clinical note review (Second-level Evaluator). Printing a clinical note review. Adding or editing a continuing care view. Adding or editing a Data Services account when the user is setting up automated insurance eligibility verification. Adding or editing a Dentrix Enterprise Pay merchant account when the user is setting up Dentrix Enterprise Pay. Setting up default insurance claim providers for each clinic. Selecting a Copy Patient Clinic when the user is setting up general practice defaults. Exporting patient data with File Exchange. Exporting provider and staff data with File Exchange. Scheduling the export of patient data with File Exchange. Generating billing statements (in Office Manager). Generating the Payment Agreement Report. Generating the Insurance Eligibility Report. Generating the Treatment Plan Approval Report. Generating the Treatment Plan Approval Status Report. Generating the Day sheet (charges and receipts). Setting up provider IDs for dental or medical insurance plans (in Office Manager). Filtering Family Balance Manager. Filtering Outstanding Claim Manager. Filtering Signature Manager. Filtering Suspended Credits Manager. Generating the Prescriptions Report. Filtering the Scheduling Assistant list. Filtering the list of treatment requests. Editing a planned procedure (in Treatment Planner). Posting a batch of insurance payments from an ERA or manually. Creating or editing a future due payment plan. Posting or editing a completed procedure (in Ledger). Note: Without the "View All Patients" security right, only the clinics for which the user has been granted the "My Clinics, View" security right (in the "Practice/Clinic Setup" category) are available; however, if the user has not been granted that right to any clinic, only the clinic that the user is logged in to is available. In Office Manager, when the user is setting up the Assigned Clinic filter for generating the Patient List (if the user is allowed to perform that task), all clinics are available for selection. Note: Without the "View All Patients" security right, only the clinics for which the user has been granted the "My Clinics, Select Patients" security right (in the "Practice/Clinic Setup" category) are available; however, if the user has not been granted that right to any clinic, only the clinic that the user is logged in to is available. The user can view family journal entries in Office Journal (the Family option is available on the View menu); otherwise, the user can view only patient journal entries. In Office Journal, the user can view patient/family journal entries in all clinics. In Office Manager, the user can set up the view to include all clinics. When selecting a patient, the user can search in all clinics. |
View All Providers |
Allows a user to view providers in any clinic. The user can search for a provider (or a staff member if applicable) in any clinic when performing any of the following tasks that the user is allowed to perform: Scheduling an appointment for a new patient. Changing the provider for a charting session in Chart. Changing the required procedure fields in Chart. Editing conditions and diagnoses. Editing treatment (in Chart). Adding or editing a lab order. Adding or editing a patient health assessment. Attaching an inbound or outbound referral to a procedure (in Chart). Setting up a view in Collections Manager. Setting up view options in Document Center. Modifying document attachments. Attaching an unfiled document to an entity. Selecting a Prov1, Prov2, or Initial Provider when the user is adding a new family or family member in Family File. Selecting a Prov1, Prov2, or Initial Provider when the user is updating patient information in Family File. Setting up provider IDs for dental or medical insurance plans (in Family File). Running the Patient Notes Report (in Family File). Analyzing production from a referral source or a referring patient (in Family File). Analyzing referrals to a referral destination (in Family File). Attaching an inbound doctor/other or patient referral to a patient in Family File. Editing a patient's inbound doctor/other or patient referral in Family File. Attaching an outbound doctor/specialist referral to a patient in Family File. Editing a patient's outbound doctor/specialist referral in Family File. Posting or editing a charge adjustment. Posting a finance or late charge. Editing a finance or late charge. Posting a batch of insurance payments from an ERA or manually. Creating or editing a future due payment plan. Posting a dental or medical insurance charge adjustment. Changing dental or medical insurance claim providers (billing, pay-to, and rendering). Attaching an inbound referral to a procedure (in Ledger). Posting or editing a completed procedure (in Ledger). Attaching an inbound or outbound referral to a planned procedure (in the Ledger-Treatment Plan view of Ledger). Posting or editing a planned procedure (in the Ledger-Treatment Plan view of Ledger). Changing dental or medical pre-treatment estimate providers (billing, pay-to, and rendering). Creating a batch of primary insurance claims. Adding or editing a continuing care view. Selecting a Default Provider or Copy Patient Provider when the user is setting up general practice defaults Selecting a specific Billing Provider, Pay-To Provider, or Rendering Provider for a template when the user is setting up default insurance claim providers. Selecting a specific provider for Name and IDs or Address and Phone when the user is setting up e-claim override options. Exporting patient data with File Exchange. Exporting provider and staff data with File Exchange. Scheduling the export of patient data with File Exchange. Generating billing statements (in Office Manager). Analyzing a doctor/other referral source (in Office Manager).. Analyzing a patient referral source (in Office Manager). Generating the Family Ledger Report (in Office Manager). Generating the Future Due Payment Plan Report. Generating the Patient's Ledger Report (in Office Manager). Generating the Payment Agreement Report. Generating the Referral Recap Report. Generating the Insurance Eligibility Report. Generating the New Patient List. Generating the Patient Notes Report (in Office Manager). Generating the Treatment Plan Approval Report. Generating the Unscheduled Treatment Plans Report. Generating the Day sheet (charges and receipts). Setting up provider IDs for dental or medical insurance plans (in Office Manager). Analyzing referral sources and destinations (in Office Manager). Filtering Family Balance Manager by provider. Generating the Prescriptions Report. Filtering the Scheduling Assistant by provider. Filtering list of treatment requests by provider. Reviewing a treatment request. Changing the provider for a perio exam. Adding a standard or enhanced consent form to a treatment plan case. Viewing or editing a consent form. Editing a planned procedure (in Treatment Planner). Changing the status of a treatment plan case. Viewing or updating a treatment case's status history. Printing the Patient Treatment Case Report. Printing the Practice Treatment Case Report. Note: The user can search for providers in all clinics only if the user has not been granted the "My Clinics, Select Provider" security right (in the "Practice/Clinic Setup" category) for the clinic that the user is logged in to. In Office Manager, when the user is setting up the Primary Provider filter for generating the Patient List (if the user is allowed to perform that task), providers in all clinics are available for selection. Note: Without the "View All Providers" security right, only providers in the clinics for which the user has been granted the "My Clinics, Select Provider" security right (in the "Practice/Clinic Setup" category) are available. The user can search for a provider (or a staff member if applicable) in any clinic when performing any of the following tasks that the user is allowed to perform: Adding or editing a manual journal entry in Office Journal. Opening Office Journal for a provider or staff member. In Office Journal, viewing provider/staff journal entries. |
Chart |
Chart Notes, Add/Edit |
Allows a user to enter and edit chart notes. Note: These tasks also require the "Chart Notes, View" security right. |
Chart Notes, View |
Allows a user to view chart notes. |
Chart Setup |
Allows a user to perform the following tasks: |
Chart, Open |
Allows a user to open Chart. |
Clinical Notes, Append |
Allows a user to append locked clinical notes. Note: This task also requires the "Clinical Notes, Modify" (to access Clinical Notes). |
Clinical Notes, Approve |
Allows a user to perform the following tasks: Sign an individual clinical note in Clinical Notes. Note: This task also requires the "Clinical Notes, Modify" (to access Clinical Notes). Sign one or more clinical notes in Signature Manager. Note: This task also requires the "Clinical Notes, Modify" (to access Signature Manager). |
Clinical Notes, Delete |
Allows a user to delete clinical notes. Note: This task also requires the "Clinical Notes, Modify" (to access Clinical Notes). |
Clinical Notes, Modify |
Allows a user to perform the following tasks: Access Clinical Notes and do any of the following (without additional security rights): Copy clinical notes to other programs. View the clinical note prompts that are attach to clinical notes. Access Signature Manager. |
Clinical Notes, Template Setup |
Allows a user to perform the following tasks: Set up clinical note template categories. Set up the clinical note template preference. Create, edit, and delete clinical note templates. Create, edit, and delete clinical note template prompts. Note: These tasks also require the "Clinical Notes, Modify" (to access Clinical Notes). |
Conditions/Diagnosis, Delete |
Allows a user to delete conditions and diagnoses, using any of the following methods that the user is allowed to perform: While viewing a condition or diagnosis, delete it. Notes: This task also requires the "Conditions/Diagnosis, Edit" security right (to view the condition or diagnosis before deleting it). Deleting a linked existing procedure requires the "Existing Procedures, Delete" security right. Deleting a linked planned procedures requires the "Treatment Plan, Delete" security right. Quickly delete one or more conditions and/or diagnoses by clicking a button. Notes: Deleting a linked existing procedure requires the "Existing Procedures, Delete" security right. Deleting a linked planned procedures requires the "Treatment Plan, Delete" security right. While viewing an existing procedure, delete the procedure and the attached conditions and/or diagnoses. Note: This task also requires the "Existing Procedures, Edit" security right (to view existing treatment) and the "Existing Procedures, Delete" security right (to delete existing treatment). While viewing a planned procedure, delete the procedure and the attached conditions and/or diagnoses. Note: This task also requires the "Treatment Plan, Edit" security right (to view planned treatment) and the "Treatment Plan, Delete" security right (to delete planned treatment). While viewing a completed procedure, delete the procedure and the attached conditions and/or diagnoses. Note: This task also requires the "Completed Procedure, Edit" security right (to view completed treatment) and the "Completed Procedure, Delete" security right (to delete completed treatment). |
Conditions/Diagnosis, Edit |
Allows a user to perform the following tasks: View and edit a condition or diagnosis. Invalidate a condition or diagnosis. |
Conditions/Diagnosis, Enter |
Allows a user to perform the following tasks: Chart a dental diagnostic code. Notes: Charting an existing procedure using a dental diagnostic code requires the "Existing Procedures, Enter" security right. Charting a planned procedure using a dental diagnostic code requires the ""Treatment Plan, Enter" security right. Charting a completed procedure using a dental diagnostic code requires the "Completed Procedure, Enter" security right. Attach or remove diagnostic codes from a planned procedure (in Chart). Note: This task also requires the "Treatment Plan, Edit" security right (to edit planned treatment). Attach or remove diagnostic codes from a completed procedure (in Chart). Note: This task also requires the "Completed Procedure, Edit" security right (to edit completed treatment). Attach or remove diagnostic codes by editing a completed procedure (in Ledger). Note: This task also requires the "Completed Procedure, Edit" security right (to edit completed treatment). Attach or remove diagnostic codes by editing a planned procedure (in Treatment Planner). Note: This task also requires the "Treatment Plan, Edit" security right (to edit planned treatment). |
Existing Procedures, Delete |
Allows a user to delete existing (E) and existing-other (EO) procedures. Note: Viewing existing treatment before deleting it requires the "Existing Procedures, Edit" security right. |
Existing Procedures, Edit |
Allows a user to edit existing (E) and existing-other (EO) procedures (including entering and editing the corresponding procedure notes). |
Existing Procedures, Enter |
Allows a user to perform the following tasks: Notes: Charting a condition as an existing procedure requires the "Existing Procedures, Enter" security right. Charting a condition as a planned procedure requires the ""Treatment Plan, Enter" security right. Charting a condition as a completed procedure requires the "Completed Procedure, Enter" security right. |
Health Assessment, Delete |
Allows a user to delete patient health assessments. Note: This task also requires the "Health Assessment, Open" security right (to access a patient's health assessments). |
Health Assessment, Edit |
Allows a user to edit patient health assessments. Note: This task also requires the "Health Assessment, Open" security right (to access a patient's health assessments). |
Health Assessment, Enter |
Allows a user to add patient health assessments. Note: This task also requires the "Health Assessment, Open" security right (to access a patient's health assessments). |
Health Assessment, Open |
Allows a user to access a patient's health assessments. |
Image, Open |
Allows the user to open Dentrix Image (DEXIS). |
Manage Lab Test |
Allows a user to access a patient's lab orders and perform any of the following tasks: Attach test results to an order. Detach test results from an order. View patient education topics for test results. Note: This task also requires the "Patient Education, Open" security right. |
Medical Encounters, Delete |
Allows a user to delete a patient's medical encounters, using any of the following methods that the user is allowed to perform: Viewing a medical encounter and then deleting it. Note: This task also requires the "Medical Encounters, Edit" security right (to view the encounter). Deleting a medical encounter by clicking a button. Note: These tasks also require the "Medical Encounters, Open" security right (to access the patient's medical encounters). |
Medical Encounters, Edit |
Allows a user to edit a patient's medical encounters. Notes: This task also requires the "Medical Encounters, Open" security right (to access the patient's medical encounters). Changing the clinic requires the user to be granted the "My Clinics, View" security right (in the "Practice/Clinic Setup" category) for any clinic. |
Medical Encounters, Enter |
Allows a user to add a medical encounter to a patient's record. Notes: This task also requires the "Medical Encounters, Open" security right (to access the patient's medical encounters). Changing the clinic requires the user to be granted the "My Clinics, View" security right (in the "Practice/Clinic Setup" category) for any clinic. |
Medical Encounters, Open |
Allows a user to access a patient's medical encounters to add, edit, and delete encounters. |
Perio Chart, Add Exam |
Allows a user to start and save a new perio exam, and allows a user to edit a perio exam on the day that it was created (even if the exam was backdated). |
Perio Chart, Delete Exam |
Allows a user to delete a perio exam. |
Perio Chart, Edit Exam |
Perio Chart, Open |
Allows a user to open Perio Chart. |
Perio Chart, Setup |
Allows a user to customize the perio entry settings. |
Print Charts or Progress Notes |
Allows a user to print the Dental chart and Progress notes with chart reports in Chart. |
Print Perio Chart Letters/Charts |
Allows a user to print letters and charts for perio exams in Perio Chart. |
Procedure Button Template, Edit Custom |
Allows a user to create a custom set of procedure buttons in Chart. Note: This task also requires the "Procedure Button Template, Select" security right (to access the procedure button templates in Chart). |
Procedure Button Template, Select |
Allows a user to select a procedure button set in Chart. |
Completed Procedures |
Complete Duplicate Procedure |
Allows a user to post a duplicate completed procedure (in Ledger). Note: This task also requires the "Completed Procedure, Enter" security right (to post a completed procedure). |
Completed Procedure, Delete |
Allows a user to perform the following tasks: Delete completed procedures (in Ledger). Delete completed procedures (in Chart). |
Completed Procedure, Edit |
Allows a user to perform the following tasks: Edit completed procedures (in Ledger). Note: Backdating a completed procedure to a date in a month that has been closed requires the "Ledger, Backdate to Closed Month" security right. Edit completed procedures (in Chart). Note: Backdating a completed procedure to a date in a month that has been closed requires the "Ledger, Backdate to Closed Month" security right. Enter and edit procedure notes for completed procedures (n Chart). Invalidate or validate completed procedures in history (in Ledger). Note: This task also requires the "Invalidate/Validate Proc" security right. Invalidate or validate completed procedures in history (in Chart). Note: This task also requires the "Invalidate/Validate Proc" security right. Cross code completed procedures (in Ledger). |
Completed Procedure, Enter |
Allows a user to perform the following tasks: Post a completed procedure (in Ledger). Note: Backdating a completed procedure to a date in a month that has been closed requires the "Ledger, Backdate to Closed Month" security right. Chart a completed procedure (in Chart). Complete a planned procedure (in Ledger-Treatment Plan view of Ledger). Complete planned procedures in Treatment Planner, using any of the following methods that the user is allowed to perform: Completing all the procedures in a treatment plan case at the same time. Note: This task also requires the "Treatment Plan, Edit" security right (to change the case's status). Viewing and then completing a planned procedure. Note: This task also requires the "Treatment Plan, Edit" security right (to view the planned treatment). Quickly completing one or more planned procedures by right-clicking. Quickly completing one or more planned procedures by clicking a button. |
Invalidate/Validate Proc |
Allows a user to perform the following tasks: Invalidate or validate completed procedures in history (in Ledger). Note: This task also requires the "Completed Procedure, Edit" security right (to view the procedure). Invalidate or validate completed procedures in history (in Chart). Note: This task also requires the "Completed Procedure, Edit" security right (to view the procedure). |
Continuing Care |
Continuing Care, Clear Patients |
Allows a user to clear a patient's selected continuing care. Note: This task also requires the "Continuing Care, Edit Patients" security right (to access the patient's continuing care). |
Continuing Care, Edit Patients |
Allows a user to perform the following tasks: Access and edit a patient's continuing care. Access and set a patient's continuing care (in Family File). Access and set up a patient's continuing care defaults (in Family File). |
Continuing Care, Open |
Allows a user to open Continuing Care. |
Continuing Care, Setup |
Allows a user to perform the following tasks: |
Print Continuing Care Lists |
Allows a user to print the Continuing Care list and mailing labels. |
Document Center |
Document Center Setup |
Allows a user to perform the following tasks: Select a Document Center printer. Set up document type templates. Set up the Document Center preferences. View the Document Center repository setup. Note: Setting up the Document Center repositories requires the "Document Center Repository Setup" security right (for the Central clinic) |
Document Center Viewer, Open |
Allows a user to perform the following tasks: Modify a document (such as adjust the contrast). |
Document Center, Acquire Document |
Allows a user to acquire documents in Document Center, using any of the following methods: |
Document Center, Delete Document |
Allows a user to delete documents from Document Center. |
Document Center, Edit Document Info |
Allows a user to perform the following tasks: Attach an unfiled document to an entity. Attach an unfiled document to one or more entities. Note: This task also requires the "Document Center, Modify Attachments" security right (to specify the entities). View and edit (if applicable) the information for a document on the Documents Review tab or the Review Documents Audited tab of the Document Center Audit Documents utility. Note: This task also requires the "Document Center, Open" security right (to open Document Center from the utility). |
Document Center, Export Document |
Allows a user to export documents. |
Document Center, Modify Attachments |
Allows a user to change which entities a document is attached to (such as a patient, provider, and/or insurance carrier). |
Document Center, Open |
Allows a user to open Document Center. |
Document Center, Review Documents Audited |
Allows a user to access the Review Documents Audited tab of the Document Center Audit Document utility. |
Print from Document Center |
Allows the user to print the Document Center List. |
Send Document |
Allows a user to send documents electronically. |
Emergency Access |
The following security rights allow a user to gain emergency access to various areas of Dentrix Enterprise that the user does not already have access to: "Appointments, Open" - To open Appointment Book. "Chart, Open" - To open Chart. "Family File, Open" - To open Family File. "Image, Open" - To open the Image program, a third-party digital imaging software that is developed by DEXIS. "Ledger, Open" - To open Ledger. "Medical Alerts, View" - To open Medical Alerts. "Perio Chart, Open" - To open Perio Chart. "View All Patients" - To select a patient in Chart, Family File, and/or Ledger (depending on which modules emergency access has been granted to). Note: The following scenarios explain how the user can gain emergency access to patient information: #1 - The user attempts to open Appointment Book, Chart, Family File, Image, Ledger, or Perio Chart without the security right to do so. The user has been granted emergency access to that module. #2 - The user attempt to open Medical Alerts without the security right to do so. The user may or may not have been granted emergency access to that module. #3 - In the Select Patient dialog box, the user wants to search for a patient whose preferred clinic (as set up in Family File) is neither the clinic that the user is logged in to currently nor one of the clinics to which the user has been granted to "My Clinics, View" security right (in the "Practice/Clinic Setup" category). The user has not been granted the "View All Patients" security right (in the "Central Clinic Only" category). The user has been granted emergency access to view all patients. |
Family File |
Chart, Override Read-Only Setting |
Allows a user to edit a patient's chart number if the chart number settings have not flagged the chart number as read-only (according to the selected status) when the user is adding a new family or family member in Family File. |
Family File, Open |
Allows a user to open Family File. |
Family Health History, Edit |
Allows a user to perform the following tasks: Enter health history for a family member. Edit health history for a family member. Delete health history for a family member. Note: These tasks also require the "Family Health History, View" security right (to access the patient's family health history). |
Family Health History, View |
Allows a user to access a patient's family health history. |
Medical Alerts Review, Add |
Allows a user to add a medical alert review (mark a patient's medical alerts as reviewed). |
Medical Alerts Review, Delete |
Allows a user to delete a medical alert review. |
Medical Alerts Review, Edit |
Allows a user to edit a medical alert review. |
Medical Alerts, Edit |
Allows a user to perform the following tasks: Assign medical alerts (problems, allergies, medications, and implantable devices) to patients. Edit medical alerts that are assigned to patients. Inactivate and reactivate medical alerts that are assigned to patients. Remove medical alerts from patients. Manage patient health concerns. Note: All these tasks also require the Medical Alerts, View" security right (to access the patient's medical alerts). |
Medical Alerts, View |
Allows a user to view a patient's medical alerts in Medical Alerts and to view a patient's medical alerts on the Medical Alerts tab of More Information. |
Medical Consultation |
Allows a user to access, add, edit, and delete a patient's medical consultation notes. |
Patient Alerts, Modify |
Allows a user to manage patient alerts. |
Patient Amendments, Edit |
Allows a user to enter, edit, accept, reject, or delete a patient's amendment request. Note: This task also requires the "Patient Amendments, View" security right (to access the patient's amendment requests). |
Patient Amendments, View |
Allows a user to access patient amendments. |
Patient Education, Open |
Allows a user to perform the following tasks: |
Patient Health Exchange, Disable Export Encryption |
Allows a user to turn off encryption (to clear the Disable Export Encryption checkbox) when exporting patient health information. Note: Accessing a patient's health exchange to export patient information requires the "Patient Health Exchange, Open" security right. |
Patient Health Exchange, Open |
Allows a user to perform the following tasks: Access a patient's health exchange and perform any of the following tasks (without additional security rights): Set up, view information for, and inactivate a patient's portal account. Import, export, and upload patient health information. Send DIRECT messages. Set up a patient's portal account and generate and send a clinical summary to Patient Portal as part of a fast checkout. Note: Performing a fast checkout requires the "Fast Checkout" security right. |
Patient Notes, Modify |
Allows a user to enter and edit patient notes in Family File. |
Patient Notes, View |
Allows a user to show and hide a patient's notes in Family File. |
Patients, Add New |
Allows a user to add a new family or family member in Family File |
Patients, Archive |
Allows a user to archive a patient record. Note: This task also requires the "Patients, Edit Patient Information" security right (to update patient information). |
Patients, Delete |
Patients, Edit Family Relations |
Allows a user to change a head of household, combine families, and separate a family. |
Patients, Edit Insurance Information |
Allows a user to access a patient's or subscriber's insurance information either in Family File or by clicking the Ins Claim Info button in the Appointment Information dialog of a patient's appointment. In the Insurance Information dialog box, the user can perform any of the following tasks: Attach a dental or medical insurance plan to a subscriber. Note: Adding a new insurance plan and attaching it to a subscriber also requires the "Insurance Plans, Add New/Edit Info" security right. Change the coverage order of a dental or medical insurance plan. Change the coverage dates of a dental or medical insurance plan. Clear coverage for a dental or medical insurance plan. Update the met deductibles and used benefits for a dental insurance plan. Update the patient's insurance information, or change the subscriber's information for an insurance plan. Change the patient's eligibility information. View insurance plan history. |
Patients, Edit Patient Information |
Allows a user to update patient information in Family File. Note: Additionally, changing a patient's preferred clinic requires the "Clinic ID Change" security right. |
Patients, Merge Patients |
Allows a user to merge duplicate patient records into one. |
Print Patient Notes |
Allows a user to run the Patient Notes Report (in Family File). |
Insurance |
Eclaims: Require attachment, override |
Allows a user to send electronic claims and pre-treatment estimates if required attachments for any of the associated procedures are missing. Note: Sending electronic claims requires the "Send Electronic Claims" security right. |
Insurance Claims, Create New |
Allows a user to perform the following tasks: Create a primary dental or medical insurance claim. Create a secondary, tertiary, or quaternary dental insurance claim. Notes: This task also requires the "Insurance Claims, Open" security right (to view the primary insurance claim). If a secondary dental insurance plan was attached to a patient's record or that plan was updated after creating the primary dental insurance claim, updating Dentrix Enterprise to use the new secondary dental insurance plan information to create a secondary dental insurance claim requires the "Insurance Claims, Edit" security right. Create a secondary medical insurance claim. Note: This task also requires the "Insurance Claims, Open" security right (to view the primary insurance claim). Reprint a dental or medical insurance claim: Reprint a claim that was edited and needs to be resubmitted (without viewing it first). View and then reprint a claim that was edited and needs to be resubmitted. Note: This task also requires the "Insurance Claims, Open" security right (to view the insurance claim). Note: Printing a claim (instead of sending it to the Batch Processor) requires the "Print Insurance Claims" and "Batch Processor, Print/Display Reports" security rights. Resubmit a dental or medical insurance claim electronically: Resubmit a claim (without viewing it first). View and then resubmit a claim. Note: This task also requires the "Insurance Claims, Open" security right (to view the insurance claim). Note: Sending a claim electronically (instead of sending it to the Batch Processor) requires the "Send Electronic Claims" security right. Create a primary dental or medical pre-treatment estimate. Create a secondary, tertiary, or quaternary dental pre-treatment estimate. Note: This task also requires the "Insurance Claims, Open" security right (to view the primary pre-treatment estimate). Create a secondary medical insurance pre-treatment estimate. Note: This task also requires the "Insurance Claims, Open" security right (to view the primary pre-treatment estimate). |
Insurance Claims, Delete |
Allows a user to perform the following tasks: Delete a dental or medical insurance claim. Note: This task also requires the "Insurance Claims, Open" security right (to view the insurance claim). Delete a dental or medical pre-treatment estimate. Note: This task also requires the "Insurance Claims, Open" security right (to view the pre-treatment estimate). |
Insurance Claims, Delete Received |
Allows a user to perform the following tasks: Delete a dental or medical insurance claim with attached payments or adjustments. Note: This task also requires the "Insurance Claims, Delete" security right (to delete the insurance claim). Delete a dental or medical pre-treatment estimate with attached pre-authorizations or adjustments. Note: This task also requires the "Insurance Claims, Delete" security right (to delete the pre-treatment estimate). |
Insurance Claims, Edit |
Allows a user to perform the following tasks: Create an insurance claim as part of a fast checkout. Notes: This task also requires the "Batch Processor, Print/Display Reports" security right (if the user needs to print the claim). Performing a fast checkout requires the "Fast Checkout" security right. Edit a dental or medical insurance claim: Change dental or medical insurance claim providers (billing, pay-to, and rendering). Change the standard dental or medical insurance claim information. Include attachments with a dental or medical insurance claim. Edit the subscriber information for a dental or medical insurance claim. If a secondary dental/medical insurance plan was attached to a patient's record or that plan was updated after creating the primary dental/medical insurance claim, update Dentrix Enterprise to use the new secondary dental/medical insurance plan information. Edit the deductible and benefit information for a dental insurance claim. Manage dental diagnostic codes on a dental insurance claim. Manage diagnostic codes on a medical insurance claim. Update the status of a dental or medical insurance claim. View the dental or medical insurance plan notes from a claim. Note: Editing insurance plan notes also requires the "Insurance Coverage, Modify" security right. Note: All these tasks also require the "Insurance Claims, Open" security right (to view the insurance claim). Edit a dental or medical insurance pre-treatment estimate: Change dental or medical pre-treatment estimate providers (billing, pay-to, and rendering). Change the standard dental or medical insurance pre-treatment estimate information. Include attachments with a dental or medical insurance pre-treatment estimate. Edit the subscriber information for a dental or medical insurance pre-treatment estimate. If a secondary dental/medical insurance plan was attached to a patient's record or that plan was updated after creating the primary dental/medical insurance pre-treatment estimate, update Dentrix Enterprise to use the new secondary dental/medical insurance plan information. Manage dental diagnostic codes on a dental insurance pre-treatment estimate. Manage diagnostic codes on a medical insurance pre-treatment estimate. Update the status of a dental or medical insurance pre-treatment estimate. Edit the insurance amounts for procedures on a dental or medical pre-treatment estimate. Note: Updating dental insurance plan payment tables also requires the "Insurance Payment Tables, Modify" security right. Enter a pre-treatment estimate authorization for a dental or medical pre-treatment estimate. Note: Updating dental insurance plan payment tables also requires the "Insurance Payment Tables, Modify" security right. View the dental or medical insurance plan notes from a pre-treatment estimate. Note: Editing insurance plan notes also requires the "Insurance Coverage, Modify" security right. Note: All these tasks also require the "Insurance Claims, Open" security right (to view the pre-treatment estimate). |
Insurance Claims, Insurance Estimate Amount, Edit |
Allows a user to edit the estimated insurance portion of an insurance payment for a claim. |
Insurance Claims, Open |
Allows a user to perform the following tasks: View a primary dental or medical insurance claim immediately after creating it (if the user clicks Today's Procedures or Selected Procedures on the Insurance menu to create the claim). Open a claim by double-clicking it in the transaction log of Ledger. View insurance claim history. View and then reprint a claim that was not sent to the insurance carrier or that does not need to be resubmitted. Note: Printing a claim that is being viewed (instead of sending it to the Batch Processor) requires the "Print Insurance Claims" and "Batch Processor, Print/Display Reports" security rights. |
Insurance Claims, Split |
Insurance Coverage, Modify |
Allows a user to perform the following tasks: Access the coverage table templates and then perform any of the following tasks: Copy a coverage table to insurance plans. Change the coverage table for a dental insurance plan (in Office Manager). Change the coverage table for a dental insurance plan (in Family File). Note: This task also requires the "Patients, Edit Insurance Information" security right (to access a patient's insurance information). Edit dental or medical insurance plan notes from a claim. Note: This task also requires the "Insurance Claims, Open" security right (to view the claim) and the "Insurance Claims, Edit" security right (to view the plan notes). Edit dental or medical insurance plan notes from a pre-treatment estimate. Note: This task also requires the "Insurance Claims, Open" security right (to view the pre-treatment estimate) and the "Insurance Claims, Edit" security right (to view the plan notes). |
Insurance Payment Tables, Modify |
Allows a user to perform the following tasks: Change the payment table for a dental insurance plan (in Office Manager). Change the payment table for a dental insurance plan (in Family File). Note: This task also requires the "Patients, Edit Insurance Information" security right (to access a patient's insurance information). Update the payment table for a dental insurance plan when performing any of the following tasks that the user is allowed to perform: Entering an insurance payment for a dental claim. Note: This task also requires the "Ins Payments, Enter" security right. Entering a pre-treatment estimate authorization for a dental pre-treatment estimate. Note: This task also requires the "Insurance Claims, Edit" security right. Editing the insurance amounts for procedures on a dental insurance claim. Editing the insurance amounts for procedures on a dental pre-treatment estimate. Note: This task also requires the "Insurance Claims, Edit" security right. Note: These tasks also require the "Insurance Claims, Open" security right (to view the claim or pre-treatment estimate). |
Insurance Plans, Add New/Edit Info |
Allows a user to perform the following tasks: Add a new insurance plan while attaching dental or medical insurance to a subscriber in Family File. Note: This task also requires the "Patients, Edit Insurance Information" security right (to access the subscriber's insurance information). Update a dental or medical insurance plan in Family File. Note: This task also requires the "Patients, Edit Insurance Information" security right (to access the subscriber's or patient's insurance information). Add a dental or medical insurance plan (in Office Manager). Update a dental or medical insurance plan (in Office Manager). |
Print Insurance Claims |
Allows a user to perform the following tasks: Print a dental or medical insurance claim in any of the following scenarios (in Ledger): If the claim window opens immediately after the user creates a dental or medical insurance claim. If the user opens the claim window by double-clicking a claim in the transaction log of Ledger. Print a dental or medical insurance pre-treatment estimate in any of the following scenarios (in the Ledger-Treatment Plan view of Ledger). If the pre-treatment estimate window opens immediately after the user creates a dental or medical insurance claim. If the user opens the pre-treatment estimate window by double-clicking a pre-treatment estimate in the transaction log of the Ledger-Treatment Plan view of Ledger. Reprint a dental or medical insurance claim, using any of the following methods: Reprinting a claim that was edited and needs to be resubmitted (without viewing it first). Viewing and then reprinting a claim that was edited and needs to be resubmitted. Note: Both of these actions require the "Insurance Claims, Create New" security right. View and then reprint a claim that was not sent to the insurance carrier or that does not need to be resubmitted. Note: All of these tasks also require the following security rights: "Insurance Claims, Open" security right (to view the insurance claim or pre-treatment estimate). "Batch Processor, Print/Display Reports" security rights (to print the claim instead of sending it to the Batch Processor). |
Provider ID Setup |
Allows a user to perform the following tasks: Set up provider IDs for dental or medical insurance plans (in Family File). Set up provider IDs for dental or medical insurance plans (in Office Manager). Notes: Which providers are available for selection depends on the following criteria: Providers in all clinics are available if the user has been granted the "View All Providers" security right for the Central clinic and if the user has not been granted the "My Clinics, Select Provider" security right (in the "Practice/Clinic Setup" category) for the clinic that the user is logged in to. Only providers in the user's allowed clinics are available if the user has been granted the "My Clinics, Select Provider" security right (in the "Practice/Clinic Setup" category) for at least one clinic and if the user has not been granted the "View All Providers" security right for the Central clinic. Which clinics are available for selection depends on the following criteria: Clinics for which the user has been granted the "My Clinics, View" security right (in the "Practice/Clinic Setup" category) are available. If the user account has not been granted the "My Clinics, View" security right (in the "Practice/Clinic Setup" category) to any clinic, only the clinic that the user is currently logged in to is available. |
Send Electronic Billing |
Allows a user to send billing statements electronically. |
Send Electronic Claims |
Allows a user to perform the following tasks: Send one or more insurance claims electronically (in Office Manager). Note: Creating a batch of insurance claims to send electronically requires the "Create Batch Insurance Claims" security right. Submit a dental or medical insurance claim electronically in any of the following scenarios (in Ledger): If the claim window opens immediately after the user creates a dental or medical insurance claim. If the user opens the claim window by double-clicking a claim in the transaction log of Ledger. Note: Both of these actions require the "Insurance Claims, Open" security right (to view the insurance claim). Resubmit a dental or medical insurance claim (in Ledger). Note: This task also requires the "Insurance Claims, Open" security right (to view the insurance claim) and the "Insurance Claims, Create New" security right. Note: Which claims the user can send electronically depends on the following criteria: The claims in all the clinics that the user has been granted the "Send Electronic Claims" security right for. The claims in the clinics that (1) pertain to the Office Manager view being used and that (2) the user has been granted the "Send Electronic Claims" security right for. |
Trojan, Import |
Allows a user to import insurance plans from Trojan. |
Ledger |
Credit Adjustment, Delete |
Allows a user to perform the following tasks: Note: This task also requires the "Credit Adjustment, Edit" security right (to view the credit adjustment). Delete a dental or medical insurance credit adjustment, using any of the following methods: By double-clicking the credit adjustment in the transaction log of Ledger. Note: This method also requires the "Credit Adjustment, Edit" security right (to view the credit adjustment). By double-clicking the credit adjustment in the insurance claim window. Note This method also requires the "Insurance Claims, Open" security right (to view the claim) and the "Credit Adjustment, Edit" security right (to view the credit adjustment). |
Credit Adjustment, Edit |
Allows a user to perform the following tasks: Edit a dental or medical insurance credit adjustment, using any of the following methods: By double-clicking the credit adjustment in the transaction log of Ledger. By double-clicking the credit adjustment in the insurance claim window. Note This method also requires the "Insurance Claims, Open" security right (to view the claim). The note text of a suspended credit being applied will be saved. Note: Applying suspended credits requires the "Suspended Credits, Apply" security right. |
Credit Adjustment, Enter |
Allows a user to perform the following tasks: Post a dental or medical insurance credit adjustment, using any of the following methods that the user is allowed to perform: While posting a dental or medical insurance payment, add a credit adjustment. Note: This method also requires the "Ins Payments, Enter" security right (to enter an insurance payment). Add a credit adjustment to a paid claim. Note: This task also requires the "Insurance Claims, Open" security right (to view the claim). |
Debit Adjustment, Delete |
Allows a user to perform the following tasks: Note: This task also requires the "Debit Adjustment, Edit" security right (to view the charge adjustment). Delete a dental or medical insurance charge adjustment, using any of the following methods that the user is allowed to perform: By double-clicking the charge adjustment in the transaction log of Ledger. Note: This method also requires the "Debit Adjustment, Edit" security right (to view the charge adjustment). By double-clicking the charge adjustment in the insurance claim window. Note This method also requires the "Insurance Claims, Open" security right (to view the claim) and the "Debit Adjustment, Edit" security right (to view the charge adjustment). |
Debit Adjustment, Edit |
Allows a user to perform the following tasks: Edit a dental or medical insurance charge adjustment, using any of the following methods: By double-clicking the charge adjustment in the transaction log of Ledger. By double-clicking the charge adjustment in the insurance claim window. Note This method also requires the "Insurance Claims, Open" security right (to view the claim). |
Debit Adjustment, Enter |
Allows a user to perform the following tasks: Post a dental or medical insurance charge adjustment, using any of the following methods that the user is allowed to perform: While posting a dental or medical insurance payment, add a charge adjustment. Note: This method also requires the "Ins Payments, Enter" security right (to enter an insurance payment). Add a charge adjustment to a paid claim. Note: This task also requires the "Insurance Claims, Open" security right (to view the claim). |
Debit Adjustment, Void/Refund |
Allows a user to process a void/refund for a credit card transaction (Axia only). Note: This task also requires the "Guarantor Payment, Edit" security right. |
Delete, Billing Statements |
Allows a user to delete a billing statement on the Billing tab of More Information. |
Fast Checkout |
Allows the user to perform a fast check out (using the Fast Checkout button). Note: Additional security rights may be required: Posting a patient payment as part of a fast checkout requires the "Guarantor Payment, Edit" security right. Creating an insurance claim as part of a fast checkout requires the "Insurance Claims, Edit" security right (to create the claim) and the "Batch Processor, Print/Display Reports" security right (if printing the claim). Printing a family walkout, doctor's statement, and/or appointment reminder card as part of a fast checkout requires the "Batch Processor, Print/Display Reports" security right. Setting up a patient's portal account, and generating and sending a clinical summary to Patient Portal as part of a fast checkout requires the "Patient Health Exchange, Open" security right. |
Fee Amount, Edit |
Allows a user to change the fee for a procedure when performing any of the following tasks that the user is allowed to perform: Posting a completed procedure (in Ledger). Editing a completed procedure (in Ledger). Posting a planned procedure (in the Ledger-Treatment Plan view of Ledger). Editing a planned procedure (in the Ledger-Treatment Plan view of Ledger). Editing a completed or planned procedure (in Chart). Editing a planned procedure (in Treatment Planner). |
LC/FC, Delete |
Allows a user to delete finance and late charges. Note: This task also requires the "LC/FC, Edit" security right (to view the finance or late charge). |
LC/FC, Edit |
Allows a user to edit finance and late charges. |
LC/FC, Enter |
Allows a user to perform the following tasks: |
Ledger + History |
Allows a user to view history transactions in the Ledger transaction log (on the Options menu, click Ledger + History). |
Ledger Setup |
Allows a user to perform the following tasks: |
Ledger, Backdate to Closed Month |
Allows a user to backdate a transaction to a date in a month that has been closed. The user can do this when performing any of the following tasks that the user is allowed to perform: Posting or editing a completed procedure (in Ledger). Editing a completed procedure (Chart). Posting or editing a charge adjustment. Posting or editing a credit adjustment. Posting a batch of patient payments, or editing a payment while posting a batch of patient payments. Editing a finance or late charge. Posting a finance or late charge. Posting a credit card payment to a payment plan (Axia only). Posting a credit card payment to a payment plan (Dentrix Enterprise Pay only). Posting a patient payment to a payment plan. Editing a dental or medical insurance charge adjustment. Editing a dental or medical insurance credit adjustment. Posting a dental or medical insurance charge adjustment. Posting a dental or medical insurance credit adjustment. Posting or editing a patient payment. Posting a credit card payment (Axia only). Posting an offline credit card payment (Axia only). Posting a credit card payment (Dentrix Enterprise Pay only). From Suspended Credits Manager, applying a suspended credit to a payment with a date in a month that has been closed. |
Ledger, Open |
Allows a user to open Ledger. |
Ledger, Open Treatment Plan |
Allows a user to switch to the Ledger-Treatment Plan view in Ledger. |
RVU Amount, Edit |
Allows a user to change the RVU of a procedure when performing any of the following tasks that the user is allowed to perform: Posting a completed procedure (in Ledger). Editing a completed procedure (in Ledger). Posting a planned procedure (in the Ledger-Treatment Plan view of Ledger). Editing a planned procedure (in the Ledger-Treatment Plan view of Ledger). Editing a completed or planned procedure (in Chart). Editing a planned procedure (in Treatment Planner). |
Suspended Credits Manager, Open |
Allows a user to open Suspended Credits Manager. |
Suspended Credits, Apply |
Allows a user to apply suspended credits in Ledger. Note: Applying a suspended credit to a payment also requires the "Guarantor Payment, Edit" security right. |
Letters |
Letters, Add New |
Allows a user to perform the following tasks: Note: This task also requires the "Reports" security right (to access Letters). |
Letters, Birthday |
Allows a user to access patient report views in the Birthday category. Note: This task also requires the "Reports" security right (to access Letters). |
Letters, Collection |
Allows a user to access patient report views in the Collection category. Note: This task also requires the "Reports" security right (to access Letters). |
Letters, Continuing Care |
Allows a user to access patient report views in the Continuing Care category. Note: This task also requires the "Reports" security right (to access Letters). |
Letters, Delete |
Allows a user to perform the following tasks: Delete patient report views in Letters. Note: This task also requires the "Reports" security right (to access Letters). Remove letters from Quick Letters. |
Letters, Edit |
Allows a user to perform the following tasks: Edit patient report views in Letters. Note: This task also requires the "Reports" security right (to access Letters). Edit letters in Quick Letters. |
Letters, Inactive Patient |
Allows a user to access patient report views in the Inactive Patients category. Note: This task also requires the "Reports" security right (to access Letters). |
Letters, Misc. |
Allows a user to access patient report views in the Misc category. Note: This task also requires the "Reports" security right (to access Letters). |
Letters, Referral |
Allows a user to access patient report views in the Referral category. Note: This task also requires the "Reports" security right (to access Letters). |
Letters, Welcome |
Allows a user to access patient report views in the Welcome category. Note: This task also requires the "Reports" security right (to access Letters). |
Patient Quick Letters |
Allows a user to perform the following tasks: Create a letter to send from Collections Manager. Create a letter to send to a referral source/destination (in Family File). |
More Information |
More Information, Open |
Allows a user to open More Information. |
OHS Survey, Edit |
Allows the user to view or edit an OHS survey on the OHS tab of More Information. |
Patient Picture, Edit |
Allows the user to add and modify a patient picture in More Information. |
Office Journal |
My Clinics, View |
Allows a user to search for a provider (or a staff member if applicable) in the user's allowed clinics when performing any of the following tasks that the user is allowed to perform: Adding or editing a manual journal entry in Office Journal. Opening Office Journal for a provider or staff member. In Office Journal, viewing family and patient journal entries. In Office Journal, viewing provider/staff journal entries. Note: Searching for providers in all the user's allowed clinics requires the following: The "My Clinics, View" security right (in the "Office Journal" category) to be granted to the user for at least one clinic other than the clinic that user is logged in to. The "View All Patients" security right (for the Central clinic) not to be granted to the user. |
Office Journal, Add Entries |
Allows a user to add manual journal entries. |
Office Journal, Delete Entries |
Allows a user to delete manual journal entries. |
Office Journal, Edit Entries |
Allows a user to edit manual journal entries. |
Office Journal, Open |
Allows a user to open Office Journal. |
Print Office Journal Reports |
Allows a user to print the Office Journal List. |
Office Manager |
Batch Processor, Delete Reports |
Allows a user to delete reports that are in the Batch Processor. Note: This task also requires the "Reports" security right (to access the Delete Report(s) button and the Delete option on the File menu). |
Batch Processor, Print/Display Reports |
Allows a user to perform the following tasks: Preview reports, billing statements, claims, and blank ADA claim forms that are in the Batch Processor. Note: This task also requires the "Reports" security right (to access the Print Preview button and the Print Preview option on the File menu). Print reports, billing statements, claims, and blank ADA claim forms that are in the Batch Processor. Note: This task also requires the "Reports" security right (to access the Print Report(s) button and the Print option on the File menu). Print a batch of primary insurance claims in Office Manager. Note: Creating a batch of claims requires the "Create Batch Insurance Claims" security right. Print an insurance claim directly from Ledger (depending on which tasks the user is allowed to perform): Print a dental or medical insurance claim in any of the following scenarios (in Ledger): If the claim window opens immediately after the user creates a dental or medical insurance claim. If the user opens the claim window by double-clicking a claim in the transaction log of Ledger. Print a dental or medical insurance pre-treatment estimate in any of the following scenarios (in the Ledger-Treatment Plan view of Ledger). If the pre-treatment estimate window opens immediately after the user creates a dental or medical insurance claim. If the user opens the pre-treatment estimate window by double-clicking a pre-treatment estimate in the transaction log of the Ledger-Treatment Plan view of Ledger. Reprint a dental or medical insurance claim, using any of the following methods (in Ledger): Reprinting a claim that was edited and needs to be resubmitted (without viewing it first). Viewing and then reprinting a claim that was edited and needs to be resubmitted. Note: Both of these actions require the "Insurance Claims, Create New" security right. View and then reprint a claim (in Ledger) that was not sent to the insurance carrier or that does not need to be resubmitted. Note: Printing a claim or pre-treatment estimate (instead of sending it to the Batch Processor) also requires the "Insurance Claims, Open" security right (to view the insurance claim or pre-treatment estimate) and the "Print Insurance Claims" security right (to print the claim or pre-treatment estimate from Ledger). Print the list of matching payments when searching for payments in Ledger. Print an insurance claim that gets created as part of a fast check out. Note: Creating an insurance claim as part of a fast checkout requires the "Insurance Claims, Edit" security right. Print a payment book when creating or editing a future due payment plan. Notes: Accessing future due payment plans requires the "Patient Finances, Modify" security right. Creating and editing future due payment plans requires the "Payment Plans, Add New/Edit Info" security right. Print an appointment reminder card from Ledger (instead of sending it to the Batch Processor). Print a billing statement from Ledger (instead of sending it to the Batch Processor). Print a doctor's statement from Ledger (instead of sending it to the Batch Processor). Print the Family Ledger Report from Ledger (instead of sending it to the Batch Processor). Print a Family walkout from Ledger (instead of sending it to the Batch Processor). Print the Patient Ledger Report from Ledger (instead of sending it to the Batch Processor). |
Clinical Quality Measures, Open |
Allows a user to access CQMsolution. Note: This task also requires the "Reports" security right. |
Create Batch Insurance Claims |
Allows a user to create a batch of primary insurance claims in Office Manager. Notes: Claims will be created for completed procedures that are associated with the specified clinics. If the user has been granted the "View All Patients" security right, all clinics are available; otherwise, the clinics for which the user has been granted the "My Clinics, View" security right (in the "Practice/Clinic Setup" category) are available; however, if the user has not been granted that right to any clinic, only the clinic that the user is currently logged in to is available. Claims will be created for completed procedures that are associated with the specified providers. Which providers are available for selection depends on the following options: All Clinics - This option is available only if the user has been granted the "View All Providers" security right for the Central clinic and if the user has not been granted the "My Clinics, Select Provider" security right for the clinic that the user is currently logged in to. My Clinics - This option is available only if the user has been granted the "My Clinics, Select Provider" security right for at least one clinic and if the user has not been granted the "View All Providers" security right for the Central clinic. Printing a batch of insurance claims requires the "Batch Processor, Print/Display Reports" security right. Sending a batch of insurance claims electronically requires the "Send Electronic Claims" security right. |
DXOne Report, Launch |
Allows a user to open DXOne Reporting. Note: Which reports the user can generate and for which clinics and providers/staff is determined by a separate set of report security rights for DXOne Reporting reports. |
Dynamic Reporting Interface, Export |
Allows a user to export data from the dynamic reporting dashboard. |
Dynamic Reporting Interface, Open |
Allows a user to open the dynamic reporting dashboard. |
File Exchange, Open |
Allows a user to open File Exchange and then perform any of the following tasks (without additional security rights): Export provider and staff data. |
File Exchange, View/Edit Scheduler |
Allows a user to manage scheduled export jobs in File Exchange. Note: This task also requires the "File Exchange, Open" security right (to access File Exchange). |
Global Alerts, Add/Edit/Delete |
Allows a user to access the Global Alerts Setup and perform the following tasks: |
Global Alerts, Enable/Disable |
Allows a user to turn global alerts on and off. Note: This task also requires the "Global Alerts, Add/Edit/Delete" security right (to access the Global Alerts Setup). |
Meaningful Use Measure Calculation, Open |
Allows a user to access and generate the Meaningful Use Measure Calculation List. Notes: This task also requires the "Reports" security right. The providers who are associated with your Meaningful Use subscription and who are associated with the clinics for which the user has been granted the "My Clinics, Select Provider" security right (in the "Practice/Clinic Setup" category) are available for selection. |
My Clinics, View |
Allows a user to set up the view for Office Manager to include the user's allowed clinics. Notes: Including the user's allowed clinics also requires the following: The "My Clinics, View" security right (in the "Office Manager" category) to be granted to the user for at least one clinic. The "View All Patients" security right (for the Central clinic) not to be granted to the user. |
Office Manager, Open |
Allows a user to open Office Manager. |
Office, Report Multiple Clinics |
Allows a user to perform the following tasks: Delete reports that have been generated in clinics other than the one that the user is logged in to. Note: Deleting reports that are in the Batch Processor also requires the "Reports" and "Batch Processor, Delete Reports" security rights. Preview reports that have been generated in clinics other than the one that the user is logged in to. Note: Previewing reports that are in the Batch Processor also requires the "Reports" and "Batch Processor, Print/Display Reports" security rights. Print reports that have been generated in clinics other than the one that the user is logged in to. Note: Printing reports that are in the Batch Processor also requires the "Reports" and "Batch Processor, Print/Display Reports" security rights. |
Patient Health Exchange Document Inbox, Open |
Allows a user to access the patient health exchange inbox to view patient messages that have been sent through Patient Portal and to import C-CDA documents and file uploads. |
Patient List, Add |
Allows a user to add a template to run for the Patient List (in Office Manager). Notes: Editing a template requires the "Patient List, Edit" security right. This task also requires the "Patient List, Open" security right (to access and run templates). |
Patient List, Delete |
Allows a user to delete an existing template for the Patient List (in Office Manager). Note: This task also requires the "Patient List, Open" security right (to access the template). |
Patient List, Edit |
Allows a user to edit an existing template to run for the Patient List (in Office Manager). Notes: The user can save the changes to the template only if the user has been granted the "Patient List, Add" security right. This task also requires the "Patient List, Open" security right (to access and run templates). |
Patient List, Open |
Allows a user to access and run templates for the Patient List (in Office Manager). |
Print Day Sheet |
Allows a user to set up the options for and generate the Day sheet (charges and receipts). Notes: This task also requires the "Reports" security right. Including month-to-date and year-to-date totals on the day sheet requires the "Print Day Sheet - MTD/YTD" security right. |
Print Day Sheet, MTD/YTD |
Allows a user to choose to include month-to-date and year-to-date totals on the Day sheet (charges and receipts). Note: This task also requires the "Reports" security right and the "Print Day Sheet" security right (to access the report options and generate the day sheet). |
Procedure Button Template, Manage |
Allows a user to access the Chart Procedure Button Setup to add, edit, delete, and assign templates. |
Purge Insurance/Employer |
Allows a user access to perform the following tasks: |
Reports |
Allows a user to access the following: In Office Manager - The options on the Reports menu, the Day Sheet button, the Operator Day Sheet button, the Letters menu, the Print Preview button, the Print Preview option on the File menu, the Print Report(s) button, the Print option on the File menu, the Delete Report(s) button, the Delete option on the File menu, the Collections Manager button, and the Collections Manager option on the Analysis menu. In Treatment Planner - The Practice Treatment Case Report option on the following menus: on the File > Print menu, on the Print button menu on the toolbar, and on the Print button menu at the top of the Treatment Plan Case Setup section. In Family File - The options for changing the patient or range of patients for the Patient Notes Report. |
RxBE Export, Open |
Allows a user to export prescription data. |
Sched Reports, Delete Any |
Allows a user to delete a scheduled report (with a status of "sched") in the Batch Processor. Note: This task also requires the "Reports" security right (to access the Delete Report(s) button and the Delete option on the File menu) and the "Batch Processor, Delete Reports" security right. |
Sched Reports, Print/View Any |
Allows a user to print or preview a scheduled report (with a status of "sched") in the Batch Processor. Notes: Printing a report also requires the "Reports" security right (to access the Print Report(s) button and the Print option on the File menu) and the "Batch Processor, Print/Display Reports" security right. Previewing a report also requires the "Reports" security right (to access the Print Preview button and menu option) and the "Batch Processor, Print/Display Reports" security right. |
View Database Users |
Allows a user to view a list of users that are currently logged in to Dentrix Enterprise (in Office Manager, on the Maintenance menu, click Database User List). Note: This list can help the user make sure that no other users are logged in to Dentrix Enterprise so single-user mode can be enabled. |
Practice/Clinic Setup |
Chart Number Setup |
Allows a user to set up chart numbers. |
Clinic ID Change |
Allows a user to change the clinic for a patient, payment, adjustment, clinic, provider, or staff member. The user can do this while performing any of the following tasks that the user is allowed to perform: Posting or editing a credit adjustment. Posting or editing a charge adjustment. Posting a finance or late charge. Editing a finance or late charge. Posting a dental or medical insurance charge adjustment. Posting a dental or medical insurance credit adjustment. Editing a dental or medical insurance charge adjustment. Editing a dental or medical insurance credit adjustment. Posting a batch of patient payments, or editing a payment while posting a batch of patient payments. Posting a patient payment as part of a fast checkout. Posting or editing a patient payment. Posting a patient payment to a payment plan. Posting a credit card payment (Axia only). Posting an offline credit card payment (Axia only). Posting a credit card payment (Dentrix Enterprise Pay only). Posting a credit card payment to a payment plan (Axia only). Posting a credit card payment to a payment plan (Dentrix Enterprise Pay only). Posting a dental or medical insurance payment. Posting a partial insurance payment for dental or medical claim. Posting a batch of insurance payments from an ERA. Posting a batch of insurance payments manually. |
Clinic Resource Setup |
Allows a user to perform the following tasks: Note: Specifying a provider's log-in credentials (ID and password) requires the "Password Administration" security right. Notes: If you are logged in as the provider that you want to edit, editing your provider information also requires the "User Self Setup" security right. Changing the log-in credentials (ID and password) that the provider will use to log in to Dentrix Enterprise requires the "Password Administration" security right. Inactivating and reactivating providers also requires the "Providers, Inactivate" security right. Note: Specifying a staff member's log-in credentials (ID and password) requires the "Password Administration" security right. Notes: If you are logged in as the staff member that you want to edit, editing your staff member information also requires the "User Self Setup" security right. Changing the log-in credentials (ID and password) that the staff member will use to log in to Dentrix Enterprise requires the "Password Administration" security right. Inactivating and reactivating staff members requires the "Providers, Inactivate" security right. Access the Portal Setup and then perform any of the following tasks: Verify the Updox account for DIRECT messaging. |
Clinical Review Dashboard, Select Docs For Review |
Allows a user to access the Clinical Note Review Dashboard (with the Select Documents for Review tab selected by default) to start a clinical note review (as the evaluator). |
Clinical Review Dashboard, Signature Override |
Allows a user to sign clinical note reviews on behalf of evaluatees, evaluators, and second-level evaluators. |
Clinical Review Dashboard, Template Setup |
Allows a user to add and edit templates for the Clinical Note Review Dashboard. Note: This task also requires the "Clinical Review Dashboard, Select Docs For Review" security right (to access the Clinical Note Review Dashboard). |
Clinical Review Dashboard, Unsigned Reviews |
Allows a user to access the Unsigned Reviews tab of the Clinical Review Dashboard. |
Clinical Review Dashboard, Unsigned Reviews, Edit |
Allows a user to perform the following tasks: Resume a clinical note review as an evaluator or second-level evaluator. (The user can add second-level evaluators to, change or remove providers from, and delete unsigned reviews.) Sign a clinical note review as an evaluatee, evaluator, or second-level evaluator. Note: These tasks also require the Clinical Review Dashboard, Unsigned Reviews (to access the Unsigned Reviews tab of the Clinical Review Dashboard). |
Customize Toolbars |
Allows a user to customize the classic toolbars in various modules. |
Employers, Add New/Edit Info |
Allows a user to perform the following tasks: Attach, change, or remove an employer for a patient (in Family File). |
Fee Schedule Setup |
Allows a user to perform the following tasks: Add a fee to a fee schedule when adding or editing a procedure code. Note: Managing procedure codes requires the "Procedure Code Setup" security right. |
Health History Form, Export |
(For IHS facilities only) Allows a user to export a copy of a medical health history assessement as a .pdf file to a folder on the computer or to the patient's Document Center record. In the Save/Print section, the Export PDF and DOC Center buttons are available for the user. |
Health History Form, Open |
(For IHS facilities only) Allows a user to open a patient's medical health history assessement by clicking the Patient Health History Wizard button (on the toolbar of Family File, Chart, or Ledger). |
Health History Form, Require Patient Signature |
(For IHS facilities only) The Require Patient signature checkbox (in the Visition Information section) on medical health history assessments is available for a user. |
Health History Form, Save |
(For IHS facilities only) Allows a user to save a patient's medical health history assessement. In the Save/Print section, the Finish & Save button is available for the user. |
Health History Form, Sign |
(For IHS facilities only) Allows a user to sign a Practice signature (in the Signature section) for a patient's medical health history assessement. |
Multi-Codes, Setup |
Allows a user to access the Multi-Code Setup. |
My Clinics, Select Patients |
Allows a user to view patients in the user's allowed clinics. The user can search for patients in the user's allowed clinics. Note: If the user has been granted the "View All Patients" security right (for the Central clinic), the user can search in all clinics instead. In Office Manager, when the user is setting up the Assigned Clinic filter for generating the Patient List (if the user is allowed to perform that task), the user's allowed clinics are available for selection. Note: The user's allowed clinics are available only if the user has been granted the "My Clinics, Select Patients" security right for at least one clinic and if the user has not been granted the "View All Patients" security right for the Central clinic. Without the "View All Patients" and "My Clinics, Select Patients" security rights, only the clinic that the user is logged in to is available.
My Clinics, Select Provider |
Allows a user to view providers in the user's allowed clinics. The user can search for a provider (or a staff member if applicable) in the user's allowed clinics when performing any of the following tasks that the user is allowed to perform: Scheduling an appointment for a new patient. Changing the provider for a charting session in Chart. Changing the required procedure fields in Chart. Editing conditions and diagnoses. Editing treatment (in Chart). Adding or editing a lab order. Adding or editing a patient health assessment. Attaching an inbound or outbound referral to a procedure (in Chart). Setting up a view in Collections Manager. Setting up view options in Document Center. Modifying document attachments. Attaching an unfiled document to an entity. Selecting a Prov1, Prov2, or Initial Provider when the user is adding a new family or family member in Family File. Selecting a Prov1, Prov2, or Initial Provider when the user is updating patient information in Family File. Setting up provider IDs for dental or medical insurance plans (in Family File). Running the Patient Notes Report (in Family File). Analyzing production from a referral source or a referring patient (in Family File). Analyzing referrals to a referral destination (in Family File). Attaching an inbound doctor/other or patient referral to a patient in Family File. Editing a patient's inbound doctor/other or patient referral in Family File. Attaching an outbound doctor/specialist referral to a patient in Family File. Editing a patient's outbound doctor/specialist referral in Family File. Posting or editing a charge adjustment. Posting a finance or late charge. Editing a finance or late charge. Posting a batch of insurance payments from an ERA or manually. Creating or editing a future due payment plan. Posting a dental or medical insurance charge adjustment. Changing dental or medical insurance claim providers (billing, pay-to, and rendering). Attaching an inbound referral to a procedure (in Ledger). Posting or editing a completed procedure (in Ledger). Attaching an inbound or outbound referral to a planned procedure (in the Ledger-Treatment Plan view of Ledger). Posting or editing a planned procedure (in the Ledger-Treatment Plan view of Ledger). Changing dental or medical pre-treatment estimate providers (billing, pay-to, and rendering). Creating a batch of primary insurance claims. Adding or editing a continuing care view. Selecting a Default Provider or Copy Patient Provider when the user is setting up general practice defaults Selecting a specific Billing Provider, Pay-To Provider, or Rendering Provider for a template when the user is setting up default insurance claim providers. Selecting a specific provider for Name and IDs or Address and Phone when the user is setting up e-claim override options. Exporting patient data with File Exchange. Exporting provider and staff data with File Exchange. Scheduling the export of patient data with File Exchange. Generating billing statements (in Office Manager). Analyzing a doctor/other referral source (in Office Manager). Analyzing a patient referral source (in Office Manager). Generating the Family Ledger Report (in Office Manager). Generating the Future Due Payment Plan Report. Generating the Patient's Ledger Report (in Office Manager). Generating the Payment Agreement Report. Generating the Referral Recap Report. Generating the Insurance Eligibility Report. Generating the New Patient List. Generating the Patient Notes Report (in Office Manager). Generating the Treatment Plan Approval Report. Generating the Unscheduled Treatment Plans Report. Generating the Day sheet (charges and receipts). Setting up provider IDs for dental or medical insurance plans (in Office Manager). Analyzing referral sources and destinations (in Office Manager). Filtering Family Balance Manager by provider. Generating the Prescriptions Report. Filtering the Scheduling Assistant by provider. Filtering list of treatment requests by provider. Reviewing a treatment request. Changing the provider for a perio exam. Adding a standard or enhanced consent form to a treatment plan case. Viewing or editing a consent form. Editing a planned procedure (in Treatment Planner). Changing the status of a treatment plan case. Viewing or updating a treatment case's status history. Printing the Patient Treatment Case Report. Printing the Practice Treatment Case Report. Note: The user can search for providers in the user's allowed clinics only if the user has been granted the "My Clinics, Select Provider" security right for at least one clinic and if the user has not been granted the "View All Providers" security right for the Central clinic. In Office Manager, when the user is setting up the Primary Provider filter for generating the Patient List (if the user is allowed to perform that task), the providers in the user's allowed clinics are available for selection. Note: The providers in the user's allowed clinics are available only if the user has been granted the "My Clinics, Select Provider" security right for at least one clinic and if the user has not been granted the "View All Providers" security right for the Central clinic. The user can search for a provider (or a staff member if applicable) in the user's allowed clinics when performing any of the following tasks that the user is allowed to perform: Opening Office Journal for a provider or staff member. In Office Journal, viewing provider/staff journal entries. Adding or editing a manual journal entry in Office Journal. Configuring the provider setup for Appointment Book. The user can search for providers that are associated with your Meaningful Use subscription when generating the Meaningful Use Measure Calculation List (if the user is allowed to perform that task). |
My Clinics, View |
Allows a user to view the user's allowed clinics and access patient information in the user's allowed clinics. The user's allowed clinics are available for selection, when the user is performing any of the following tasks that the user is allowed to perform: Posting or editing a charge adjustment. Posting or editing a credit adjustment. Posting a finance or late charge. Editing a finance or late charge. Posting a batch of patient payments, or editing a payment while posting a batch of patient payments. Posting or editing a patient payment. Posting a patient payment to a payment plan. Posting a credit card payment (Axia only). Posting an offline credit card payment (Axia only). Posting a credit card payment to a payment plan (Axia only). Posting a credit card payment (Dentrix Enterprise Pay only). Posting a credit card payment to a payment plan (Dentrix Enterprise Pay only). Posting a dental or medical insurance payment. Posting a dental or medical insurance charge adjustment. Posting a dental or medical insurance credit adjustment. Viewing the Appointment List, ASAP List, Open List, or Unscheduled List. Changing the required procedure fields (in Chart). Entering the required procedure fields when the user is charting a completed procedure (in Chart). Editing a condition or diagnosis. Editing a completed or planned procedure (in Chart). Adding or editing a patient health assessment. Selecting a patient's preferred clinic when the user is adding a new family or a family member. Selecting a patient's preferred clinic when the user is editing patient information. Setting up provider IDs for dental or medical insurance plan (in Family File). Posting or editing a treatment-planned procedure (in the Ledger-Treatment Plan view of Ledger). Creating a batch of primary insurance claims. Starting a clinical note review (Evaluator). Resuming a clinical note review (Evaluator). Resuming a clinical note review (Second-level Evaluator). Signing a clinical note review (Evaluatee). Signing a clinical note review (Evaluator). Signing a clinical note review (Second-level Evaluator). Printing a clinical note review. Adding or editing a continuing care view. Adding or editing a Data Services account when the user is setting up automated insurance eligibility verification. Adding or editing a Dentrix Enterprise Pay merchant account when the user is setting up Dentrix Enterprise Pay. Setting up default insurance claim providers for each clinic. Selecting a Copy Patient Clinic when the user is setting up general practice defaults. Exporting patient data with File Exchange. Exporting provider and staff data with File Exchange. Scheduling the export of patient data with File Exchange. Generating billing statements (in Office Manager). Setting up the clinic filter for generating the Patient List (Office Manager). Generating the Payment Agreement Report. Generating the Insurance Eligibility Report. Generating the Treatment Plan Approval Report. Generating the Treatment Plan Approval Status Report. Generating the Day sheet (charges and receipts). Setting up provider IDs for dental or medical insurance plans (in Office Manager). Filtering Family Balance Manager. Filtering Outstanding Claim Manager. Filtering Signature Manager. Filtering Suspended Credits Manager. Generating the Prescriptions Report. Filtering the Scheduling Assistant list. Filtering the list of treatment requests. Editing a planned procedure (in Treatment Planner). Posting a batch of insurance payments from an ERA or manually. Creating or editing a future due payment plan. Posting or editing a completed procedure (in Ledger). Note: Without the "My Clinics, View" and "View All Patients" security rights, if the user has not been granted the "My Clinics, View" security right to any clinic, only the clinic that the user is logged in to is available. The user can change the clinic when adding or editing a medical encounter (in Chart) if the user has been granted the "My Clinics, View" security right to any clinic. In Office Journal, the user can view patient/family journal entries in the user's allowed clinics. Note: The user can view family journal entries in Office Journal (the Family option is available on the View menu) only if the user has been granted the "View All Patients" security right; otherwise, the user can view only patient journal entries. In Office Manager, the user can set up the view to include the user's allowed clinics. When selecting a patient, the user can search in the user's allowed clinics. |
Practice Definitions Setup |
Allows a user to manage Practice Definitions. |
Practice Preferences Setup |
Allows a user to access the Electronic Claims Setup, Preferences, Practice Defaults, and Report fonts. |
Procedure Code Setup |
Allows a user to access the Procedure Code Setup and Cross-Coding and Medical Code Setup. |
Procedure-Instructor, Enter / Edit |
Allows a user to select or change the instructor that is attached to a procedure (University edition only). |
Providers, Inactivate |
Allows a user to inactivate or reactivate providers and staff members in the Clinic Resource Setup. Note: Editing a provider or staff member to inactivate or reactivate the user requires the "Clinic Resource Setup" security right. |
RVU, Auto Changes |
Allows a user to update RVU schedules (using Auto RVU Schedule Changes). |
User Self Setup |
Allows a user to perform the following tasks: Edit your provider information if you are logged in as the provider that you want to edit. Notes: This task also requires the requires the "Clinic Resource Setup" security right. Changing the log-in credentials (ID and password) that the provider will use to log in to Dentrix Enterprise requires the "Password Administration" security right. Edit your staff member information if you are logged in as the staff member that you want to edit. Notes: This task also requires the requires the "Clinic Resource Setup" security right. Changing the log-in credentials (ID and password) that the staff member will use to log in to Dentrix Enterprise requires the "Password Administration" security right. |
Prescriptions/Immunizations |
Patient Immunizations, Add/Edit |
Patient Immunizations, Delete |
Allows a user to delete immunization records. Note: This task also requires that user verification not be assigned to the "Patient Immunizations, Delete" task. |
Patient Immunizations, Save To File |
Allows a user to export an immunization record. Note: This task also requires that user verification not be assigned to the "Patient Immunizations, Send To File" task. |
Patient Prescriptions, Delete |
Allows a user to delete a prescription. Note: This task also requires the "Patient Prescriptions, Open" security right (to access Patient Prescription). |
Patient Prescriptions, Edit |
Allows a user to perform the following tasks: Inactivate or reactivate a prescription while viewing it. Notes: These tasks also require the "Patient Prescriptions, Open" security right (to access Patient Prescription). Printing a prescription that is being viewed requires the "Patient Prescriptions, Print" security right. |
Patient Prescriptions, New |
Allows a user to enter a new prescription for a patient. Notes: This task also requires the "Patient Prescriptions, Open" security right (to access Patient Prescription). Printing a prescription after adding it requires the "Patient Prescriptions, Print" security right. |
Patient Prescriptions, Open |
Allows a user to open Patient Prescription. |
Patient Prescriptions, Print |
Allows a user to perform the following tasks: Print a prescription after adding it. Note: Adding a prescription requires the "Patient Prescriptions, New" security right. Print or reprint a prescription while viewing it. Note: Viewing a prescription requires the "Patient Prescriptions, Edit" security right. Printing the Prescriptions Report. Note: These tasks also require the "Patient Prescriptions, Open" security right (to access Patient Prescription). |
Patient Prescriptions, Setup |
Allows a user to access the Prescriptions Setup (in Office Manager) to manage the prescription templates, customize the order of prescription routes, and specify a prescription printer. |
Questionnaire |
Patient Questionnaire Edit |
Allows a user to enter and edit the responses for a patient's questionnaire. Note: This task also requires the "Patient Questionnaire Open" security right (to access Patient Questionnaire). |
Patient Questionnaire New |
Allows a user to start a new questionnaire for a patient. Notes: This task also requires the "Patient Questionnaire Open" security right (to access Patient Questionnaire). Entering and editing the responses for a new questionnaire requires the "Patient Questionnaire Edit" security right. |
Patient Questionnaire Open |
Allows a user to open Patient Questionnaire. |
Patient Questionnaire Setup |
Allows a user to access the Patient Questionnaire Setup (in Office Manager). |
Print Patient Questionnaire |
Allows a user to view and print the responses for a patient's questionnaire. Note: This task also requires the "Patient Questionnaire Open" security right (to access Patient Questionnaire). |
Referrals |
Patient Referral, Add/Edit |
Allows a user to perform any of the following tasks: Attach an inbound doctor/other referral to a patient. Attach an inbound patient referral to a patient. Edit an inbound doctor/other referral for a patient. Edit an inbound patient referral for a patient. Attach an outbound doctor/specialist referral to a patient. Edit an outbound doctor/specialist referral for a patient. Note: These tasks also require the "Patient Referral, Open" security right (to access a patient's referrals). |
Patient Referral, Delete |
Allows a user to clear a referral from a patient. Note: This task also requires the "Patient Referral, Open" security right (to access a patient's referrals). |
Patient Referral, Open |
Allows a user to perform any of the following tasks (depending on which corresponding tasks the user is allowed to perform): Select a referral source when adding a new family. Note: Adding a new family requires the "Patients, Add New" security right. Select a referral source when adding a family member. Note: Adding a family member requires the "Patients, Add New" security right. Assign a related referral when exporting patient health information (in Family File). Note: Accessing a patient's health exchange to export information requires the "Patient Health Exchange, Open" security right. Assign a related referral when importing patient health information (in Family File). Note: Accessing a patient's health exchange to import information requires the "Patient Health Exchange, Open" security right. Assign a related referral when sending a DIRECT message (in Family File). Note: Accessing a patient's health exchange to send a message requires the "Patient Health Exchange, Open" security right. Allows a user to access a patient's referrals in Family File and perform any of the following tasks that the user is allowed to perform: Analyze production from a referral source. Note: Viewing a referral analysis requires the "Referral Analysis, Open" security right. Analyze production from a referring patient. Note: Viewing a referral analysis requires the "Referral Analysis, Open" security right. Analyze referrals to a referral destination. Note: Viewing a referral analysis requires the "Referral Analysis, Open" security right. Clear a referral from the patient. Note: Deleting a patient's referral requires the "Patient Referral, Delete" security right. Send correspondence to a referral source or destination. Note: Accessing an email program requires the "Send Referrals" security right. Attach an inbound doctor/other referral to a patient. Note: Attaching a referral to a patient requires the "Patient Referral, Add/Edit" security right. Attach an inbound patient referral to a patient. Note: Attaching a referral to a patient requires the "Patient Referral, Add/Edit" security right. Edit an inbound doctor/other referral for a patient. Note: Editing a referral requires the "Patient Referral, Add/Edit" security right. Edit an inbound patient referral for a patient. Note: Editing a referral requires the "Patient Referral, Add/Edit" security right. Attach an outbound doctor/specialist referral to a patient. Note: Attaching a referral to a patient requires the "Patient Referral, Add/Edit" security right. Edit an outbound doctor/specialist referral for a patient. Note: Editing a referral requires the "Patient Referral, Add/Edit" security right. |
Referral Analysis, Open |
Allows a user to perform any of the following tasks: Analyze production from a referral source (in Family File). Note: This task also requires the "Patient Referral, Open" security right (to access a patient's referrals). Analyze production from a referring patient (in Family File). Note: This task also requires the "Patient Referral, Open" security right (to access a patient's referrals). Analyze referrals to a referral destination (in Family File). Note: This task also requires the "Patient Referral, Open" security right (to access a patient's referrals). Analyze a doctor/other referral source (in Office Manager). Analyze a patient referral source (in Office Manager). |
Referrals, Add New/Edit Info |
Allows a user to perform any of the following tasks (depending on which corresponding tasks the user is allowed to perform): Add or edit a referral source when attaching an inbound referral to a procedure (in Chart). Note: This task also requires the "Existing Procedures, Edit" security right (to edit existing treatment), the "Treatment Plan, Edit" security right (to edit planned treatment), or the "Completed Procedure, Edit security right (to edit completed treatment). Add or edit a referral destination when attaching an outbound referral to a procedure (in Chart). Note: This task also requires the "Existing Procedures, Edit" security right (to edit existing treatment) or the "Treatment Plan, Edit" security right (to edit planned treatment). Edit a referral source when attaching an inbound doctor/other referral to a patient (in Family File). Note: This task also requires the "Patient Referral, Open" security right (to access a patient's referrals) and the "Patient Referral, Add/Edit" security right (to attach a referral to a patient). Edit a referral source when editing an inbound doctor/other referral for a patient (in Family File). Note: This task also requires the "Patient Referral, Open" security right (to access a patient's referrals) and the "Patient Referral, Add/Edit" security right (to edit a referral). Add or edit a referral destination when attaching an outbound doctor/specialist referral to a patient (in Family File). Note: This task also requires the "Patient Referral, Open" security right (to access a patient's referrals) and the "Patient Referral, Add/Edit" security right (to attach a referral to a patient). Edit a referral destination when editing an outbound doctor/specialist referral for a patient (in Family File). Note: This task also requires the "Patient Referral, Open" security right (to access a patient's referrals) and the "Patient Referral, Add/Edit" security right (to edit a referral). Add or edit a referral source when attaching an inbound referral to a completed procedure (in Ledger). Note: This task also requires the "Completed Procedure, Edit" security right (to edit a completed procedure). Add or edit a referral source when attaching an inbound referral to a planned procedure (in the Ledger-Treatment Plan view of Ledger). Note: This task also requires the "Treatment Plan, Edit" security right (to edit a planned procedure). Add or edit a referral destination when attaching an outbound referral to a planned procedure (in the Ledger-Treatment Plan view of Ledger). Note: This task also requires the "Treatment Plan, Edit" security right (to edit a planned procedure). Access the Referral Maintenance (in Office Manager). |
Send Referrals |
Allows a user to access an email program (to send referrals electronically) when performing any of the following tasks that the user is allowed to perform: Analyzing production from a referral source (in Family File). Notes: Accessing a patient's referrals requires the "Patient Referral, Open" security right. Viewing the referral analysis requires the "Referral Analysis, Open" security right. Analyzing production from a referring patient (in Family File). Notes: Accessing a patient's referrals requires the "Patient Referral, Open" security right. Viewing the referral analysis requires the "Referral Analysis, Open" security right. Analyzing referrals to a referral destination (in Family File). Notes: Accessing a patient's referrals requires the "Patient Referral, Open" security right. Viewing the referral analysis requires the "Referral Analysis, Open" security right. Sending correspondence to a referral source or destination (in Family File). Note: Accessing a patient's referrals requires the "Patient Referral, Open" security right. Analyzing a doctor/other referral source (in Office Manager). Note: Viewing the referral analysis requires the "Referral Analysis, Open" security right. Analyzing a patient referral source (in Office Manager). Note: Viewing the referral analysis requires the "Referral Analysis, Open" security right. Analyzing referral destinations (in Office Manager). Note: Accessing the Referral Maintenance requires the "Referrals, Add New/Edit Info" security right. Analyzing referral sources (in Office Manager). Note: Accessing the Referral Maintenance requires the "Referrals, Add New/Edit Info" security right. |
Secure Messenger |
Secure Messenger, Open |
Allows a user to open Messenger. |
Treatment Plans |
Approval Status |
Allows a user to perform the following tasks: Assign an approval status when posting a planned procedure (in the Ledger-Treatment Plan view). Note: This task also requires the "Treatment Plan, Enter" security right (to post planned treatment). Assign an approval status to one or more planned procedure (in Chart). Assign an approval status to one or more planned procedures (in Treatment Planner). Change the approval status for a planned procedure (in Chart). Note: This task also requires the "Treatment Plan, Edit" security right (to view and edit planned treatment). Change the approval status for a planned procedure (in Treatment Planner). Note: This task also requires the "Treatment Plan, Edit" security right (to view and edit planned treatment). |
Consent Forms, Template Setup |
Allows a use to access the consent form (enhanced) template setup in Treatment Planner. |
Print Treatment Plans |
Allows a user to print the following Treatment Planner reports: Patient Proposed Treatment Case Report. Patient Treatment Case Report. Practice Treatment Case Report. Note: Generating this report also requires the "Reports" security right. Modifying the options for this report requires the "Print Treatment Plans, Setup" security right. |
Print Treatment Plans, Setup |
Allows a user to modify the options for the Treatment Case Report. |
Treatment Plan, Delete |
Allows a user to perform the following tasks: Delete a planned procedure (in Chart). View and then delete a planned procedure (in Chart). Note: This task also requires the "Treatment Plan, Edit" (to view planned treatment) and the "Conditions/Diagnosis, Delete" security right (if linked conditions and/or diagnoses must be deleted). Delete a planned procedure (in Treatment Planner): View and then delete a planned procedure. Note: This task also requires the "Treatment Plan, Edit" (to view planned treatment). Quickly delete one or more planned procedures by right-clicking. Quickly deleting one or more planned procedures by clicking a button. |
Treatment Plan, Edit |
Allows a user to edit a treatment planned procedure. Edit a planned procedure (in Chart). Edit a planned procedure (in the Ledger-Treatment Plan view of Ledger). Edit a planned procedure (in Treatment Planner). Edit and enter and edit procedure notes for planned procedures (in Chart). Attach or remove diagnostic codes from a planned procedure (in Chart). Note: This task also requires the "Conditions/Diagnosis, Enter" security right. Attach or remove diagnostic codes by editing a planned procedure (in Treatment Planner). Note: This task also requires the "Conditions/Diagnosis, Enter" security right. Attach an inbound or outbound referral to a planned procedure (in Chart). Attach an inbound or outbound referral to a planned procedure (in the Ledger-Treatment Plan view of Ledger). View educational videos that are associated with a planned procedure (in Chart and Treatment Planner). Cross code a planned procedure (in the Ledger-Treatment Plan view of Ledger). Create an alternate treatment plan case by moving procedures to an alternate treatment plan case. Link alternate treatment plan cases. View linked treatment plan cases to set the recommended case. Unlink alternate treatment plan cases. Change a treatment plan case's status by completing all the procedures in the case at the same time. Note: Completing procedures requires the "Completed Procedure, Enter" security right. View a planned procedure to complete it (in Treatment Planner). Change the expiration date of a treatment plan case. Change the status of a treatment plan case. Moving procedures to a new treatment plan case. Assign a severity to a treatment plan case. View or update a treatment case's status history. |
Treatment Plan, Enter |
Allows a user to perform the following tasks: Chart a condition as a planned procedure (in Chart). Chart a planned procedure using a dental diagnostic code (in Chart). Chart a planned procedure (in Chart). Turn on auto-state (the treatment-planned status is active by default). Post a planned procedure (in the Ledger-Treatment Plan view of Ledger). Create an alternate treatment plan case. Add a treatment-planned procedure to attach to an appointment. Note: Scheduling an appointment requires the "Appointments, Schedule New" security right. |
Treatment Planner, Open |
Allows a user to open Treatment Planner and view treatment plans on the Treatment Plans tab of More Information. |
Treatment Requests |
Treatment Request, Add/Edit |
Allows a user to add ,edit, review, and schedule treatment requests. Note: These tasks also require the "Treatment Request, Open" security right. |
Treatment Request, Cancel |
Allows a user to cancel treatment requests. Note: Editing a treatment request to cancel it requires the "Treatment Request, Open" and "Treatment Request, Add/Edit" security rights. |
Treatment Request, Complete |
Allows a user to complete treatment requests and complete appointments with a treatment request attached. Note: Editing a treatment request to complete it requires the "Treatment Request, Open" and "Treatment Request, Add/Edit" security rights. |
Treatment Request, Delete |
Allows a user to delete treatment requests. |
Treatment Request, Open |
Allows a user to open Treatment Request Manager and view treatment requests on the Treatment Requests tab of More Information. |