Setting Up Dentrix Ascend

This document provides instructions for setting up Dentrix Ascend.

1. Users

Adding user roles

Adding user roles

A user role is a set of security rights that you can assign to a user account to grant or restrict access to certain locations in your organization and/or certain features of Dentrix Ascend by location. By default, Dentrix Ascend provides the following user roles with a default set of security rights: Administrator, Billing Coordinator, Provider (such as a dentist and/or hygienist), and Receptionist. You can rename and customize these default roles and add other roles as needed.

Note: User roles are global (available to all locations across your organization).

To add a user role

  1. On the Settings menu, under Location, click (or tap) User Roles.

    The User Roles page opens.

  2. Do one of the following:

    • Create new - To create a user role from scratch, click (or tap) Create New.

    • Base on existing - To add a user role based on an existing one, select a role that is similar to the one that you want to create.

    The options for creating or editing the user role become available. The options that are available depend on whether you are creating a new role or making one that is based on an existing role.


    Based on Existing

  3. For an all new user role, type a Role name (the role name must be unique). You can use a job position (such as Provider or Receptionist), a user name (such as John Smith or Millie's Rights), or some other convention. For a user role based on another, skip this step.

  4. Under Full List, for each Security Category, click (or tap) the category to view the corresponding security rights. Select the checkboxes of the rights that you want to assign to this user role. To select all the rights in a given category at one time, select the All available rights checkbox. Clear the checkboxes of any rights that you do not want to assign to this user role.

    Important: The "Edit User" and "Create/Update Role" rights are required for at least one user in each location of your organization:

    • At least one user in each location must be assigned a role with the "Edit User" right enabled.

    • At least one user in each location must be assigned a role with the "Create/Update Role" right enabled.

  5. Do one of the following:

    • For an all new user role, click (or tap) Save.

    • For a user role based on another, click (or tap) Save As New Role. In the New Role dialog box that appears, type a New Role Name (the role name must be unique), and then click (or tap) Save.

Creating user accounts

Creating user accounts

You can add user accounts to your organization's database. User accounts provide secure access to your organization's database. Each person who uses Dentrix Ascend should have his or her own user account.

Note: User accounts (and the corresponding provider settings, if applicable) are set up at the organization level, but users can each access information only according to their assigned security roles and locations.

To create a user account

  1. On the Settings menu, under Location, select User Accounts.

    The User Accounts page opens.

  2. On the New User menu, select Create New User.

    Note: You may want to verify that a user account for the person does not already exist. Use the Search box to search for a user account by the user's last name, first name, user name, or email address.

    The options for entering user account information become available.

  3. On the Basic Info tab, enter the user's basic information.

    Set up the following options:

    • User Image - A picture of the user. This picture will appear online if you are using the online booking feature. You cannot attach an image until after you save the user account.

    • Name - The first name, middle initial, and last name of the user.

    • Username - The name that the person must use to log in. Each user in your organization must have a unique user name. Only letters and numbers are allowed; spaces and special characters are not. The maximum allowed length is 56 characters. Also, the user name cannot be "Admin" or "Administrator."

    • Email - The email address of the user. This is used for administrative purposes and is required for every user account.

    • Phone 1 - The primary contact phone number of the user (for example, a home phone number).

    • Phone 2 - The secondary contact phone number of the user (for example, a mobile phone number).

    • Is Provider - If the user performs dental procedures (such as a general dentist or a hygienist), set the switch to Yes. Otherwise, set the switch to No.

    • Inactivity Timeout - The length of inactivity (no interaction with the Dentrix Ascend website from your computer or device) after which Dentrix Ascend will log the user out automatically. The recommended length is 10 minutes, but there are also options for 30 minutes, 1 hour, 2 hours, 4 hours, and 8 hours.

      Note: If you have Dentrix Ascend open on multiple tabs of your browser at the same time, the inactivity is monitored on each tab separately. For example, if you open Dentrix Ascend on a tab and then later on another tab, continue working on the second tab, and then the first tab does not have any activity for the specified length of time, you are logged out of Dentrix Ascend automatically on that tab but can continue working on the second tab.

  4. On the User Roles & Locations tab, specify the user's security role for your location or, if your organization has multiple locations, for each location that the user should have access to.

    Do the following:

    1. Select a User role.

      Important: Your organization's business owners, doctors, and office managers should be the only ones who have administrative security roles.

    2. If your organization has multiple locations, select the Location that you want to grant this user access to. A user must have access to at least one location.

      Single Site

      Multiple Sites

      Note: If the user has permission to access a given location, he or she has access to the records for all patients whose preferred location is set to that location.

    3. If this user is a provider, do one of the following:

      • Set the Charting Provider switch to No. With the Charting Provider switch set to No, the provider does not appear on provider selection lists in the clinical areas of Dentrix Ascend when someone is logged in to the corresponding location. However, the provider is still available on provider selection lists in non-clinical areas of Dentrix Ascend (such as scheduling, financial, and reporting) when someone is logged in to that location.

      • Leave the Charting Provider switch set to Yes. With the Charting Provider switch set to Yes, the provider appears on provider selection lists in all areas of Dentrix Ascend (clinical and non-clinical) when someone is logged in to the corresponding location.

      Note: The following clinical areas are affected by the Charting Provider switch: charting quick exams, charting procedures and conditions, entering and editing perio exams, editing procedures and conditions in the progress notes, editing procedures while treatment planning, clinical notes, acquiring images with Dentrix Ascend Imaging, and entering prescriptions (not applicable for electronic prescriptions; the currently logged-in user is the prescriber or person prescribing on behalf of a provider).

    4. If this user is a provider, from the Default Operatory list for your location (for a single-site organization) or for the selected location (for a multiple-site organization), select the provider's default operatory. The provider's default operatory will be selected automatically for an appointment that someone schedules for this provider. This functionality is applicable only if the person scheduling the appointment is viewing the schedule by provider.

    5. If your organization has multiple locations, for each additional location that this user should have access to, click (or tap) Add New Role, and then repeat steps a-d. A user must have access to at least one location, and a user can have only one role assigned for each location.

      Note: If the user is a provider, the provider will be available for selection within a given location in the following areas of Dentrix Ascend only if the user account has rights to that location: the appointment provider and other/assisting provider on the Appointment Information panel, the providers on the Schedule Peek tab of the routing panel, and the appointment providers on the Search for Openings page.

    Important: The "Edit User" and "Create/Update Role" rights are required for at least one user in each location of your organization:

    • At least one user in each location must be assigned a role with the "Edit User" right enabled.

    • At least one user in each location must be assigned a role with the "Create/Update Role" right enabled.

  5. If the user is a provider, enter the provider's information on the following tabs:

    • Provider Info (Provider Only)

      Provider Info tab

      • Short Name - An abbreviated name that will be used to identify the provider throughout Dentrix Ascend.

      • Title - The provider's title (for example, DMD or DDS).

      • Specialty - The provider's specialty (for example, Dentist or Hygienist).

        Note: The provider's specialty populates box 56a on ADA claim forms.

      • Provider Appointment Color - The color to use for appointments with this provider as the rendering provider. You can click (or tap) the color swatch to select a different color.

      • Is a Primary Provider - To allow this provider to be selected as a patient's primary provider and as a billing and/or rendering provider for claims, select Yes. Otherwise, select No.

      • Signature On File - To put a message on this provider's claims, stating that there is a signature on file for this provider, set the switch to Yes. Otherwise, set the switch to No.

      • Contact Information - The provider's work address.

      • Locum Tenens Treating Provider - If the provider is a treating provider who temporarily fills in for another provider and/or works at a practice other than his or her usual practice, set the switch to Yes. Otherwise, set the switch to No. The state of this switch sets the default state of the Locum Tenens Treating Provider switch for a claim if this provider is the rendering provider on that claim; however, the locum tenens treating provider is not required on most claim form versions.

      • Work IDs - The provider's state license number and expiration date (for prescriptions and other purposes), TIN (or SSN), NPI (for electronic claims), Medicaid ID, DEA number and expiration date (for prescriptions), allowed DEA schedules (for prescriptions), Medicaid ID, Blue Cross/Blue Shield number, Controlled Substance number (for Washington D.C prescriptions), Blue Shield number, and provider number.

    • Fees (Provider Only)

      Fees tab

      • Fee Schedules - The fee schedule to use for billing patients for procedures performed by this provider.

      • Contracted With - As needed, expand the sections (for example, A, D, and G) to view insurance carriers with names that start with those letters or numbers, and select the checkboxes of the insurance carriers that this provider has a contract with to bill procedures.

        Important: Each time you add an insurance carrier to your organization's database, for each provider (and location serving as a provider) that is contracted with that carrier, you must return to this Contracted With section and select the checkbox next to that carrier's name.

    • Working Hours (Provider Only)

      Working Hours tab

      Set up the provider's working hours.

  6. Click (or tap) Save.

    Once you create a user account, the user will receive an email message with a link to create a password that he or she can use to log in to Dentrix Ascend.

Subscribing to notifications

Subscribing to notifications

You can receive notifications (as pop-up messages) when changes in the status of appointments for the specified providers and/or operatories occur. Each Dentrix Ascend user can have different subscription settings.

To subscribe to notifications

  1. On the User menu, click (or tap) Notifications.

    The Notifications page appears.

  2. Select a sound that you want to have accompany notifications and the providers and/or operatories that you want to subscribe to notifications for.

    Set up any of the following options:

    • Choose a Sound - To have a sound accompany a notification that you receive, select a sound from the list. To hear what the selected sound sounds like, click (or tap) Play.

      Note: For you to hear the sound, your computer must have speakers attached and the volume properly set.

    • Subscribe to Providers - This provides notifications for changes in the status of appointments for the specified providers. Select the All checkbox to include all providers, or select only the checkboxes of specific providers. Only providers who have access to the current location are available.

      A notification appears if another user changes the status of an appointment for which one of the selected providers is the appointment provider (regardless of the operatories and statuses that you are subscribed to) to Late, Here, Ready, Chair, or Complete.

    • Subscribe to Operatories - This provides notifications for changes in the status of appointments in the specified operatories. Select the All checkbox to include all operatories, or select only the checkboxes of specific operatories.

      A notification appears if another user changes the status of an appointment that is in one of the selected operatories (regardless of the providers and statuses that you are subscribed to) to Late, Here, Ready, Chair, or Complete.

    • Notify for these Status changes - This provides notifications for changes in the specified statuses of appointments. Select the All checkbox to include all statuses, or select only the checkboxes of specific statuses.

      A notification appears if another user changes the status of an appointment to one of the selected statuses (according to the providers and operatories that you are subscribed to). Also, the Upcoming Appointments panel (a virtual route slip) displays only the appointments that have one of the selected statuses.

      Note: You must subscribe to at least one provider or operatory in order to subscribe to any status changes.

    All changes are saved automatically.

2. Organization

Setting up transaction locking

Setting up transaction locking

You can specify when procedures and transactions get locked automatically, or you can manually lock procedures and transactions as of a specific date.

Note: Changing the transaction locking option affects all locations in your organization.

To set up transaction locking

  1. On the Settings menu, click (or tap) Ledger Options.

    The Ledger Options page opens.

  2. Select the Ledger Rules tab.

    Note: All procedures and transactions on or before the date shown are locked.

  3. Select one of the following options:

    • Automatically lock transactions for posting/editing/deleting - With this option selected, specify the number of days after which any procedure or transaction that is posted becomes locked, so it cannot be edited or deleted.

    • Manually initiate transaction lock as of a specified date - With this option selected, you can change the cut-off date as needed (see step 4).


    • Transaction locking is based on the transaction date (the date of the procedure or transaction as it appears in the Ledger). The transaction date may be different than the creation date (the date that the procedure or transaction was entered in the system).

    • Changing the cut-off date affects procedures and transactions that have already been posted. Where applicable, they will be locked and unlocked according to the cut-off date.

  4. Click (or tap) Save.

  5. If Manually initiate transaction lock as of a specified date is selected, to change the cut-off date, do the following:

    1. On the Settings menu, click (or tap) Lock Transactions. This option is available only if manual transaction locking is turned on.

      The Lock Transactions (Organization-Wide) dialog box appears.

    2. Change the New transaction lock date. All procedures and transactions that have already been posted on or before the specified date will become locked, so they cannot be edited or deleted. Also, the posting of any procedures and transactions on or before the specified date will be prohibited.

      Note: To move the cut-off date backward or forward, your user account must have the applicable security right.

    3. Click (or tap) Lock Transactions.

      A confirmation message appears.

    4. Click (or tap) Lock.

Activating and inactivating automatic contracted write-offs

Activating and inactivating automatic contracted write-offs

You can specify if contracted write-offs are posted automatically when claims are created.

Note: Changing the contracted write-off option affects all locations in your organization.

To activate or inactivate automatic contracted write-offs

  1. On the Settings menu, click (or tap) Ledger Options.

    The Ledger Options page opens.

  2. Select the Ledger Rules tab.

  3. Under Insurance Estimates & Write-Offs, set the Automatically post contracted write-offs when claims are created switch to one of the following statuses:

    • Yes - When you create a claim for procedures that are contracted with a patient's insurance plan, a write-off adjustment will be posted automatically to the patient's Ledger to account for the difference between the allowed amount and the posted charges. This allows you to see net production amounts in the Ledger and on reports immediately. With this switch set to No, a contracted write-off adjustment will not be posted automatically. You will have to manually enter the adjustment when you post the insurance payment.

    • No - A contracted write-off adjustment will not be posted automatically. You will have to manually enter the adjustment when you post the insurance payment.


    • Turning this setting on does not affect claims that have already been posted and does not post automatic write-off adjustments for any existing claims. Because of this, you should carefully choose a clean cutoff date to start using this feature. At the start of a pay period, at the beginning of a new month or quarter, or after you have completed a current goal or bonus period are good transition points.

    • With this setting turned on, you cannot split claims with write-offs posted for them unless you first delete those write-offs.

    • With this setting turned on, if an open claim does not have a corresponding contracted write-off adjustment (for example, it has been deleted), when you are viewing the claim details, a Create contracted write-off when claim is saved switch appears. To post a contracted write-off adjustment, set the switch to Yes, and then click (or tap) Save.

    • Be aware that even with this setting turned on, a write-off adjustment is not posted automatically for a primary insurance claim in any of the following situations:

      • The claim billing provider is not contracted with the insurance carrier.

      • For any procedure on the claim, the contracted amount from the secondary insurance carrier's fee schedule is equal to the contracted amount from the primary insurance carrier's fee schedule.

      • For any procedure on the claim, the sum of the estimated primary and secondary insurance payments is equal to the UCR fee.

    • Changes in the status of this setting are tracked in the Audit Log.

  4. Click (or tap) Save.

Requiring reasons for correcting or deleting transactions

Requiring reasons for correcting or deleting transactions

You can specify if a reason must be entered when transactions are edited or deleted.

Note: Changing the requiring reasons option affects all locations in your organization.

To require reasons for correcting or deleting transactions

  1. On the Settings menu, click (or tap) Ledger Options.

    The Ledger Options page opens.

  2. Select the Ledger Rules tab.

  3. Under Other, set the Require reason(s) for transaction revision switch to Yes.

    Note: With this requirement turned off, a reason can still be entered, but is not required, when editing or deleting a transaction.

  4. Click (or tap) Save.

Customizing transaction types

Customizing transaction types

You can select which types of payments and adjustments you want to have available when users are posting transactions. Only the selected types will be available for selection when payments, credit adjustments, and charge adjustments are being posted in the Ledger. Also, you can select whether an adjustment should affect collections or production.

Note: If you have multiple locations in your organization, the selected transaction types apply to all your locations.

To customize transaction types

  1. On the Settings menu, click (or tap) Ledger Options.

    The Ledger Options page opens.

  2. On the Transaction types tab, the available payment and adjustment types appear. Select or clear the checkboxes that correspond to the payment, charge adjustment, and credit adjustment types that you do or do not want to use. Alternatively, you can click (or tap) a transaction type's Edit button , set the Active switch to On or Off in the Edit [Transaction Type] dialog box, and then click (or tap) Save.

    Note: You cannot clear the checkboxes (or turn Off the Active switches) of the transaction types that are required by Dentrix Ascend.

  3. The Production or Collection indicator next to an adjustment type indicates whether adjustments of that type count toward production or collections on reports. You can change the selection as needed for any of the adjustment types that are not required by Dentrix Ascend.

  4. Set up the tagging rules for any of the transaction types as needed:

    1. Click (or tap) the transaction type's Edit button .

      The Edit [Transaction Type] dialog box appears.

    2. Under Tagging Rules, set up any of the following options:

      • Tag restriction rules - With this switch set to On, you can disable tagging completely for this transaction type or define a set of mandatory and optional tags for use when posting this transaction type. With this switch set to Off, there are no restrictions on which defined tags you can use.

        With the switch set to On, the following tagging restrictions are available for you to define:

        • Mandatory tag(s) - To require that one tag in a set of specified tags be selected when this transaction type is posted, select or create mandatory tags: begin typing a tag name in the Add a tag search box; continue typing as needed to narrow the results list; if the desired tag appears in the list, select it; if the desired tag is not found when you finish typing the tag name, select + Create [tag name]. To not allow any other tags to be selected, do not define any Optional allowed tag(s).

          Note: You can have up to 20 mandatory tags. To remove any tag, click (or tap) the X on that tag.

        • Optional allowed tag(s) - To allow, but not require, certain tags to be selected when posting this transaction type, select or create optional tags: begin typing a tag name in the Add a tag search box; continue typing as needed to narrow the results list; if the desired tag appears in the list, select it; if the desired tag is not found when you finish typing the tag name, select + Create [tag name]. To not require any tags, do not define any Mandatory tag(s).

          Note: You can have up to 50 optional tags. To remove any tag, click (or tap) the X on that tag.

        • Automatic Tagging for ERA Payments (available only for "Insurance Payment - Check," "Insurance Payment - Electronic," or "Insurance Payment - Credit Card"):

          • Mandatory tag - To require that one of the mandatory tags be selected when automatic ERA payments that use this transaction type are posted, select that tag. You can select only one. When you click (or tap) a tag, a green stripe appears on the left side of that tag to indicate it is selected.

            Note: To deselect a tag, either click (or tap) that tag to remove the green stripe, or click (or tap) another tag.

          • Optional tag(s) - To allow, but not require, that any of the optional tags be selected when automatic ERA payments that use this transaction type are posted, select those tags. You can select multiple. When you click (or tap) a tag, a green stripe appears on the left side of that tag to indicate it is selected.

            Note: To deselect a tag, click (or tap) that tag to remove the green stripe.

        • No tagging - To not allow any tags to be selected when posting this transaction type, do not define any Mandatory tag(s) and Optional allowed tag(s).

      • On-demand tag creation - With this switch set to On, any existing tags can be selected, and tags can be created, when posting this transaction type. With this switch set to Off, any existing tags can be selected, but no tags can be created, when posting this transaction type. This switch is not available and is set to Off if the Tag restriction rules switch is set to On because no tags or only the defined tags are allowed.

    3. Click (or tap) Save.

  5. Click (or tap) Save.

3. Location

Updating location information

Updating location information

When your organization was signed up to use Dentrix Ascend, Henry Schein One entered basic information about each location, which you can update as needed.

To update your location information

  1. If you are not already viewing the correct location, select it on the Location menu.

  2. On the Settings menu, under Location, click (or tap) Location Information.

    The Location Information page opens.

  3. On the Basic Info tab, update the location name, logo, contact information, fee schedule, sales tax, and/or time zone as needed.

    Set up the following options:

    • Location name - The name of your location as you want it to appear on account statements and other correspondence sent to your office by Henry Schein One, billing statements sent to patients, and claims.

    • Abbreviation - A code (up to 5 alphanumeric characters in length) to identify the location in the following areas of Dentrix Ascend:

      • On the Location menu. The abbreviation appears before the location name.

      • On billing statements that are generated for patients individually, during checkout, or in a batch. If the Include location abbreviation checkbox is selected when a statement is generated, an abbreviation appears after any procedure that was performed at this location.

    • Location logo - A logo for this location. This logo will appear online if you are using the online booking feature. To attach a logo, click (or tap) Select Image, browse for and select the image file, crop the image as desired, and then click (or tap) Apply.

    • Address - The street address, city, state, and ZIP Code of your location as you want them to appear on billing statements sent to patients and on claims (box 56). Henry Schein One may use this to contact your office.

    • Phone number - The main contact phone number of your location. Henry Schein One may use this to contact your office.

    • Email - The main contact email address of your location. Henry Schein One may use this to contact your office.

    • Website - The website address of your location.

    • eTrans User ID - There may be cases when you need to know your eTrans User ID, which is used for electronic claims. It appears here for your reference.

    • Preferred fee schedule - The fee schedule that you prefer to use at your location.

      Note: By default, the location's default fee schedule (the fee schedule that was created by the system automatically for the location) is selected. It is recommended that you use the default selection because maintaining fees for the location's fee schedules and procedure codes will be simpler due to the fact that updating a fee for a procedure code in the location's default fee schedule affects the fee for the same procedure code on the location's Procedure Codes page and vice versa.

    • Local tax - The amount of tax that is to be charged (for example, 6.50%) if your state requires sales tax to be charged for all products and services you offer. Currently, this is for reference only.

    • Require reasons for incomplete tasks - When completing an appointment, you can have Dentrix Ascend remind you to complete all appointment tasks and specify a reason for not completing all appointment tasks if you do not complete them all. To turn on appointment workflow compliance set the switch to Yes. To turn off this feature, set the switch to No. Changing this setting will not take effect until after you log out and log back in.

      Note: With this compliance reminder feature turned on, when you complete appointments, Schedule Appointment messages no longer appear to remind you to schedule a patient's next recare appointment if that appointment has not been scheduled yet. With this compliance feature turned off, when you complete appointments, Schedule Appointment messages appear as applicable, and Update Patient Recare messages appear if a patient does not have the scheduled recare attached to his or her patient record.

    • Available Procedures - To specify which procedures are available for posting to patient records in this location (when the "For location" procedure filter is selected during posting), click (or tap) Available Procedures.

    • Default procedure provider - The method for determining the default provider for new quick exams, procedures, conditions, perio exams, clinical notes, and imaging procedures that get added to patients' clinical records in this location. Select one of the following options:

      • Patient's Primary (if any) -> Appointment Provider (if any) -> Alphabetical - If the patient has a preferred provider (primary provider), that provider is selected by default. If the patient does not have a preferred provider but does have an appointment scheduled for today, the provider for that appointment is selected by default. If the patient does not have a preferred provider and does not have an appointment scheduled for today, the first provider alphabetically by ID in the list is selected by default.

      • Patient's Primary (if any) -> Alphabetical - If the patient has a preferred provider (primary provider), that provider is selected by default. If the patient does not have a preferred provider and does not have an appointment scheduled for today, the first provider alphabetically by ID in the list is selected by default.

    • Local timezone - The time zone in which your office is located.

    • Insurance Eligibility Verification - To enable or disable batch insurance eligibility verifications for this location, set the switch to On or Off. With the switch On, you can customize the number of lead days for eligibility verifications.

    • Organization Information - For your reference, the name, customer ID, login ID, and address of your organization appear.


      • Users can use the Customer ID or Organization Login to log in to Dentrix Ascend.

      • You cannot change the Customer ID; Henry Schein One assigns it to your organization.

    • Claim Provider - You can set up your location or its corresponding business entity (such as a corporation) to be the billing provider on claims that are submitted for procedures performed at that location. This tab is available only if the Use this location as a claim provider for insurance switch is set to Yes.

    • Location Access Restrictions - To allow access to this location only through designated internet gateways, after you add the necessary External static IP addresses, set the switch to On. To allow access to this location from anywhere, set the switch to Off.

  4. On the Billing Statements tab, specify an Alternate Billing Address and the Defaults for Adding Statements to Patient Connection.

  5. Click (or tap) Save.

Setting up location hours

Setting up location hours

You can customize your location's office hours to show on the schedule when the office is closed and when appointments can be scheduled. If you attempt to schedule an appointment outside of the specified hours, a message will appear for you to confirm that you want to schedule that appointment outside of normal business hours.

To set up a location's hours

  1. If you are not already viewing the correct location, select it on the Location menu.

  2. On the Settings menu, under Location, click (or tap) Location Hours.

    The Location Hours page opens and displays an overview of the weekly schedule.

  3. Click (or tap) Edit Hours.

    Any time ranges already set up appear in a list.

  4. Do one of the following:

    • To add a new time range, click (or tap) Add Hours.

    • To modify one of the default time ranges, select that time range.

    The options for entering or editing the time range become available.

  5. Type a time range, and select the appropriate days of the week.

    Set up the following options:

    • Times - Enter the Start and End time of the range (for example, 8:00AM to 12:00PM).

      Tip: You can enter a time using various formats. For example, you can type 08:30, 8:30a, or 8:30 AM; 8a or 8am; 13:30, 1:30p, or 1:30 PM; or 1p or 1pm.

    • Days - Select the days of the week for which this time range applies (for example, Monday through Friday).

  6. Click (or tap) Save.

  7. Repeat steps 4-6 for other time ranges that you want to modify or add.

    When viewing the overview of the weekly schedule on the Location Hours page, gray slots indicate when the office is closed, and white slots indicate when the office is open. Also, the days of the week that the office is closed do not appear on the schedule.

Changing the scheduling time increments

Changing the scheduling time increments

For each location, you can specify the increments of time that you use for scheduling appointments. The scheduling calendar can have 10- or 15-minute time slots.

To change the scheduling time increments

  1. If you are not already viewing the correct location, select it on the Location menu.

  2. On the Settings menu, under Location, click (or tap) Location Hours.

    The Location Hours page opens and displays an overview of the weekly schedule.

  3. Select Display schedule by 10 minute increments to display time slots on the schedule in 10-minute increments, or select Display schedule by 15 minute increments to display time slots on the schedule in 15-minute increments. Your selection is saved automatically and affects all computers that you access Dentrix Ascend from.

Changing the default appointment length

Changing the default appointment length

For each location, you can specify the default length for scheduling appointments. The appointment length can be changed as needed on an appointment-by-appointment basis.

To change the default appointment length

  1. If you are not already viewing the correct location, select it on the Location menu.

  2. On the Settings menu, under Location, click (or tap) Location Hours.

    The Location Hours page opens and displays an overview of the weekly schedule.

  3. Enter the desired Default appointment length in minutes. (Also, you can select a length from the list that appears when you click in, or tap, the box.)

  4. Click (or tap) the Set link. This link is available only if you have changed the Default appointment length.

    The change affects all appointments that are made in the current location from now on.

Customizing appointment colors and layout

Customizing appointment colors and layout

You can customize how Dentrix Ascend displays appointments on the Calendar page. You can assign colors to types of procedures to quickly identify appointments by appointment type. Additionally, you can customize the layout of appointment tiles to display provider colors only, procedure colors only, or both. Each location can have different appointment color and layout settings.


  • To customize a location's appointment colors and layout, the user role for your user account must have the security right "Review Location Information" selected.

  • If you schedule an appointment using a multi-code, the appointment tile either uses the color that is assigned to the procedures of the multi-code if they are assigned the same color or uses the color that is assigned to the procedure with the highest priority.

To customize appointment colors and layout

  1. If you are not already viewing the correct location, select it on the Location menu.

  2. On the Settings menu, under Location, click (or tap) Appointment Colors.

    The Appointment Colors page opens.

  3. Do any of the following as needed (changes are saved automatically):

    • Change the layout - Under Select color layout, select a layout to specify the main color of appointments and the color of the vertical bar on the left side of appointments.

    • Add a category - Click (or tap) New Category. A new category is inserted at the top of the category list.

      In the box, enter a name for the category, and then press Enter (or click, or tap, elsewhere on the page). The name must be unique, relative to the current location.

    • Change the color of a category - Click (or tap) a category's Color button, select a color (or enter the hexadecimal code of a color, such as ffffff for white), and then click (or tap) Choose.

    • Assign procedures to a category - In the Search for procedure box, begin typing an ADA code or a procedure description, continue typing as needed to narrow the results, and then select the checkboxes of the procedures that you want to assign to the same category.

      Note: You can also expand a category, including the Unassigned category, to locate and select the procedures that you want to move to a different category.

      With one or more procedures selected, from the Move Selected To menu, click (or tap) a category.

    • Change the name of a category - Click (or tap) a category's Edit button .

      In the box, change the name, and then press Enter (or click, or tap, elsewhere on the page). The name must be unique, relative to the current location.

      Note: You cannot change the name of the Unassigned category.

    • Delete a category - Click (or tap) a category's Delete button . On the confirmation that appears, click (or tap) Delete. If the category contains any procedures, those procedures are moved to the Unassigned category.

      Note: You cannot delete the Unassigned category.

    • Change the priority of a category - You can rearrange the order of your categories to change their priority. If an appointment has procedures in multiple categories, the color of the appointment is determined by the category with the highest priority (the lowest Priority number) if your layout uses a Procedure color. To move a category, do the following:

      1. Click (or tap and hold) the handle of the category that you want to change the priority of.

      2. Drag the category up or down to the location where you want to move the category.

        The category is now the desired priority, and the Priority numbers are updated automatically as applicable.

      Note: You cannot change the priority of the Unassigned category. It always has the lowest priority (the highest Priority number).

Adding operatories

Adding operatories

You can add operatories as needed. Operatories appear on the schedule as columns where you can schedule appointments and events.

Note: Operatories are location specific (each location of your organization has its own operatories).

To add an operatory

  1. If you are not already viewing the correct location, select it on the Location menu.

  2. On the Settings menu, under Location, click (or tap) Operatories.

    The Operatories page opens.

  3. Click (or tap) Add Operatory.

    The options for adding an operatory become available.

  4. Enter a name and a description, specify a display order, and specify the status.

    Set up the following options:

    • Name - A unique name for the operatory (up to 10 characters in length). This name will appear at the top of the corresponding column on the schedule.

    • Description - A unique description for the operatory (up to 25 characters in length).

    • Display Order - The number of the next available position is selected automatically. Do one of the following:

      • To insert the operatory as the last one in the display order, leave the number of the next available position selected.

      • To insert the operatory somewhere in the existing order, select the number of the preferred position for this operatory in the display order.

        Note: The other operatories' display orders will update automatically as needed.

    • Status - You can schedule appointments and events in an Active operatory, but an Inactive operatory will not appear on the schedule and will not be available for selection from the View menu of the schedule.

  5. Click (or tap) Save.

    Note: If an event for all operatories has been scheduled previously, that event is added automatically in the operatory that you just added.

Customizing your practice profile

Customizing your practice profile

You can customize the logo (image and banner color) and enter the social media website links for each location in your organization. Patients can see your profile when they confirm their appointments from email or text message reminders.

To customize your practice profile

  1. If you are not already viewing the correct location, select it on the Location menu.

  2. On the Settings menu, under Patient Care, click (or tap) Patient Communications.

    The Patient Communications page opens.

  3. Click (or tap) Practice Profile.

    The Practice Profile dialog box appears.

  4. Customize the banner color, upload a logo, and specify your social media links as needed.

    Customize any of the following:

    • Banner color - To select the base color of the gradient for the banner at the top of the page, from the color menu (in the upper-right corner), move the slider on the right up or down, click (or tap) somewhere in the middle box, and then click (or tap) Choose.

    • Logo - Under Change Logo, do one of the following:

      • Click (or tap) one of the pre-defined, generic logos for the banner.

      • Click (or tap) Browse (or drag an image from an open window to the Drop File Here area) to add a custom logo to the banner. The image must be a .jpg, .png, or .gif file up to 4MB in size that has been saved on your computer. In the Crop Photo for Thumbnail dialog box, resize and/or move the selection box (designated by a dashed line) to crop the image, and then click (or tap) Apply.

    • Social Media Links - To set up or change the links for the icons that patients can click to visit your organization's pages on popular social media websites, enter the website addresses (URLs) as needed for Twitter, Facebook, Yelp, Blogger, and/or Google+.

  5. Click (or tap) Save.

4. Claim defaults

Setting up insurance defaults

Setting up insurance defaults

You can set up the default options for insurance claims.


  • Insurance claim defaults are location specific (each location of your organization has its own insurance claim defaults).

  • Setting up insurance defaults requires the "Edit Insurance Defaults" security right.

To set up insurance defaults

  1. If you are not already viewing the correct location, select it on the Location menu.

  2. On the Settings menu, under Production, click (or tap) Insurance Defaults.

    The Insurance Defaults page opens.

  3. Set up the following options:

    • Billing Provider - By default, services will be billed to an insurance plan on behalf of a specific provider (select one), a location in your organization or a business entity (select one, if set up as a billing provider), or the provider who performed the procedures. If you select Provider of Procedures, to handle cases where the provider of a procedure is a secondary provider (for example, a hygienist), make sure that you select the primary provider, location, or entity that you want to use as the alternate billing provider. Only providers who have access to the current location are available.

      With the Warn when scheduling an appointment if the Billing Provider is not contracted with the patient's primary insurance plan switch set to On, a warning symbol and an accompanying message can appear in the following areas of Dentrix Ascend:

      • Next to the primary insurance plan on a patient's Insurance Information page if the patient's primary provider is not contracted with the patient's primary insurance plan.

      • Next to the patient's name on a patient's Appointment Information panel if the appointment provider for a patient's appointment is not contracted with the patient's primary insurance plan.

    • Rendering Provider Type - By default, services will be indicated as having been performed by a specific provider (select one) or the provider who performed the procedures. If you select Provider of Procedures, to handle cases where the provider of a procedure is a secondary provider (for example, a hygienist), select the Use the patient's primary provider if the provider of procedures is not a primary provider checkbox, and then select the primary provider that you want to use as the alternate rendering provider. Only providers who have access to the current location and who are flagged as charting providers are available.

    • Address Where Insurance Payment Should Be Sent - The address where insurance payments will be sent: the address of the location where the services were actually performed, the address of the organization (the address used upon signing up your organization to use Dentrix Ascend; you cannot change this address), or another address (specify one). This address will appear in box 48 on claims.

    • Place of Service Default Location - The default place of service for claims that get created. On a case-by-case basis, you can change the place of service for a claim as needed.

    • Default Authorization Settings for New Subscribers - The default authorization settings (Release of Information and Assignment of Benefits checkboxes) for subscribers who are added to Dentrix Ascend and have insurance attached to their records. Changing these options does not affect existing subscribers in Dentrix Ascend.

  4. Click (or tap) Save.

5. Fees and procedures

Creating fee schedules

Creating fee schedules

You can create fee schedules for use with billing services and products. You can attach a fee schedule to a provider, to an insurance plan, to a location in your organization, or to a patient (as a discount plan).

Note: Fee schedules are global (available to all locations across your organization), but locations can each have different preferred fee schedules. Providers and insurance carriers can also each have their own preferred fee schedules. However, if you change the fee in a given fee schedule while logged on to any location, not only is the change accessible across the organization, but the procedure code will be updated for the locations that have that fee schedule as their preferred fee schedule.

To create a fee schedule

  1. On the Settings menu, under Production, click (or tap) Fee Schedules.

    The Fee Schedules page opens.

  2. Click (or tap) Create New.

    The options for creating a fee schedule become available.

  3. In the Name of fee schedule box, enter a name for the fee schedule.

  4. Optionally, do one of the following:

    • To base this fee schedule on an existing fee schedule, select the fee schedule that you want to copy from the Copy existing list, and then click (or tap) Copy.

    • To import fees from a .csv file, on the Bulk Edit menu, select Import fees from file.

  5. To increase or decrease all the fees in the fee schedule by the same amount or percentage, do the following:

    1. On the Bulk Edit menu, select Increase all by.

      The Bulk Edit - Increase All dialog box appears.

    2. Enter a positive or negative number (for example, 20 or -20), and then select $ or %.

    3. Select the Round up resulting values to the nearest dollar checkbox if you want to round up the new fees.

    4. If you are increasing fees, to ignore any current fees with a $0.00 amount (they will stay at $0.00; only non-zero fees will be increased), select the Exclude $0.00 fees from increase checkbox.

    5. Click (or tap) Proceed. The resulting fees appear in the New Fee column.

  6. For each procedure, do any of the following as needed:

    • Enter or change the fee that you charge as needed in the corresponding box in the New Fee column.

    • If you do not want to allow an automatic write-off to be posted, select the corresponding checkbox in the No Write-off column.


      • With the No Write-off checkbox selected for procedures, a write-off can occur only if this fee schedule is selected as the Max allowable amount fee schedule for a patient's insurance plan. Also, a write-off cannot occur if a patient's record has a discount plan attached and no insurance coverage is attached.

      • To select or clear every procedure's checkbox at the same time, select or clear the checkbox at the top of the column.

      • To select the checkboxes of a range of adjacent procedures, select the first checkbox of the range, and then while holding the Shift key, select the last checkbox of the range. All the checkboxes from the first one to the last one are selected.


    • The Hide inactive procedures checkbox is selected by default, so only active procedures are shown. To temporarily show inactive procedures too, clear this checkbox (the checkbox reverts back to being selected the next time you access the Fee Schedules page and select a fee schedule).

    • To search for a procedure, begin typing a code or description in the Search by code/description box, and continue typing as needed to narrow down the list of procedures.

  7. Click (or tap) Save.

Setting up a sliding fee scale

Setting up a sliding fee scale

Sliding scale fees are variable prices for products, services, or taxes based on a customer's ability to pay. Such fees are thereby reduced for those who have lower incomes or those who have less money to spare after taking into account their personal expenses regardless of income. Sliding fees are applied at a patient level and not at the facility level. In Dentrix Ascend, you can specify the percentage or amount of a charge or the amount per visit that a patient will pay according to a poverty level.

To set up a sliding fee scale

  1. If you are not already viewing the correct location, select it on the Location menu.

  2. On the Settings menu, under Production, click (or tap) Discount Options.

    The Discount Options page opens.

  3. Set up any of the following options:

    • Poverty level - For each Family Size, enter the annual income for the 100% poverty level. To handle families with more than eight people, for Each ADDL, enter the amount that will be added for each additional family member to determine the annual income for the 100% poverty level. The annual incomes for the 200% poverty level appear for your reference.

    • Patient pays - For each poverty level range, enter how much, as a percentage or amount, a patient will pay per procedure or visit. From the list next to each box, select % per procedure, $ per procedure or $ per visit as applicable.

      Note: If you select $ per visit and the Discount Options Settings dialog box appears, use the Visit charge procedure box to search for and select the procedure to be posted for visits, and then click (or tap) Save.

    Note: To remove the 200% column, from the Manage Columns menu, click (or tap) the X next to Column 200%.

  4. To exclude specific procedures from the discount fee scale and/or change the visit procedure, do the following:

    1. Click (or tap) Settings.

      The Discount Options Settings dialog box appears.

    2. Do any of the following:

      • Use the Visit charge procedure box to search for and select the procedure to be posted for visits. The visit procedure applies only to poverty level ranges associated with a per visit charge.

      • Use the Procedures excluded from sliding fee discount box to search for and select the procedures to be excluded. Posting or charting completed or planned procedures that are excluded results in a discount not being applied to the charges for those procedures.


        • To remove an excluded procedure, click (or tap) the corresponding X.

        • Changes to the exclusions do not affect procedures that have already been posted or charted.

    3. Click (or tap) Save.

  5. Click (or tap) Save.

Adding procedure codes

Adding procedure codes

Procedure codes represent the services that you render and products that you sell. Your Dentrix Ascend database comes with all the current ADA Procedure Codes, which are updated automatically as needed, but you can add your own custom procedure codes to your organization.

Note: When you add a procedure code, Dentrix Ascend automatically adds it to every fee schedule in all locations of your organization. Additionally, the fee for the procedure code in the current location's preferred fee schedule will be the same as the procedure code's default fee. However, all other fee schedules in all locations will have a $0.00 fee for the procedure code, so you must manually specify a fee for the procedure code in every other fee schedule in every location.

To add a procedure code

  1. If you are not already viewing the correct location, select it on the Location menu.

  2. On the Settings menu, under Production, click (or tap) Procedure Codes & Conditions.

    The Procedure Codes & Conditions page opens.

  3. On the Procedure Codes tab, click (or tap) Add Procedure Code.

    Note: You may want to verify that the procedure code that you want to add does not already exist before attempting to add it. You can do this before or after clicking (or tapping) Add Procedure Code. To do it before, with All selected in the View list, type a code or description in the Search for specific procedure box.

    The Create Procedure Code dialog box appears.

  4. Leave Procedure code selected as the Code type. You cannot change the code type once you save the procedure.

  5. Specify the code, description, office code, category, location's fee, and treatment area; and set up the other options as needed.

    Set up the following options:

    • Code - Enter the code for the procedure. You can search for procedures by the code wherever you can select a procedure. You cannot change the code once you save the procedure code. If you enter an existing procedure code, enter a suffix for the code (for example, if you want to create an alias code for D0330, you can create a procedure with "1" as the suffix) in the additional box that appears. An alias code is a procedure code followed by a period (.) and then a custom alphanumeric value up to five characters in length. Having an alias code (alternate code) allows you to have duplicate procedures in your organization's database, so you can, for example, charge different rates for similar procedures but have the same ADA Procedure Code show on claims.

    • Description - Enter a description, either the standard ADA description or a custom description, for the procedure. You can search for procedures by the description wherever you can enter a procedure.

    • Office Code - Enter the code, either a shorthand version of the ADA code description or a custom code, for this procedure.

    • Category - Select the ADA Procedure Code category that this procedure belongs to. There is also an option to specify that this procedure is a product (such as a power toothbrush or a home bleaching kit) that will not be billed to insurance.

    • Set patient's Ortho flag when completed - If the selected Category is "Orthodontics," this option is available. This option allows you to specify if the posting of this procedure should flag the corresponding patient as an orthodontia patient automatically. With this switch set to No, posting the procedure does not affect a patient's record. With this switch set to Yes, posting the procedure causes the Orthodontia Patient switch on the Basic Info tab of the corresponding patient's Patient Information page to be set to Yes automatically.

    • Add to favorites - Organization-wide favorite procedure codes are the ones that you use most commonly across your organization. Set this switch to Yes to mark this procedure as an organization-wide favorite so that you have quick and easy access to the procedure when you are charting procedures. Favorites have a yellow star next to them in the list of procedure codes on the Procedure Codes & Conditions page.

    • Bill to insurance - To flag the procedure as being billable to insurance by default when posting the procedure, turn the switch On. If the procedure should not be billable to insurance by default, turn the switch Off. Even though this option is available for an alias procedure code or a non-standard code, some carriers may reject that procedure on a claim or may reject the entire claim due to the presence of an unrecognized procedure code, so turn this option on with care if the procedure code is not standard. Being able to bill a non-standard code, such as a rate code, to an insurance carrier is helpful for Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs) when a rate code is needed for a wrap claim.

    • Location fee - Enter the default amount that you charge at this location for this procedure.

    • Treatment area - Select the treatment area that this procedure corresponds to: Tooth, Mouth, Surface, Quadrant, Range, Sextant, Root, or Arch. This option is not available if the selected Category is Products.

    • Charting symbol - According to the selected Treatment area, select how you want this procedure to be charted (only the symbols that are applicable for the selected treatment area appear in the list):

      • Tooth, Quadrant, Range, Sextant, or Arch - None, 3/4 Crown - hatched, 3/4 Crown - outline, 3/4 Crown solid, Apicoectomy, Bridge - hatched, Bridge - outline, Bridge retainer crown - hatched, Bridge retainer crown - outline, Crown - hatched, Crown - outline, Crown solid, Denture - hatched, Denture - outline, Denture - solid, Extraction, Implant - blade, Implant - cylinder, Pins, Posts, Root canal, Sealant, Bridge - solid, or Bridge retainer crown - solid.

      • Surface - None, Surface restoration - dotted, Surface restoration - hatched, or Surface restoration - solid.

      • Root - None, Apicoectomy, or Root canal.

      • Mouth - Not applicable.

    • Show area of oral cavity on eClaims - To include the area of oral cavity on electronic claims automatically, set the switch to Yes. With the switch set to Yes, all claims that you submit electronically that include the procedure, regardless of the payer, are affected; however, the clearinghouse may remove the areas of oral cavity from claims sent to payers that do not allow that information on claims. With the switch set to No, the area of oral cavity is never included on claims that you submit electronically that include the procedure.


      • This switch is available only if the selected Treatment area is Mouth, Range, Tooth, Surface, or Root.

      • You cannot turn this switch off if the selected Treatment area is Quadrant, Sextant, or Arch.

      • If you need to bill the procedure without the area of oral cavity, you can use an alias code with this option off (unless the treatment area is quadrant, sextant, or arch).

      • With this option on, the code that will be used for the area of oral cavity on a claim is determined by where the teeth that are associated with the procedure are located in the patient’s mouth:

        • The entire mouth (maxillary and mandibular arches) - 00.

        • Only in the maxillary arch - 01.

        • Only in the mandibular arch - 02.

        • Only in the upper-right quadrant - 10.

        • Only in the upper-left quadrant - 20.

        • Only in the lower-right quadrant - 30.

        • Only in the lower-left quadrant - 40.

    • Require clinical note - To require a clinical note for this procedure when it is completed, set the switch to Yes. With the switch set to Yes, completing this procedure affects the Not Entered count in the Clinical Note Tasks box on a location's Overview page and consequently which patients appear on the Not Entered tab of the Clinical Note Tasks page. With the switch set to No, completing this procedure does not affect the count of clinical notes that were not entered but should have been.

      Note: For procedure codes in the Product category, you probably do not want to require a clinical note.

    • Require treatment info - If the Code corresponds to an orthodontic procedure (D8001-D8999), this switch is available. To require the placement date and remaining months for this procedure to be entered when the procedure is completed, set the switch to Yes; otherwise, leave the switch set to No.

      • With the switch set to Yes, if the treatment information is missing for this procedure, Dentrix Ascend does the following to remind you to enter the treatment information:

        • When you attempt to complete the procedure, a pop-up message appears. To proceed, you must enter the treatment information.

        • When you attempt to create a claim for the procedure a warning message appears. To include the procedure on a claim, you must first enter the treatment information.

      • With the switch set to No, the options to enter the treatment information are not available for this procedure.

      Note: For procedure codes in the Product category, you probably do not want to require treatment information.

  6. Click (or tap) Create.

Adding multi-codes

Adding multi-codes

Multi-codes represent the group of services that you commonly render at the same time. Your Dentrix Ascend practice database comes with some multi-codes, but you can add your own custom multi-codes.

Note: Adding a multi-code to one location adds the same multi-code to the other locations of your organization.

To add a multi-code

  1. If you are not already viewing the correct location, select it on the Location menu.

  2. On the Settings menu, under Production, click (or tap) Procedure Codes & Conditions.

    The Procedure Codes & Conditions page opens.

  3. On the Procedure Codes tab, click (or tap) Add Procedure Code.

    Note: You may want to verify that the multi-code that you want to add does not already exist before attempting to add it. You can do this before or after clicking (or tapping) Add Procedure Code. To do it before, with All selected in the View list, type a code or description in the Search For Specific Procedure box near the top of the page.

    The Create Procedure Code dialog box appears.

  4. Select Multi-code as the Code type. You cannot change the code type once you save the multi-code.

    The options for adding a multi-code appear.

  5. From the Type list, select Standard or Bridge. You cannot change the type once you save the multi-code.

    The options for the selected multi-code type appear.



  6. Enter the code, description, and office code; select procedure codes; and set up the other options as needed.

    Set up the following options:

    • Code - Enter the code for the multi-code. You cannot change the code once you save the multi-code.

    • Description - Enter a description for the multi-code. You can search for multi-codes by the description wherever you can enter a procedure.

    • Office Code - Enter a shorthand version of the description for this multi-code.

    • Add to favorites - Organization-wide favorite multi-codes are the ones that you use most commonly across your organization. Set this switch to Yes to mark this multi-code as an organization-wide favorite so that you have quick and easy access to the multi-code when you are charting procedures. Favorites have a yellow star next to them in the list of procedure codes on the Procedure Codes & Conditions page.

    • Procedures - Do one of the following:

      • For a standard multi-code - Begin typing a procedure code or description in the Add a procedure here box, continue typing as needed to narrow the results list, and then click (or tap) the desired procedure (if the procedure has surface options, see the third note below for instructions on how to specify surfaces). Repeat this as needed to add other procedure codes to this multi-code.


        • You cannot add a procedure code that requires a surface selection and a procedure code that requires a tooth selection to the same multi-code. If you have already added a procedure code that requires a surface or a tooth selection, when you search for another procedure code to add, only the allowed procedure codes are available for selection.

        • You cannot add a procedure code for a quadrant or an arch to a multi-code.

        • A procedure that requires a treatment area (such as a tooth or surface) to be selected when this multi-code is charted or posted has a tooth icon on it.

        • A procedure that requires one or more surfaces to be selected when this multi-code is charted or posted has an orange bar on it (in addition to a tooth icon). If the surface options for a procedure are not already being displayed, click (or tap) that procedure; then, you can select the Surfaces and then whether or not the surfaces are Class 5.

        • To remove a procedure code from this multi-code, click (or tap) the corresponding X button.

        • To flag the multi-code as a treatment plan template, set the Tx Plan Template switch to Yes. Then, add visits, adjust the appointment length, and arrange the procedures in each visit as needed. For more information, see the topic about flagging the multi-code as a treatment plan template.

      • For a bridge multi-code - For the Pontic procedure code, begin typing a procedure code or description in the search box, continue typing as needed to narrow the results list, and then click (or tap) the desired procedure. For the Retainer procedure code, begin typing a procedure code or description in the search box, continue typing as needed to narrow the results list, and then click (or tap) the desired procedure.


      • You can add an alias procedure code and a custom procedure code to a multi-code.

      • You can add any number of procedure codes to a multi-code.

      • You cannot add a multi-code to a multi-code.

  7. Click (or tap) Create.

    Multi-codes show at the top of the list of procedure codes on the Procedure Codes page.

6. Medical alerts

Adding medical alerts

Adding medical alerts

You can set up the medical alerts that you want to have available for attaching to patients. Dentrix Ascend comes with a large set of default medical alerts, but you can add your own custom alerts as needed.

Note: Medical alerts are global (available to all locations across your organization).

To add a medical alert

  1. On the Settings menu, under Patient Care, click (or tap) Medical Alerts Library.

    The Medical Alerts Library page opens.

  2. Do one of the following:

    • To create a medical alert for an allergy, next to Allergies, click (or tap) Create New.

    • To create a medical alert for a problem, next to Problems, click (or tap) Create New.

    Tip: You may want to verify that the medical alert that you want to add does not already exist in your practice database before you attempt to add the alert. Under Available Medical Alerts, begin typing an alert in the search box, continue typing as needed to narrow the search results list. Alternatively, you can expand a section to look for an alert in that category.

    The options for adding the medical alert become available.



  3. Specify the description, category, and other details of the medical alert as needed.

    Set up the following options:

    • Alert name / Condition - Enter a description of the medical alert. It can be up to 60 characters long.

    • Category - Select a category for the medical alert. For an allergy, the selected category is Allergies and cannot be changed.

    • SNOMED CT code - Enter the SNOMED CT code that you want to associate with the medical alert.

    • Show alert - Set this switch to one of the following options to specify the default state of the Show alert switch that is available when you are attaching a medical alert to a patient's record:

      • Yes - For a patient with this alert attached, a message that describes the patient's allergy or condition will appear each time you access the patient's information, and the Medical Alert icon will appear where applicable.

      • No - For a patient with this alert attached, a message will not appear when you access the patient's information, but the Medical Alert icon will appear where applicable.

      Note: When you are attaching this medical alert to a patient, or when you are editing a patient's medical alert, you can change the state of the Show alert switch as needed.

    • Is permanent - Set this switch to one of the following options to specify the default state of the Is permananent switch that is available when you are attaching a medical alert to a patient's record:

      • Yes - If this medical alert will usually be permanent for patients to whom you attach it.

      • No - If this medical alert will usually not be permanent for patients to whom you attach it. If a medical alert is marked as not permanent, you can mark it as expired when applicable.

      Note: When you are attaching this medical alert to a patient, or when you are editing a patient's medical alert, you can change the state of the Is permananent switch as needed.

  4. Click (or tap) Create.

Note: If the Show alert switch was set to Yes, a red exclamation point appears next to the name of the allergy or problem.

7. Prescriptions

Creating prescription templates

Creating prescription templates

You can create prescriptions templates to make entering prescriptions more efficient. Create templates for the most common drugs and amounts you prescribe.

Note: Prescription templates are global (available to all locations across your organization).

To create a prescription template

  1. On the Settings menu, under Patient Care, click (or tap) Prescriptions.

    The Prescription Setup page opens.

  2. Make a new prescription template using either of the following options:

    • Create new - To make an all new prescription template, click (or tap) Add New Prescription.

    • Base on existing - To make a prescription template based on an existing template, select the template that is similar to the one that you want to create.


    • To search for an existing template, under Prescription Templates, in the Search box, begin typing part of a drug name. The matching templates appear as a list or in categories (which are expandable and collapsible sections). Continue typing as needed to narrow the search results.

    • If Group by category is selected, expand a section to locate a prescription template in that category.

    The options for adding or editing the prescription template become available. The options that are available depend on whether you are creating a new template or making one that is based on an existing template.


    Based on Existing

  3. Enter or modify the prescription details, such as the category, name, and dosing instructions.

    Set up the following options:

    • Drug category - Select a category for the drug; or, if the category that you want to use does not already exist, select Create a new category from the list to enter a new category (for example, "Pain").

    • Drug name - Enter the drug name (for example, "Tylenol III 1000mg").

    • Controlled substance - To specify that the prescription is a controlled substance and to have the prescribing provider's DEA number appear on the prescription, select this checkbox.

    • Sig - Enter the dosing instructions (for example, "Take 1 pill orally as needed for pain.").

      Note: If the laws in your state require prescribers to include the diagnosis code (ICD-10) or the CDT procedure code on opioid or other controlled substance prescriptions, or to include the days' supply on all controlled substance prescriptions, you can include the default wording, which can be modified for individual patients as needed:

      • Procedure Code: ##### (replacing ##### with the procedure code that is most commonly the reason for the prescription).

      • Number of Days' Supply: ## days (replacing ## with the number of days' supply that is typically proscribed).

      When you are attaching this prescription to a patient's record, change the procedure code if necessary. The number of days' supply shouldn't need to be changed unless you change the number to dispense.

    • Dispense - Enter the amount to dispense (for example, "6"). Also, select the unit type; or, if the type you want to use does not already exist, click (or tap) Add new unit on the list to enter a new type (for example, "Capsule").

    • Substitution allowance - If a generic version of the drug is not allowed, select Dispense as written; otherwise, select Generic substitution permitted.

    • Refills - Enter the number of refills allowed, or use "0" if no refills are allowed.

    • Patient note - Enter any additional notes for the patient.

  4. Do one of the following:

    • For an all new template, click (or tap) Create Prescription.

    • For a template based on another, click (or tap) Save as New.

Customizing settings for printing prescriptions

Customizing settings for printing prescriptions

You can customize the settings that control how prescriptions are printed for each location of your organization.

To customize the settings for printing prescriptions

  1. On the Settings menu, under Patient Care, click (or tap) Prescriptions.

    The Prescription Setup page opens.

  2. Click (or tap) Modify Print Settings.

    The print settings become available.

  3. From the Template list, select the state where the providers in your office prescribe medications. The current location's state is selected by default. Alternatively, you can select the "Generic" option to specify custom printing options for prescriptions.

  4. Set up the options for the selected state's prescriptions or for generic prescriptions as needed.

    Set up any of the following options as applicable for the selected state or for "Generic" prescriptions:

    • Use pre-printed form - Your office prints prescriptions on paper with a pre-printed form, so no outlines or borders will be printed, only the information. (Not available for all states.)

    • Include quantity checkboxes - The checkboxes that indicate the ranges of quantities that can be dispensed appear on the printed prescription with the applicable checkbox selected. (Available only with the "Generic" option.)

    • Display date in long format - The date of the prescription appears on the printed prescription with an abbreviation for the month spelled out, the day of the month, and the four-digit year (for example, Jan 15, 2014). With this checkbox clear, the date appears in a mm/dd/yyyy format on the printed prescription.

    • Include words with quantities - The quantity to dispense appears spelled out on the printed prescription (for example, "twelve" for 12). With this checkbox clear, the quantity is a number on the printed prescription.

    • Include drug information for patient - Drug information regarding a given prescription prints below the printed prescription. This information is appended to any notes that are entered when the prescription is written.

    • Require signature for substitution - On the printed prescription, there are two signature lines: one for "Product Selection Permitted," and one for "Dispense as Written." With this checkbox clear, there are checkboxes on the printed prescription for "Dispense as written" and "Generic Substitution Permitted," with the applicable checkbox selected, and a signature line for "Signature of Prescriber."

    • Offsets - Specify, in millimeters, an offset for the top and left margins of printed prescriptions. Negative numbers are allowed.

  5. Click (or tap) Save.

8. Recare

Adding recare types

Adding recare types

You can add recare types, which you can attach to patients' records to help you track recare appointments for those patients. Dentrix Ascend comes with the most common types already setup, but you can create your own recare type or customize an existing type to suit your preferences. You can use the recare types that you set up to attach recare to patients, using a default interval; however, you can change the interval on a patient-by-patient basis.

Note: Recare types are global (available to all locations across your organization).

To add a recare type

  1. On the Settings menu, under Patient Care, click (or tap) Recare.

    The Recare Setup page opens.

  2. , click (or tap) Create New.

    The options for adding a recare type become available.

  3. Enter a name for the recare type, and set up the other options, such as the interval and associated procedures, as needed.

    Set up the following options:

    • Type - Enter a name for the recare type.

    • Description - Enter a description for the recare type.

    • Interval - Enter a number, and select Weeks, Months, or Years to specify how often a patient with this recare type attached to his or her record should be seen for this type of recare.

      Each time you complete a recare appointment, the due date for the corresponding patient's next recare appointment (of the same recare type) advances by the specified interval.

    • Primary Recare Type - If an appointment is typically scheduled around this recare type (for example, a cleaning), select this checkbox. If the procedures that you associate with this recare type are typically additional services that accompany a primary type (for example, X-rays), clear this checkbox.


    • Procedures - Add the procedures that you want to associate with this recare type. Begin typing a procedure code or description, continue typing as needed to narrow the results, and then select the desired procedure from the list. Repeat this for as many procedures as you want to associate with this recare type.

      If you associate a procedure with this recare type, when you complete an appointment for the specified procedure, and if the recare type is not already attached to the record of the patient for whom the appointment was scheduled, a message will appear and allow you to choose whether or not you want to attach recare to the patient's record.

  4. Click (or tap) Save.

9. Patient Communications

Customizing appointment communications

Customizing appointment communications

You can customize the schedule and content of an appointment communication (an email message and a text message that get sent to patients automatically regarding their appointments).


  • Patient communications are location-specific (each location of your organization has its own communication settings).

  • A patient (assuming he or she is his or her own primary contact) receives patient communications only if the patient's status is New or Active. Also, if a new or an active patient has a non-patient primary contact, the primary contact receives patient communications.

  • When a patient confirms an appointment from an email or a text message, Dentrix Ascend adds an entry for it in the audit log.

To customize an appointment communication

  1. If you are not already viewing the correct location, select it on the Location menu.

  2. On the Settings menu, under Patient Care, click (or tap) Patient Communications.

    The Patient Communications page opens.

  3. On the Appointment tab, click (or tap) a communication.

    Samples of the corresponding email message and text message appear, and the options for the communication become available.

    Appt confirmed (default - cannot be customized)

    Appt scheduled

    Appt confirmed

    Appt start (without ability to confirm)

    Appt start (with ability to confirm)

    Appt broken

    Appt no show

    Appt completed

  4. Click (or tap) Edit.

    The wizard for editing the appointment communication appears.

  5. Set up the appointment communication options on the following tabs as needed:

    • Notification Schedule

      Notification Schedule tab

      1. From the Appointment reminder is based on list, select an action that you want to associate this communication with:

        • Appointment Scheduled Date - When someone schedules an appointment.

        • Appointment Confirmed Date - When a patient confirms an appointment from an automated appointment reminder, or when a staff member manually changes an appointment's status to "Confirmed."

          Note: Dentrix Ascend has a default automated text message that gets sent to patients after they confirm their appointments. If your custom "Appt confirmed" communication is active, we recommend that you turn off the default one if you don't want your patients to get two messages for confirming their appointments.

        • Appointment Start Date and Time - When the date and time of the scheduled appointment arrives.

        • Appointment Completed Date - When an appointment's status is changed to "Complete."

        • Appointment Broken Date - When an appointment's status is changed to "Broken."

        • Appointment No Show Date - When an appointment's status is changed to "No Show."

        The applicable options become available.

      2. Set up the following options:

        • Appointment reminder is based on - Do one of the following:

          • For Appointment Scheduled Date, specify the number of days, weeks, or months After an appointment is scheduled that you want the message to be sent.

          • For Appointment Confirmed Date, specify the number of days, weeks, or months After a patient confirms an appointment that you want the message to be sent.

          • For Appointment Start Date and Time, specify the number of hours (up to three hours) or days After the date and time of a scheduled appointment arrives that you want the message to be sent.

          • For Appointment Start Date and Time, specify the number of hours (up to three hours), days, weeks, or months Before the date and time of a scheduled appointment arrives that you want the message to be sent.

          • For Appointment Completed Date, specify the number of days After an appointment is completed that you want the message to be sent.

          • For Appointment Broken Date, specify the number of days After an appointment is broken that you want the message to be sent.

          • For Appointment No Show Date, specify the number of days After an appointment is missed that you want the message to be sent.

          Important: In accordance with the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA), to ensure that you send automated text messages to patients only between the hours of 8:00 AM and 9:00 PM, local time zone, do not set up the notification to be sent X number of hours Before the Appointment Start Date and Time, and do not schedule appointments earlier than when message delivery is wanted. However, any notifications that are scheduled to be sent between 9:00 PM and 11:59 PM will be delivered at 9:00 PM, and any notifications that are scheduled to be sent between 12:00 AM and 8:00 AM will be delivered at 8:00 AM.

        • Exclude automated message - Turn this setting Off to use the default, automated message and any custom message that you specify later on in the wizard. Turn this setting On to use only a custom message that you enter later on in the wizard.

        • Include Premedicate message on Email - This setting is available only for Appointment Scheduled Date, Appointment Confirmed Date, and Appointment Start Date and Time. Turn this setting On to have instructions for the patient regarding pre-medication appear on the email message; however, the pre-medication instructions will appear only if the patient's appointment has the option selected that indicates that pre-medication has been requested. Turn this setting Off to exclude the pre-medication instructions. The text of the pre-medication instructions is, "Please do not forget to take any required medication before your appointment."

        • Ability to confirm - This setting is available only for Appointment Start Date and Time and if Before is selected. Turn this setting On to provide a Confirm Appointment button for a patient to click (in an email message) or texting instructions that a patient can follow (in a text message) to confirm his or her appointment. The status of the appointment will be updated automatically when the patient confirms his or her appointment. Turn this setting Off to not include a way for the patient to confirm his or her appointment from the email or text message. With this switch On, only a patient with an appointment that has not already been confirmed receives a text message or email message. With this switch Off, a patient with an appointment receives a text message or email message regardless of the confirmation status.

        • Add forms link - This setting is available only for Appointment Scheduled Date, Appointment Confirmed Date, and Appointment Start Date and Time. Turn this setting On to provide a Forms button (in an email message) or a link (in a text message) for a patient to click to access his or her online forms. Turn this setting Off to not include a way for the patient to access his or her online forms from the email or text message.

        • Continue sending - This setting is available only for Appointment Start Date and Time, Appointment Broken Date, and Appointment No Show Date. Turn this setting On to keep sending a patient this message at a specified interval after this notice is sent out initially (Repeat every number of days, weeks, or months) until the specified number of notices (up to 10) have been sent (Discontinue after [number of ] notices). Turn this setting Off to send this message only once.

      3. Click (or tap) Next to proceed to the next tab of the wizard, or click (or tap) any tab.

    • Preferred Sending Method

      Preferred Sending Method tab

      1. Select the format that you prefer to use for the message:

        • Email - Send this message by email. If a patient receiving the message does not have an email address, Dentrix Ascend will attempt to send the patient a text message.

        • Text - Send this message by text. If a patient receiving the message does not have a valid mobile phone number, Dentrix Ascend will attempt to send the patient an email message.

      2. Click (or tap) Next to proceed to the next tab of the wizard, or click (or tap) any tab.

    • Email Message

      Email Message tab

      1. Customize the email message as needed:

        • Subject - Type the subject of the email message as you want it to appear for patients.

        • Automated message - You cannot change the content, layout, or formatting of the default message. The correct patient names and appointment times will be inserted accordingly into the message. There is no automated message if the Exclude automated message setting is On on the Notification Schedule tab of the wizard.

        • Custom message - Type and format any custom text that you want to include in the message.

      2. Click (or tap) Next to proceed to the next tab of the wizard, or click (or tap) any tab.

    • Text Message

      Text Message tab

      1. Customize the text message as needed:

        • Automated message - You cannot change the content, layout, or formatting of the default message. The correct patient names and appointment times will be inserted accordingly into the message. There is no automated message if the Exclude automated message setting is On on the Notification Schedule tab of the wizard.

        • Custom message - Type any custom text that you want to include in the message.

        Note: Due to technological limitations with text messaging, a text message that exceeds 160 characters will be sent as multiple messages.

      2. Click (or tap) Next to proceed to the next tab of the wizard, or click (or tap) any tab.

    • Practice Info

      Practice Info tab

      The logo, name, address, and phone number of the selected location as they will be displayed on an email message appear. The name and phone number of the selected location as they will be displayed on a text message appear.

  6. On the Practice Info tab, click (or tap) Done to save the settings on all the tabs of the wizard.

Customizing recare communications

Customizing recare communications

You can customize the schedule and content of a recare communication (an email message and a text message that get sent to patients automatically regarding their prophy recare using procedure codes D1110 and D1120).


  • Patient communications are location-specific (each location of your organization has its own communication settings).

  • A patient (assuming he or she is his or her own primary contact) receives patient communications only if the patient's status is New or Active. Also, if a new or an active patient has a non-patient primary contact, the primary contact receives patient communications.

  • When a patient confirms an appointment from an email or a text message, Dentrix Ascend adds an entry for it in the audit log.

To customize a recare communication

  1. If you are not already viewing the correct location, select it on the Location menu.

  2. On the Settings menu, under Patient Care, click (or tap) Patient Communications.

    The Patient Communications page opens.

  3. On the Recare tab, click (or tap) a communication.

    Samples of the corresponding email message and text message appear, and the options for the communication become available.

    Due Date (before)

    When a patient receives an email message, according to the recare communications setup, that has a Book Now button, he or she can click that button to schedule an appointment online.

    Due Date (after)

  4. Click (or tap) Edit.

    The wizard for editing the recare communication appears.

  5. Set up the recare communication options on the following tabs as needed:

    • Notification Schedule

      Notification Schedule tab

      1. Set up the following options:

        • Send Reminder - Specify the number of days, weeks, or months before or after the due date of a patient's prophy recare that you want the message to be sent.

          Important: In accordance with the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA), to ensure that you send automated text messages to patients only between the hours of 8:00 AM and 9:00 PM, local time zone, do not set up the notification to be sent X number of hours Before appointments start, and do not schedule appointments earlier than when message delivery is wanted. However, any notifications that are scheduled to be sent between 9:00 PM and 11:59 PM will be delivered at 9:00 PM, and any notifications that are scheduled to be sent between 12:00 AM and 8:00 AM will be delivered at 8:00 AM.

        • Exclude automated message - Turn this setting Off to use the default, automated message and any custom message that you specify later on in the wizard. Turn this setting On to use only a custom message that you enter later on in the wizard.

        • Continue sending - Turn this setting On to keep sending a patient this message at a specified interval after this notice is sent out initially (Repeat every number of days, weeks, or months) until the specified number of notices (up to 10) have been sent (Discontinue after [number of ] notices). Turn this setting Off to send this message only once.

      2. Click (or tap) Next to proceed to the next tab of the wizard, or click (or tap) any tab.

    • Preferred Sending Method

      Preferred Sending Method tab

      1. Select the format that you prefer to use for the message:

        • Email - Send this message by email. If a patient receiving the message does not have an email address, Dentrix Ascend will attempt to send the patient a text message.

        • Text - Send this message by text. If a patient receiving the message does not have a valid mobile phone number, Dentrix Ascend will attempt to send the patient an email message.

      2. Click (or tap) Next to proceed to the next tab of the wizard, or click (or tap) any tab.

    • Email Message

      Email Message tab

      1. Customize the email message as needed:

        • Subject - Type the subject of the email message as you want it to appear for patients.

        • Automated message - You cannot change the content, layout, or formatting of the default message. The correct patient names and appointment times will be inserted accordingly into the message. There is no automated message if the Exclude automated message setting is On on the Notification Schedule tab of the wizard.

        • Custom message - Type and format any custom text that you want to include in the message.

      2. Click (or tap) Next to proceed to the next tab of the wizard, or click (or tap) any tab.

    • Text Message

      Text Message tab

      1. Customize the text message as needed:

        • Automated message - You cannot change the content, layout, or formatting of the default message. The correct patient names and appointment times will be inserted accordingly into the message. There is no automated message if the Exclude automated message setting is On on the Notification Schedule tab of the wizard.

        • Custom message - Type any custom text that you want to include in the message.

        Note: Due to technological limitations with text messaging, a text message that exceeds 160 characters will be sent as multiple messages.

      2. Click (or tap) Next to proceed to the next tab of the wizard, or click (or tap) any tab.

    • Practice Info

      Practice Info tab

      The logo, name, address, and phone number of the selected location as they will be displayed on an email message appear. The name and phone number of the selected location as they will be displayed on a text message appear.

  6. On the Practice Info tab, click (or tap) Done to save the settings on all the tabs of the wizard.

Customizing electronic statement communications

Customizing electronic statement communications

You can customize the content of an electronic statement (e-statement) communication (an email message and a text message that you can send to patients).


  • E-statement communications for are location-specific (each location of your organization has its own e-statement communication settings).

  • If a patient is his or her own primary guarantor, and his or her status is New or Active, he or she receives e-statement communications. If a patient is not his or her own primary guarantor, the specified guarantor for that patient receives e-statement communications. Also, if a new or an active patient has a non-patient primary guarantor, that guarantor receives e-statement communications.

To customize an electronic statement communication

  1. If you are not already viewing the correct location, select it on the Location menu.

  2. On the Settings menu, under Patient Care, click (or tap) Patient Communications.

    The Patient Communications page opens.

  3. On the eStatement tab, samples of the email message and text message for the communication appear. To customize the messages, click (or tap) Edit.

    The wizard for editing the e-statement communication appears.

  4. Set up the e-statement communication options on the following tabs as needed:

    • Preferred Sending Method

      Preferred Sending Method tab

      1. Select the format that you prefer to use for the message:

        • Email - Send this message by email. If a patient receiving the message does not have an email address, Dentrix Ascend will attempt to send the patient a text message.

        • Text - Send this message by text. If a patient receiving the message does not have a valid mobile phone number, Dentrix Ascend will attempt to send the patient an email message.

        Important: In accordance with the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA), to ensure that you send automated text messages to patients only between the hours of 8:00 AM and 9:00 PM, local time zone, any notifications that are initiated between 9:00 PM and 8:00 AM will be delivered at 8:00 AM.

      2. Click (or tap) Next to proceed to the next tab of the wizard, or click (or tap) any tab.

    • Email Message

      Email Message tab

      1. Customize the email message as needed:

        • Subject - Type the subject of the email message as you want it to appear for patients.

        • Automated message - You cannot change the content, layout, or formatting of the default message. The correct patient names will be inserted accordingly into the message.

        • Custom message - Type and format any custom text that you want to include in the message.

      2. Click (or tap) Next to proceed to the next tab of the wizard, or click (or tap) any tab.

    • Text Message

      Text Message tab

      1. Customize the text message as needed:

        • Automated message - You cannot change the content, layout, or formatting of the default message. The correct patient names and links to e-statements will be inserted accordingly into the message.

        • Custom message - Type any custom text that you want to include in the message.

        Note: Due to technological limitations with text messaging, a text message that exceeds 160 characters will be sent as multiple messages.

      2. Click (or tap) Next to proceed to the next tab of the wizard, or click (or tap) any tab.

    • Practice Info

      Practice Info tab

      The logo, name, address, and phone number of the selected location as they will be displayed on an email message appear. The name and phone number of the selected location as they will be displayed on a text message appear.

  5. On the Practice Info tab, click (or tap) Done to save the settings on all the tabs of the wizard.

Completing SMS registration

Completing SMS registration

To successfully send text messages, electronic statements, automated appointment and recare reminders, and online booking verifications through Dentrix Ascend, you must complete an SMS registration form. Providing accurate company information (such as a valid EIN) for the SMS registration will reduce the chance of your messages being filtered out as spam by cell phone carriers because this information increases your "trust score," which cell phone carriers use to determine if a message is spam.

What is 10DLC and AP2 messaging?

10-digit long code, or 10DLC, is the standard format for phone numbers in the United States. Your business phone number follows the 10DLC format (for example, 801-555-5555). A2P stands for application-to-person texting. If you send text messages from your practice to patients using a solution like Patient Engage, Demandforce, Lighthouse, Sesame Communications, QuickBill Premium, or Dentrix Ascend, you are using application-to-person texting with a 10DLC phone number. To reduce texting spam, carriers have adopted a registration requirement for businesses that use 10DLC phone numbers to send texts.

If you do not register your 10DLC number, you will no longer be able to send text messages to your patients. 

Am I affected by 10DLC?

If you send text messages from your business to your patients, yes, you are affected.

What is the deadline to register?

You should complete your registration as soon as possible. Mobile carriers will begin blocking texts from unregistered 10DLC numbers on July 5, 2023. Registration verification can take several weeks, and if your registration has not been verified by July 5 your messages may be gradually blocked by the carriers. All texts from unregistered numbers will be blocked on August 31, 2023.

Is there a fee to register?

Yes. The mobile carriers will charge you a small fee to register. Based on the information available to us, we believe most dental practices will pay $19 to register. Larger organizations with a higher volume of texting may pay a higher registration fee. This fee comes from the mobile carrier industry. It will appear in your Henry Schein One bill.

Is there a penalty if I wait to register?

Yes. To encourage registration, mobile carriers are raising rates for unregistered phone numbers. You'll begin seeing these carrier rate increases in your Henry Schein One bill soon. You'll continue seeing them until you register.

Note: You must complete the SMS registration for each location that sends Application-to-Person (A2P) messages through Dentrix Ascend.

To complete the SMS registration form

  1. If you are not already viewing the correct location, select it on the Location menu.

  2. On the Settings menu, under Patient Care, click (or tap) Patient Communications.

    The Patient Communications page opens.

  3. Click (or tap) SMS Registration.

    Note: If the registration for the current location has not been completed, or if the registration is being processed, the button has an orange warning symbol.

    The SMS Registration dialog box appears.

  4. Complete the registration form.

    Customize any of the following:

    • Legal Business Name - Your business's legal name.

    • EIN (Tax ID) - Your business's federal Employer Identification Number.

      Tip: You can do any of the following to find your EIN:

      • Contact your company's accountant or financial office.

      • Look on your company's W2 form or other tax-filing forms.

      • If your company is publicly traded and registered, use the SEC's EDGAR system.

    • Address - The street address, city, state, and ZIP Code of your business.

    • Website URL - The website address (URL) of your business's website.

    • Social Media Profile URL - The website address (URL) of your business's social media website.

    • Business Type - The legal structure of your business: Sole Proprietorship, Partnership, Limited Liability Corporation, Co-operative, Non-profit Corporation, or Corporation.

    • Company Email - The email address of a contact person in your business or a general mailbox for your business. For a public company (Public is selected as the Company Type), the address must be from a domain that is associated with your company, an email message will be sent to the specified address, and a representative must click the link provided in that message within seven days to verify the email address.

    • Company Type - The type of institution of your business: Private, Public, Non-profit, or Government.

    • Company Stock Ticker Symbol - If your business is a public company (Public is selected as the Company Type), this box is available. Enter the letters of your company's stock symbol.

    • Stock Exchange - If your business is a public company (Public is selected as the Company Type), this list is available. Select the applicable stock exchange: NASDAQ or NYSE.

  5. Click (or tap) Save.

Note: The verification process, which is conducted by the messaging provider for Dentrix Ascend, may take several days to complete. When registration is complete, the symbol on the SMS Registration button changes to a green checkmark.

10. Letters and postcards

Customizing letter templates

Customizing letter templates

You can customize the content of a letter template that you can then merge with patient and practice information according to specified criteria (filters).

To customize a letter template

  1. On the Home menu, under Location, click (or tap) Letters.

    The Letters page opens.

  2. Select a letter template.

  3. On the Edit Text tab, change the content and layout of the letter template, and format the text as needed. Also, you can insert a merge field (such as Patient First Name, Patient Address, Account Balance, and Appointment Time) at the location of the text cursor anywhere in the message.

    Note: A merge field appears in the template as text enclosed in square brackets (for example, [Patient_First_Name]), but the message that a patient sees will have the relevant information from your practice database inserted in place of the merge field (for example, [Practice Address] will be replaced with the practice address of a patient's preferred location).

    Tip: If you need to reset the entire content of the letter template back to its original text, click (or tap) Reset Letter Text.

  4. Click (or tap) Save.

Setting up filters for letter merges

Setting up filters for letter merges

You can set up the filters for any letter template (which you can merge with patient and practice information) to specify who should receive a letter of that type.

To set up the filters for a letter merge

  1. On the Home menu, under Location, click (or tap) Letters.

    The Letters page opens.

  2. Select the type of letter template that you want to set up filters for. You can choose from the following types of letter templates (which are contained in sections that you can expand and collapse): Appointment Reminder, Birthday, Collection, Labels, Miscellaneous, New Patient Welcome, Recare Appointment Reminder, and Recare Due.

    The options for that letter template appear, and the Filters tab is selected by default.

  3. As needed, set up the filters to specify who should receive a letter.

    Set up the following filters:

    • Patient Type - Click (or tap) this header to filter the recipient list by patient type. Select All to have patients with any patient type be recipients, or select the checkboxes of the types of patients who you want to be recipients.

    • Balance Aging - Click (or tap) this header to filter the recipient list by account aging. Select All to have patients with an aged or a negative balance be recipients, select the checkboxes of the aged account balances of patients who you want to be recipients, select the no balance checkbox to have patients who do not have an account balance be recipients, or select the (-) balance checkbox to have patients whose account balances have a credit be recipients.

    • Patient Balance - Click (or tap) this header to filter the recipient list by patients' ledger balances. Enter a Minimum Balance to have patients with ledger balances that are greater than or equal to the specified amount (but less than or equal to the maximum if specified) be recipients. Enter a Maximum Balance to have patient with ledger balances that are less than or equal to the specified amount (but greater than or equal to the minimum if specified) be recipients. The Patient Balance filters are available only for letters that are.

    • Birthday - Click (or tap) this header to filter the recipient list by a range of birth dates. Enter a date range, or click (or tap) in the box to select Next Month, Specific Date (choose the date), or Custom Range (choose the dates). To filter according to only the month and/or day, select Ignore birth year. The Birthday filters are available only for letters or postcards that are Birthday templates.

    • Appointments From - Click (or tap) this header to filter the recipient list by appointment date range. Select 14 Days (from today) to have patients with appointments that are scheduled within the next 14 days be recipients; select 30 Days (from today) to have patients with appointments that are scheduled within the next 30 days be recipients; or select Specify Range, and then select today's date, Next Month, Specific Date (choose the date), or Custom Range (choose the start and end dates) to have patients with appointments that are scheduled within the specified date range be recipients. The Appointments From filter is available only for letters or postcards that are Appointment Reminder or Recare Reminder templates.

    • Appointment Providers - Click (or tap) this header to filter the recipient list by appointment providers. Select All to have patients with appointments with any provider be recipients, or select the checkboxes of the providers of appointments for patients who you want to be recipients. Only providers who have access to the current location are available.

    • Seen within the past - Click (or tap) this header to filter the recipient list by appointment date range. Select 14 Days (from today) to have patients with appointments within the past 14 days be recipients; select 30 Days (from today) to have patients with appointments within the past 30 days be recipients; or select Specify Range, and then select Next Month, Specific Date (choose the date), or Custom Range (choose the start and end dates) to have patients with appointments within the specified date range be recipients. The Seen within the past filter is available only for letters or postcards that are Recare Due templates or "new patient welcome (after visit)" templates (under New Patient Welcome).

    • Registered within the last - Click (or tap) this header to filter the recipient list by appointment date range. Select 14 Days (from today) to have new patients who had appointments scheduled within the past 14 days be recipients; select 30 Days (from today) to have new patients who had appointments scheduled within the past 30 days be recipients; or select Specify Range, and then select Next Month, Specific Date (choose the date), or Custom Range (choose the start and end dates) to have new patients who had appointments scheduled within the specified date range be recipients. The Registered within the last filter is available only for letters or postcards that are "new patient welcome (before visit)" templates (under New Patient Welcome).

      Patient Gender - Click (or tap) this header to filter the recipient list by patient gender. Select Male, Female, and.or Other to have patients of the selected gender be recipients. You must select the checkbox of at least one gender.

    • Remaining Benefits - Click (or tap) this header to filter the recipient list by a specified amount of remaining benefits for patients with specified carriers. The Remaining Benefits filters are available only for a letters that are "year end treatment" templates (under Miscellaneous). Set up the following filters:

      • To include primary and/or secondary insurance plan coverage, under Search for, select Primary Insurance and/or Secondary Insurance.

      • To include only benefits for patients with certain insurance carriers, under Insurance Carrier Name, type a letter or several letters (or select a carrier from the results list that appears as you type) for the Beginning and Ending values of the range. Leave either of the boxes blank to have an open-ended range. Leave both boxes blank to include all carriers.

      • To include patients with benefits within a minimum and maximum amount, under Remaining Benefit Amount, enter the Beginning Amount and Ending Amount. Leave either of the boxes blank to have an open-ended range. Leave both boxes blank to include any amount.

    • Procedures/Treatment Plan - Click (or tap) this header to filter the recipient list by treatment plans that were created with a specified date range but have not been scheduled. Under Search for, select Outstanding Treatment Plan. To include only treatment plans that were created within a certain date range, in the Select Treatment Plan Range box, enter a date range, or click (or tap) in the box to select Next Month or Custom Range (choose the dates). Leave the box blank to include treatment plans that were created on any date. The Procedures/Treatment Plan filters are available only for a letters that are "outstanding treatment plans" and "year end treatment" templates (under Miscellaneous).

    • Providers - Click (or tap) this header to filter the recipient list by patients' providers. Select All to have patients with any provider be recipients, or select the checkboxes of the providers for patients who you want to be recipients. Only providers who have access to the current location are available.

    • Due Date - Click (or tap) this header to filter the recipient list by due dates for patients' recare. Select whether you want to include recare appointments that are due 14 days before due date, due 30 days before due date, 30 days past due, 60 days past due, or due within a specific date range (next month, a specific date, or a custom range). The Due Date filter is available only for letters or postcards that are Recare Due templates.

    • Recare Type - Click (or tap) this header to filter the recipient list by patients with specific recare types attached to their records. Select All to have patients with any recare type be recipients, or select the checkboxes of the recare types for patients who you want to be recipients. The Recare Type filters are available only for letters or postcards that are Recare Due or Recare Reminder templates.

    • Last Payment Date - Click (or tap) this header to filter the recipient list by patients who have made a payment within the specified date range. Click (or tap) in the Specify Range box, and then select Previous Month, Specific Date or Custom Range (select the start and end dates). The Last Payment Date filter is available only for letters that are "collection letter (range)" templates (under Miscellaneous).

  4. Click (or tap) Save.

You can now generate a list of recipients who meet the specified criteria and then print the letter or postcard and/or label.

11. Insurance

Adding insurance carriers

Adding insurance carriers

From Dentrix Ascend, you have access to a large database of supported payers. You can add any of these supported insurance carriers to your organization's database. You can also add an insurance carrier that does not appear in the database of supported insurance carriers to your organization's database.

Tip: You can also add an insurance carrier when you are attaching insurance to a patient.

Note: Adding insurance carriers requires the "Create Carriers" security right.

To add an insurance carrier

  1. On the Home menu, under Insurance, click (or tap) Carriers.

    The Insurance Carriers page opens.

  2. Click (or tap) Add Carrier.

    The Select carrier box becomes available.

  3. In the Select carrier box, begin typing the insurance carrier's name or payer ID. A list of supported insurance carriers appears. Continue typing as needed to narrow the search results.

    Important: Henry Schein One maintains a database of supported payers. The database is updated regularly, and a list of carriers and each carrier's details is sent to Dentrix Ascend. Selecting a carrier from the list of supported payers ensures that your practice has up-to-date information for that carrier. Also, using a supported payer allows you to add attachments to claims (however, the payer might not accept electronic attachments; in which case, you can mail the attachments separately from the claims or print and mail the claim and attachments together).

  4. Do one of the following:

    • If the correct insurance carrier is listed, click (or tap) it to populate the boxes with that carrier's information.

    • If the correct insurance carrier name is not listed, finish typing the full name. The name must start with a number or letter, not a special character).

      Then, press the Tab key, or click (or tap) outside the box. A message about adding unsupported payers appears.

      Click (or tap) Use New Carrier Name. The options for adding a new insurance carrier become available.

  5. Set up the other options as needed:

    • Expected period of insurance claim resolution - The number of days after which you want to consider claims that are sent to the insurance carrier as being overdue. By default, the turnaround time is set to 14 days, but you can specify a different number of days to reflect the time frame that the carrier usually requires to process claims.

    • Phone number - The insurance carrier's main contact phone number and extension (if applicable).

    • Fax number - A fax number for the insurance carrier.

    • Website - The insurance carrier's website address. Do not include "http://" or "https://" at the beginning of the website address.

    • Printed claim format - For printed claims, select the ADA claim format that this carrier accepts: 2012, 2019, or 2024.


    • You cannot change the Carrier Name after you click (or tap) Add.

    • You cannot change the insurance carrier's Payer ID. The ID comes from a database (maintained by Henry Schein One) of payers that accept electronic claims, or if the payer is not supported, the ID is 06126 (in which case, the clearinghouse will have to print and mail a hard copy of the claim to the payer).

    • You must save the insurance carrier's information to make the Available Procedures button available, so you can specify which procedures are available for posting to the records of patients who are covered by this carrier (when the "Carrier procedures" procedure filter is selected during posting).

    • You must save the insurance carrier's information to make the Location Number button available, so you can to specify the location IDs that this payer has assigned to each location in your organization for electronic claims.

  6. Click (or tap) Add.

Important: Each time you add an insurance carrier to your organization's database, for each provider (and location serving as a provider) that is contracted with that carrier, you must go to the Contracted With section of that provider's user account (or location's information) and select the checkbox next to the carrier's name.

Adding insurance plans

Adding insurance plans

After you have added an insurance carrier to your organization's database, you can attach plans to it.

Tip: You can also add a plan when you are attaching insurance to a patient.

Note: Adding plans to insurance carriers requires the "Create Insurance Plans" security right.

To add a plan to an insurance carrier

  1. On the Home menu, under Insurance, click (or tap) Carriers.

    The Insurance Carriers page opens.

  2. Select an insurance carrier.

    Tip: To help you locate an insurance carrier quickly, in the Filter box, enter part or all of a carrier's name, plan/employer, or group number to filter the carrier list so that it displays only those carriers that match what you enter.

    The options to edit the insurance carrier become available.

  3. Under Plans/Employers, click (or tap) Add Plan.

    The options for adding the insurance plan become available.

  4. Enter the plan or employer name, and set up the other options as needed.

    Set up the following options:

    • Plan/Employer Name - The name of the employer or insurance plan.

    • Group # - The group plan number.

    • Claim mailing address - The address where claims for the insurance plan are sent.

      Note: ZIP Codes must be nine digits.

    • Phone - The insurance plan administrator's contact phone number and extension (if applicable).

    • Fax Number - The fax number of the insurance plan administrator.

    • Contact - The name of the insurance plan administrator.

    • Email - The insurance plan administrator's email address.

    • Benefit Renewal Month - The month that the insurance plan's benefits reset.

    • Source of Payment - The type of insurance company that will remit payment: CHAMPUS, Blue Cross/Blue Shield, Commercial Insurance, Commercial Insurance (PPO), Commercial Insurance (DHMO), Medicare Part B, or Medicaid.

    • Type - The plan covers dental or medical procedures.

    • Max allowable amount fee schedule - The schedule of allowed charges for the insurance plan (PPO or DHMO plan only). The selected fee schedule will be used to determine a patient's portion and the recommended write-off.

      Important: For each provider (and each location that is set up as a billing provider for claims) who participates with this insurance plan, in that provider's user account (or that location's settings), you must select this carrier in the Contracted With section.

      You can also click (or tap) Max Allowable All Locations to open the Max Allowable Amount Fee Schedules By Location dialog box and set the max allowable fee schedule for the insurance plan by location. Access to this dialog box is available only if the Plan/Employer Name, Claim mailing address, City, State, ZIP Code, and Benefit renewal month have been entered.

    • Coverage Table - The coverage table for the plan. Click (or tap) Coverage Table to open the Coverage Table for dialog box. Access to this dialog box is available only if the Plan/Employer Name, Claim mailing address, City, State, ZIP Code, and Benefit renewal month have been entered.

      For a coverage table that is based on insurance coverage percentages, change the default deductible type and/or coverage percentage for each procedure code range. For a coverage table that is based on fixed, patient copayments, change the default deductible type and/or copayment amount.

      Note: You can also add exceptions, which are used by Dentrix Ascend to automatically calculate insurance estimates.

    • Payment Table - The payment table for the plan. Click (or tap) Payment Table to open the Payment Table dialog box. Access to this dialog box is available only if the Plan/Employer Name, Claim mailing address, City, State, ZIP Code, and Benefit renewal month have been entered.

      Manually add procedures in the plan's payment table as needed.

    • Predeterminations - The procedures that require a predetermination (pre-authorization) under this plan. Click (or tap) Predeterminations to open the Manage Predeterminations dialog box. Access to this dialog box is available only if the Plan/Employer Name, Claim mailing address, City, State, ZIP Code, and Benefit renewal month have been entered.

      Do any of the following:

      • Select checkboxes:

        • To select the checkboxes of the listed procedures that commonly require a predetermination, click (or tap) Load Defaults. Be aware that doing this replaces the current selections.

        • To select the checkboxes of the listed procedures according to the selections from another insurance plan, enter your search criteria (part of a carrier name, plan/employer name, or group number) in the Replace with box, continue typing as needed to narrow the results, and then select the correct plan. Be aware that doing this replaces the current selections.

        • Manually select or clear the checkboxes of procedures in the list as needed.

          Note: To quickly locate a procedure, begin entering part of its code, description, or treatment area in the Search for procedure box. The procedures that match your search criteria are listed. Continue typing as needed to narrow the results.

      • Set a charge threshold - To require a predetermination for any procedure that is not selected in the list but whose charge equals or exceeds a certain amount, select the Require predetermination for procedures over checkbox, and then enter an amount in the box provided.

      • Copy selections to other plans - To copy this plan's selections to other plans that are associated with this plan's carrier, click (or tap) Distribute Settings. In the Distribute Predetermination Settings dialog box, select the checkboxes of the correct plans, and then click (or tap) Distribute & Save. Be aware that doing this replaces the current selections for the destination plans.

    • Note - A note that is specific to this insurance plan. You can enter text, such as information from an EOB or other document from the insurance carrier. Also, you can insert a date if needed. The note is accessible from all patient records that have this insurance plan attached.

  5. Click (or tap) Save.

  6. To enter the required deductibles and maximum benefits for the plan, click (or tap) Benefits to open the Deductible and Benefits dialog box. Access to this dialog box is available only after you save the plan.

    Enter the required deductible amounts for each deductible type, enter the maximum benefits allowed, and then click (or tap) Save.

    Note: Adding required deductibles and maximum benefits to insurance plans requires the "Edit Benefits" security right.

  7. To specify the methods for handling the Coordination of Benefits (COB) between primary and secondary insurance claims for a patient with this insurance plan as his or her secondary plan, click (or tap) Coordination of Benefits to open the Coordination of Benefits for dialog box. Access to this dialog box is available only after you save the plan.

    For each Source of Payment for Primary Insurance Plan, select a Method for Coordination of Benefits, and then click (or tap) Save.


    • If this insurance plan is attached to a patient's record as a secondary plan, the method being used for coordinating benefits appears on the patient's Insurance Information page when the options for the secondary plan are being displayed.

    • For more information about the coordination of benefits, refer to the topic about Coordination of benefits.

    • Changing the coordination of benefits for insurance plans requires the "Edit Insurance Plans" security right.

  8. Click (or tap) Save.

12. Clinical Note Templates

Adding clinical note templates

Adding clinical note templates

In addition to the default clinical note templates (which you can customize) that are included with Dentrix Ascend, you can create custom clinical note templates for a specific location to help you and others enter clinical notes more quickly.


  • Adding clinical note templates requires the "Manage clinical note templates" security right.

  • When entering or editing a patient's clinical note while logged in to a given location, a person has access to only that location's clinical note templates and his or her own favorite clinical note templates.

To add a clinical note template

  1. If you are not already viewing the correct location, select it on the Location menu.

    Tip: Even though a clinical note template is associated with a location, if someone makes that template a favorite, that person will have access to it from all locations because favorites are associated with user accounts.

  2. On the Settings menu, under Patient Care, select Clinical Note Templates.

    The Clinical Note Template Setup page opens. The Current Set tab is selected by default.

  3. Click (or tap) New Template.

    The options for entering a new clinical note template appear.

  4. Enter a name for the template, select a category, and then enter the note text and quick-picks (prompts) as needed.

    Set up the following options:

    • Template name - Enter a name for the template.

    • Category - Select one of the pre-defined categories for this template.

    • Clinical note text - Enter the text of the note, and insert quick-picks as needed.

      Quick-picks: A quick-pick allows you to create a clinical note from a template dynamically. When you use a template that has quick-picks to add a clinical note, Dentrix Ascend will show messages that prompt you to enter responses to the specified questions.

      • Inserting - To insert a quick-pick where the text cursor is positioned, do any of the following:

        • In the Insert Quick-Pick search box, begin typing to search for one of the pre-defined quick-pick, continue typing as needed to narrow results list, and then select the desired quick-pick.

        • Use the Ctrl + , (comma) key combination to make a search box appear, begin typing to search for one of the pre-defined quick-picks, continue typing as needed to narrow results list, and then either click (or tap) the desired quick-pick or use the down arrow key to select the desired quick-pick and then press Enter.

        • To browse for a quick-pick and then insert it, click (or tap) Manage Quick-Picks, select one of the Quick-Picks, and then click (or tap) Insert & Close.

        • To create a new quick-pick and then insert it, click (or tap) Manage Quick-Picks, click (or tap) Create New, complete the steps to create the quick-pick, and then, with that newly created quick-pick selected, click (or tap) Insert & Close.

      • Removing - To remove a quick-pick from the note text, click (or tap) that quick-pick's Remove button.

  5. Click (or tap) Save.

Adding clinical note templates to the list of favorites

Adding clinical note templates to the list of favorites

You can add the clinical note templates that you use most commonly to the list of favorites. Your favorites are associated with your user account and are available for quick access from any location when you are entering and editing clinical notes in patients' records.

To add a clinical note template to the list of favorites

  1. If you are not already viewing the location that has the clinical note template that you want to make a favorite, select that location from the Location menu.

    Tip: Even though a clinical note template is associated with a location, once you make that template a favorite, you have access to it from all locations because your favorites are associated with your user account.

  2. Do one of the following:

    • How to get there

      1. If the correct patient is not already selected, use the Patient Search box to access the patient's record.

        Note: You can include inactive patients in the search results by setting the Include inactive patients switch to On.

      2. On the Patient menu, under Clinical, click (or tap) Chart, Progress Notes, Quick Exam, Perio, or Tx Planner.

        The patient's clinical record opens with the Chart, Progress Notes, Quick Exam, Perio, or Tx Planner tab selected.

      On the Chart, Progress Notes, Quick Exam, Perio, or Tx Planner tab of a patient's clinical record, click (or tap) Add Clinical Note (or if the patient has an existing clinical note, from the Clinical Notes menu, click (or tap) Add Clinical Note) as if you were going to add a clinical note.

    • How to get there

      1. If the correct patient is not already selected, use the Patient Search box to access the patient's record.

        Note: You can include inactive patients in the search results by setting the Include inactive patients switch to On.

      2. On the Patient menu, under Clinical, click (or tap) Chart, Progress Notes, Quick Exam, Perio, or Tx Planner.

        The patient's clinical record opens with the Chart, Progress Notes, Quick Exam, Perio, or Tx Planner tab selected.

      On the Chart, Progress Notes, Quick Exam, Perio, or Tx Planner tab of a patient's clinical record, from the Clinical Notes menu, select a clinical note.

    • How to get there

      1. If the correct patient is not already selected, use the Patient Search box to access the patient's record.

        Note: You can include inactive patients in the search results by setting the Include inactive patients switch to On.

      2. On the Patient menu, under Clinical, click (or tap) Progress Notes.

        The patient's clinical record opens with the Progress Notes tab selected.

      On the Progress Notes tab of a patient's clinical record, select any clinical note.

    The Add Clinical Note or the Clinical Note dialog box appears.

  3. On the Templates tab, click (or tap) the gray star of the template that you want to make a favorite.


    • Favorite clinical note templates have yellow stars next to them. Non-favorites have gray stars.

    • Clinical note templates that you have marked as your favorites appear in the Favorites section on the Templates tab.

  4. Click (or tap) Cancel.

Distributing clinical note templates

Distributing clinical note templates

You can distribute any default and custom clinical note templates from a location to other locations (if your organization has multiple locations) so users have access to those templates while logged in to those locations. For example, you can make a change to a template or any of its quick-picks in a given location and then quickly apply that change to all templates with the same name in other locations. Also, you can create a template, inserting or creating quick-picks for that template, and then quickly copy the template to multiple locations.


  • Distributing clinical note templates requires the "Distribute Clinical Note Templates" security right.

  • When entering or editing a patient's clinical note while logged in to a given location, a person has access to only that location's clinical note templates and his or her own favorite clinical note templates.

To distribute clinical note templates

  1. If you are not already viewing the correct location, select it on the Location menu.

    Tip: Even though a clinical note template is associated with a location, if someone makes that template a favorite, that person will have access to it from all locations because favorites are associated with user accounts.

  2. On the Settings menu, under Patient Care, select Clinical Note Templates.

    The Clinical Note Template Setup page opens. The Current Set tab is selected by default.

  3. Select the checkboxes of the clinical note templates that you want to distribute.

  4. Click (or tap) Distribute. This button is available only if at least one template's checkbox is selected.

    The Distribute Selected Templates dialog box appears.

  5. Set up the following options:

    • Destination location(s) - Select the checkboxes of the locations to which you want to distribute the selected templates (in step 1). Clear the checkboxes of the locations that you want to exclude. To select or clear all location checkboxes at once, select or clear the All locations checkbox.

      Note: Only the locations that you have access to are available.

    • Clear all existing templates & replace with those that are checked - With this checkbox selected, the following actions occur: in the destination locations, all templates that do not have the same names as the templates being distributed will be deleted from those locations; templates being distributed that do not exist in one or more of the destination locations will be added to those locations; and in the destination locations, templates that have the same names as the templates being distributed will be overwritten in those locations. With this checkbox cleared, the selected templates will be distributed to the selected destination locations.

      Important: You may want to restrict who has the "Distribute Clinical Note Templates" right to help prevent someone, who may not understand the consequences of using the Clear all existing templates & replace with those that are checked option when distributing templates, from unintentionally deleting templates in the destination locations.

  6. Click (or tap) Distribute. This button is available only if at least one location's checkbox is selected.

    One of the following occurs:

    • If there are no conflicts, Dentrix Ascend distributes the templates. Ignore the remaining steps.

    • If there are any conflicts, the Distribute Selected Templates dialog box displays tabs with warning symbols as applicable. Proceed to the next step.

  7. Resolve any of the following conflicts as needed:

    1. There are location conflicts if you selected Clear all existing templates & replace with those that are checked (in step 3) and any of the templates being distributed have been used to create clinical notes in any of the destination locations.

      Note: You cannot delete or overwrite templates that are linked to clinical notes. Position your pointer over (or tap) any warning symbol to see which templates are linked to clinical notes in that location.

      On the Select Locations tab, do one of the following:

      • To not distribute linked templates to locations with conflicts, clear those locations' checkboxes. However, at least one location must be selected to distribute any of the templates.

      • To not distribute linked templates to other locations, cancel the distribution, clear the checkboxes of those templates on the Clinical Note Template Setup page, and then repeat steps 2-4.

      • To ignore the location conflicts, leave the checkboxes of the locations with conflicts selected.

      Note: If you leave the checkbox of a location with conflicts selected and choose to replace or clear duplicate templates later on in the Distribute Selected Templates dialog box, the linked templates will be skipped.

    2. If there are template or quick-pick conflicts, click (or tap) Next to proceed to the next tab; otherwise, skip to step 6.

    3. For template conflicts, on the Template Conflicts tab, select one of the following options to resolve the conflicts:

      • Skip templates with the same name - If a destination location has a template with the same name as one being distributed, the template will not be copied to that location. If you select this option, the Quick-Pick Conflicts tab becomes unavailable if it was available previously.

      • Keep both templates - If a destination location has a template with the same name as one being distributed, the template will be copied but renamed with a digit at the end (such as "High Pulp Test Reading (1)"), and the existing template in the destination location will remain named as it was (such as "High Pulp Test Reading").

      • Replace templates with the same name - If a destination location has a template with the same name as one being distributed, the template in the destination location will be replaced with the template being distributed. However, if there are still location conflicts (from step a), even with this option selected, a template will not be copied to a location that has a template with the same name that is linked to clinical notes.

      • Clear all existing templates & replace with those that are checked - The following actions occur: in the destination locations, all templates that do not have the same names as the templates being distributed will be deleted from those locations; templates being distributed that do not exist in one or more of the destination locations will be added to those locations; and in the destination locations, templates that have the same names as the templates being distributed will be overwritten in those locations. However, if there are still location conflicts (from step a), even with this option selected, a template will not be copied to a location that has a template with the same name that is linked to clinical notes.

    4. If there are quick-pick conflicts, click (or tap) Next to proceed to the next tab; otherwise, skip to step 6.

    5. For quick-pick conflicts, on the Quick-Pick Conflicts tab, select one of the following options to resolve the conflicts:

      • Skip quick-picks with the same name - If a destination location has a quick-pick with the same name as one being distributed with a template, the quick-pick will not be copied to that location.

      • Keep both quick-picks - If a destination location has a quick-pick with the same name as one being distributed with a template, the quick-pick will be copied but renamed with a digit at the end (such as "Anesthetic, Local (1)"), the renamed quick-pick will appear in the template that is distributed to that location, and the existing quick-pick in the destination location will remain named as it was (such as "Anesthetic, Local").

      • Replace quick-picks with the same name - If a destination location has a quick-pick with the same name as one being distributed with a template, the quick-pick in the destination location will be replaced with the quick-pick being distributed.

    6. After you have chosen how to resolve the conflicts, on the last (or only) tab, click (or tap) Distribute.