Security rights list
A user account can have rights to any of the following areas or activities in Dentrix Ascend. A user account's assigned role determines those rights.
A user role must have at least one right selected.
Every user can do the following activities because user roles do not have rights that are associated with these activities: log in, reset a forgotten password, view a location's Overview page, use the Patient Search box, view a patient's Overview page, show and hide a patient's Patient Information ribbon, view a patient's Patient Information page (basic info, related patients, medical alerts, patient forms, preferences, referrals, and notes), use the time clock to clock in and out, view your time card, manage your notification settings, update certain details for your user account (name, phone numbers, and email address), change your password, manage your digital signature, view a location's hours, view a location's operatories, view a location's scheduling template time blocks and online booking utilization, use the Help menu, and log out.
Tip: Assigning a role to a user account gives that user a set of default rights relevant to that role; however, you can customize the rights of that role as needed for an individual, save those rights as a new role (so the original role remains unchanged), and then assign the new role to that individual's and others' user accounts.
Default Roles |
Right |
Administrator |
Billing Coordinator |
Provider |
Receptionist |
Description |
Review Insurance |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Allows the user to open the Insurance Carriers page (Home > Carriers) and do the following:
Allows the user to open a patient's Insurance Information page (Patient > Insurance Information) and do the following:
Allows the user to open a patient's Insurance Claims page (Patient > Insurance Claims) and view the details of a claim. Allows the user to view the details of a claim on a patient's Ledger page (if the Review Ledger right is also selected). On a patient's Overview page, allows the user to view the Insurance box. On a location's Overview page, allows the user to view the following boxes: Unattached Procedures, Unsent Claims, Unresolved Claims, Insurance A/R Overview, and Insurance Problematic Payers. Allows the user to open the following pages (from the Home menu options or from the boxes on the Overview page, as applicable):
Create Insurance Claims |
X |
X |
Allows the user to create a claim from the following areas:
Allows the user to create a pre-authorization on the Tx Planner tab of a patient's clinical record (if the Review Treatment Planner right is also selected). Allows the user to manually create a secondary claim for an existing primary claim being viewed (the Review Insurance right determines where the user can view the primary claim's details). Notes:
Edit Insurance Claims |
X |
X |
Allows the user to edit an existing claim's details (procedures and diagnoses, billing and rendering providers, payer, referring provider, reference number, orthodontia, place of service, accident information, remarks for unusual services, attachments, and payer claim reference number), to replace or void a claim, and to add status notes to a claim from the following areas:
Allows the user to edit an existing pre-authorization's details (procedures and diagnoses, billing and rendering providers, payer, referring provider, reference number, orthodontia, place of service, accident information, remarks for unusual services, attachments) and to add status notes to a pre-authorization on the Tx Planner tab of a patient's clinical record (if the Review Treatment Planner right is also selected). On the Unresolved Claims page, allows the user to edit the follow-up options for a claim. Note: This right is available only if the Review Insurance right is selected. |
Delete Insurance Claims |
X |
X |
Allows the user to delete an existing claim from the following areas:
Allows the user to delete an existing pre-authorization on the Tx Planner tab of a patient's clinical record (if the Review Treatment Planner right is also selected). Note: This right is available only if the Review Insurance right is selected. |
Send Insurance Claims |
X |
X |
Allows the user to send, resubmit, or print an existing claim from the following areas:
Allows the user to send an existing claim in the Patient Walkout dialog box (if the Review Ledger right is also selected). Allows the user to send, print, or resubmit an existing pre-authorization on the Tx Planner tab of a patient's clinical record (if the Review Treatment Planner right is also selected). Note: This right is available only if the Review Insurance right is selected. |
Create Carriers |
X |
X |
X |
Allows the user to create an insurance carrier on the Insurance Carriers page (Home > Carriers) by selecting a payer ID and then specifying the other details (phone number and extension, fax number, website address, and claim format). Notes:
Allows the user to perform automatic eligibility verifications (if the Edit Carriers, Create Insurance Plans, and Edit Insurance Plans rights are also selected). Note: This right is available only if the Review Insurance right is selected. |
Edit Carriers |
X |
X |
X |
On the Insurance Carriers page (Home > Carriers), allows the user to edit an existing insurance carrier's details (phone number and extension, fax number, website address, claim format, and available procedures). Notes:
Allows the user to perform automatic eligibility verifications (if the Create Carriers, Create Insurance Plans, and Edit Insurance Plans rights are also selected). Note: This right is available only if the Review Insurance right is selected. |
Delete Carriers |
X |
X |
X |
On the Insurance Carriers page (Home > Carriers), allows the user to delete an insurance carrier. Note: This right is available only if the Review Insurance right is selected. |
Merge Carriers/Migrate Plans |
X |
X |
X |
On the Edit Carrier page (Home > Carriers > select a carrier), allows the user to merge an insurance carrier with another. Also, allows the user to move insurance plans from one carrier to another. Note: This right is available only if the Review Insurance and Edit Carriers rights are selected. |
Create Insurance Plans |
X |
X |
X |
On the Insurance Carriers page (Home > Carriers), allows the user to create an insurance plan and specify its details (name, group number, mailing address, administrator's contact information, renewal month, source of payment, type, fee schedule, and note). Note: The Edit Insurance Plan right is required to allow the user to specify the coverage table and coordination of benefits, and the Edit Benefits right is required to allow the user to specify the maximum benefits and required deductibles because the plan must be saved before those details can be set up. Allows the user to perform automatic eligibility verifications (if the Create Carriers, Edit Carriers, and Edit Insurance Plans rights are also selected). Note: This right is available only if the Review Insurance right is selected. |
Edit Insurance Plans |
X |
X |
X |
On the Insurance Carriers page (Home > Carriers), allows the user to edit an existing insurance plan's details (name, group number, mailing address, administrator's contact information, renewal month, source of payment, type, fee schedule, coverage table, maximum benefits, required deductibles, coordination of benefits, and note). Notes:
Allows the user to perform automatic eligibility verifications (if the Create Carriers, Edit Carriers, and Create Insurance Plans rights are also selected). Note: This right is available only if the Review Insurance right is selected. |
Delete Insurance Plans |
X |
X |
X |
On the Insurance Carriers page (Home > Carriers), allows the user to delete an insurance plan from a carrier. Note: This right is available only if the Review Insurance right is selected. |
Edit Benefits |
X |
X |
X |
On the Insurance Carriers page (Home > Carriers), allows the user to modify the maximum benefits and required deductibles of an insurance plan. Notes:
Create Fee Schedules |
X |
X |
Allows the user to create a fee schedule. Note: This right is available only if the Review Insurance right is selected. |
Edit Fee Schedules |
X |
X |
X |
Allows the user to edit an existing fee schedule. Note: This right is available only if the Review Insurance right is selected. |
Delete Fee Schedules |
X |
X |
X |
Allows the user to delete an existing fee schedule. Note: This right is available only if the Review Insurance right is selected. |
Add Ins. Plan to Patient |
X |
X |
X |
On a patient's Insurance Information page (Patient > Insurance Information), allows the user to attach an existing insurance plan to a patient's record and to specify the subscriber name and ID, relation to subscriber (if patient is not subscriber), coverage type, coverage dates, eligibility status and verification date, and note. Notes:
Edit Ins. Plan for Patient |
X |
X |
X |
On a patient's Insurance Information page (Patient > Insurance Information), allows the user to do the following:
Manage Subscriber Authorizations |
X |
X |
X |
On a patient's Insurance Information page (Patient > Insurance Information), allows the user to select or clear the Release of Information and Assignment of Benefits checkboxes for an insurance plan attached to the patient's record. Note: This right is available only if the Review Insurance right and the Edit Ins. Plan for Patient right are selected. |
Edit Ins. Benefits for Patient |
X |
X |
X |
On a patient's Insurance Information page (Patient > Insurance Information), allows the user to edit the used benefits and met deductibles for an insurance plan attached to the patient's record. Note: This right is available only if the Review Insurance right is selected. |
Remove Ins. Plan from Patient |
X |
X |
X |
On a patient's Insurance Information page (Patient > Insurance Information), allows the user to remove an insurance plan from the patient's record. Note: This right is available only if the Review Insurance right and the Edit Ins. Plan for Patient right are selected. |
Inactivate/Activate Insurance Plan |
X |
X |
On the Insurance Carriers page (Home > Carriers), allows the user to inactivate or reactivate an insurance plan. Note: This right is available only if the Edit Insurance Plans right is selected. |
Manage Payment Tables |
X |
X |
X |
On the Insurance Carriers page (Home > Carriers), allows the user to edit an insurance plan's payment table. |
Payer Connection Portal |
Controls the availability of the Payer Connection Portal option on the Settings menu. With this right enabled, the menu option is visible; with this right not enabled, the menu option is not visible. |
Import Insurance Benefit Details |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Controls the availability of the green "E" icon with a red dot on a white background (which indicates that deductible and benefit details are available for importing). |
Default Roles |
Right |
Administrator |
Billing Coordinator |
Provider |
Receptionist |
Description |
Review clinical chart |
X |
X |
Allows the user to view the Chart, Progress Notes, and Quick Exam tabs and to view the existing clinical notes on the Clinical Notes button menu of a patient's clinical record. On a location's Overview page, if the user is a provider, allows the user to view the Clinical Note Tasks box and to open the Clinical Note Tasks page (view only). |
Create patient condition |
X |
X |
On the Chart or Quick Exam tab of a patient's clinical record, allows the user to chart a condition. Note: This right is available only if the Review clinical chart right is selected. |
Edit patient condition |
X |
X |
On the Progress Notes tab of a patient's clinical record, allows the user to edit a charted condition's details (date, provider, status, code, tooth, surfaces, and notes) and to mark a charted condition as treated (by clicking, or tapping, Treat). On the Quick Exam tab of a patient's record, allows the user to edit the surfaces of a posted condition. Note: This right is available only if the Review clinical chart right is selected. |
Delete patient condition |
X |
X |
On the Chart or Quick Exam tab of a patient's clinical record, allows the user to delete a charted condition (if not locked). Note: This right is available only if the Review clinical chart right is selected. |
Create clinical note |
X |
X |
From the Clinical Notes button menu of a patient's clinical record, allows the user to create a clinical note for a patient. The user can specify the teeth, provider, date, additional provider; enter note text manually; and use templates to enter note text. On the Clinical Note Tasks page, allows the user to add a clinical note that has not been entered. Notes:
Edit clinical note |
X |
X |
On the Progress Notes tab and from the Clinical Notes button menu of a patient's clinical record, allows the user to edit or, if locked, to add an addendum to a patient's clinical note. On the Clinical Note Tasks page, allows the user to edit an unsigned clinical note (by clicking, or tapping, Edit Note) and to resume a clinical note that is in progress (by clicking, or tapping, Resume Note). Notes:
Delete clinical note |
X |
X |
On the Progress Notes tab and from the Clinical Notes button menu of a patient's clinical record, allows the user to delete a patient's clinical note (if not locked). Note: This right is available only if the Review clinical chart right is selected. |
Sign clinical note |
X |
X |
On the Progress Notes tab and from the Clinical Notes button menu of a patient's clinical record, allows the user to add a digital signature to a patient's clinical note. On the Clinical Note Tasks page, allows the user to add a digital signature to an unsigned clinical note. Note: This right is available only if the Review clinical chart right is selected. |
Review Perio exams |
X |
X |
Allows the user to view the Perio tab of a patient's clinical record and to open a perio exam (view only) from the Progress Notes tab of a patient's clinical record. On the Perio tab of a patient's clinical record, allows the user to view, compare, and print existing perio exams. Also, allows the user to view perio exams that are attached to claims. |
Create and edit Perio exam |
X |
X |
On the Perio tab of a patient's clinical record, allows the user to enter a new perio exam (manually or using Voice Perio) and edit an existing perio exam. Note: This right is available only if the Review perio exams right is selected. |
Delete Perio exam |
X |
X |
On the Perio tab of a patient's clinical record, allows the user to delete an existing perio exam. Note: This right is available only if the Review perio exams right is selected. |
Print Clinical Report |
X |
X |
X |
Allows the user to print the Patient Clinical Report. |
Tx Planning
Default Roles |
Right |
Administrator |
Billing Coordinator |
Provider |
Receptionist |
Description |
Review Treatment Planner |
X |
X |
X |
Allows the user to view the Tx Planner tab of a patient's clinical record to view existing cases and procedures not assigned to a case. Notes:
Manage Treatment Plan case |
X |
X |
On the Tx Planner tab of a patient's clinical record, allows the user to do the following:
Change Treatment Plan case status |
X |
X |
X |
On the Tx Planner tab of a patient's clinical record, allows the user to do the following:
Patient Procedures
Default Roles |
Right |
Administrator |
Billing Coordinator |
Provider |
Receptionist |
Description |
Create patient procedure |
X |
X |
X |
X |
On a patient's Ledger page (if permitted), allows the user to post a procedure. On the Chart and Quick Exam tabs of a patient's clinical record (if permitted), allows the user to chart a procedure. Notes:
Edit patient procedure |
X |
X |
X |
X |
On a patient's Ledger page (if permitted) or on the Chart and Progress Notes tabs of a patient's clinical record (if permitted), allows the user to edit a procedure's details (date, provider, status, procedure, bill to insurance, tooth, surfaces, note, start/completion date, and diagnoses) if the procedure is not locked due to it being in a locked time period. Notes:
On the Quick Exam tab of a patient's clinical record (if permitted), allows the user to edit the surfaces of a procedure. On the routing panel, allows the user to change the provider of a procedure. On the Tx Planner tab of a patient's clinical record (if permitted), allows the user to edit a treatment-planned procedure's details by clicking (or tapping) the corresponding Code link. On the Tx Planner tab of a patient's clinical record (if permitted), allows the user to change the provider for multiple procedures at once; however, the Edit patient procedure amount right is also required if the user chooses to update the amount to charge for the procedure based on the new provider's fee schedule (if applicable). Note: This right is available only if the Review Ledger or Review clinical chart right is selected. |
Edit patient procedure amount |
X |
X |
X |
X |
On a patient's Ledger page (if permitted) or on the Progress Notes tab of a patient's clinical record (if permitted), when the user is creating or editing a patient procedure, allows the user to edit the amount if the procedure is not locked due to it being in a locked time period. Selecting this right automatically selects the Edit patient procedure zero amount right. On the Tx Planner tab of a patient's clinical record (if permitted), allows the user to edit a treatment-planned procedure's amount by clicking (or tapping) the corresponding Code link. On the Tx Planner tab of a patient's clinical record (if permitted), if the user has the Edit patient procedure right, when the user changes the provider for multiple procedures at once, having the Edit patient procedure amount right allows the user to choose to update the amount to charge for the procedure based on the new provider's fee schedule (if applicable). Notes:
Edit patient procedure zero amount |
X |
X |
X |
X |
On a patient's Ledger page (if permitted) or on the Progress Notes tab of a patient's clinical record (if permitted), when the user is creating or editing a patient procedure, allows the user to change the amount only if it is zero (0) and if the procedure is not locked due to it being in a locked time period. On the Tx Planner tab of a patient's clinical record (if permitted), allows the user to change a treatment-planned procedure's the amount only if it is zero (0) by clicking (or tapping) the corresponding Code link. Notes:
Delete patient procedure |
X |
X |
X |
X |
On a patient's Ledger page (if permitted), on the Chart and Progress Notes tabs of a patient's clinical record (if permitted), or on the Tx Planner tab of a patient's clinical record (if permitted), allows the user to delete a procedure if it is not locked due to it being in a locked time period. Notes:
Unlock Insurance Overrides |
X |
X |
When the user is creating or editing a patient procedure, allows the user to modify the insurance estimate overrides (without having to enter credentials to unlock them) for the procedure; however, the user cannot unlock the estimates if the procedure is locked due to it being in a locked time period. Notes:
Manage Outstanding Insurance Estimates |
X |
X |
When the user is creating or editing a patient procedure, allows the user to set the Automatically calculate insurance estimate switch for the procedure to Off (to modify the estimated insurance portions and write-off) or On (the default when initially posting the procedure). Note: This right is available only if the Create patient procedure or Edit patient procedure right is selected. |
Patient Prescriptions
Default Roles |
Right |
Administrator |
Billing Coordinator |
Provider |
Receptionist |
Description |
Review patient prescriptions |
X |
X |
X |
Allows the user to view a patient's prescriptions. |
Create patient prescription |
X |
X |
Allows the user to enter a prescription for a patient. Note: This right is available only if the Review patient prescriptions right is selected. |
Refill patient prescription |
X |
X |
Allows the user to enter a refill for a patient's prescription. Note: This right is available only if the Review patient prescriptions right is selected. |
Void patient prescription |
X |
X |
Allows the user to void a patient's prescription. Note: This right is available only if the Review patient prescriptions right is selected. |
Print patient prescription |
X |
X |
X |
Allows the user to print or reprint a patient's prescription. Note: This right is available only if the Review patient prescriptions right is selected. |
Default Roles |
Right |
Administrator |
Billing Coordinator |
Provider |
Receptionist |
Description |
Review Ledger |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Allows the user to view a patient's Ledger page and to open the Patient Walkout dialog box. Notes:
Create payment |
X |
X |
X |
Allows the user to post a patient payment or an insurance payment. Note: This right is available only if the Review Ledger right is selected. |
Edit Payment |
X |
X |
X |
Allows the user to edit a payment if it is not locked due to it being in a locked time period. Notes:
Delete Payment |
X |
X |
X |
Allows the user to delete a payment if it is not locked due to it being in a locked time period. Notes:
Credit Card payment in-office |
X |
X |
X |
Allows the user to post a credit card payment using Dentrix Ascend Pay. Allows the user to post a credit card payment from a card on file using Dentrix Ascend Pay. Note: This right is available only if the Create payment right is selected. |
Void/refund transaction processed by credit cards |
X |
X |
Allows the user to void or refund a credit card payment that was posted using Dentrix Ascend Pay. Note: This right is available only if the Create charge adjustment and Credit Card payment in-office rights are selected. |
Create credit adjustment |
X |
X |
X |
Allows the user to post a credit adjustment. Note: This right is available only if the Review Ledger right is selected. |
Edit credit adjustment |
X |
X |
X |
Allows the user to edit an existing credit adjustment if it is not locked due to it being in a locked time period. Notes:
Delete credit adjustment |
X |
X |
X |
Allows the user to delete a credit adjustment if it is not locked due to it being in a locked time period. Notes:
Create charge adjustment |
X |
X |
X |
Allows the user to post a charge adjustment. Note: This right is available only if the Review Ledger right is selected. |
Edit charge adjustment |
X |
X |
X |
Allows the user to edit an existing charge adjustment if it is not locked due to it being in a locked time period. Notes:
Delete charge adjustment |
X |
X |
X |
Allows the user to delete a charge adjustment if it is not locked due to it being in a locked time period. Notes:
Generate individual statement |
X |
X |
X |
Allows the user to print a statement for an individual patient using either of the following methods:
Send single Print & mail for me statement |
X |
X |
X |
Allows the user to use Dentrix Ascend's print-and-mail statement fulfillment service to print and mail a statement for an individual patient (terms, conditions, and fees apply). Note: This right is available only if the Review Ledger and Generate individual statement rights are selected. The printing of a batch of statements is controlled by a Reports security right. |
Override Locked Transaction |
X |
X |
When the user is posting or editing a payment or credit adjustment, allows the user to do the following:
Edit responsibility transfer reason |
X |
X |
X |
When the user is posting or editing a payment or credit adjustment, allows the user to save the transaction after selecting or removing reasons for a transfer of responsibility on the Xfer Reason(s) tab. Note: This right is available only if the Review Ledger right is selected. |
Remove Unmatched ERAs |
X |
X |
Allows the user to remove an unmatched claim from an ERA being viewed on the ERA Payments tab of the Bulk/ERA Insurance Payments page. |
Auto-post Bulk ERA Payments |
X |
X |
Allows the user to quickly post payments for one or all claims on an ERA being viewed on the ERA Payments tab of the Bulk/ERA Insurance Payments page. |
Manage ERA Payment Options |
X |
X |
Allows the user to manage the options for handling the quick posting and fully-automated posting of payments for claims on an ERA. |
Claim Payment Table Updating |
X |
X |
X |
Allows the user to quickly update an insurance plan's payment table while the user is posting (or editing) an insurance payment. Note: This right is available only if the Create Payment right is selected. |
Document Manager
Default Roles |
Right |
Administrator |
Billing Coordinator |
Provider |
Receptionist |
Description |
Review documents stored in Document Manager |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Allows the user to view a patient's documents and to search for documents by tag. Also, allows the user to view documents that are attached to claims. |
Download file from Document Manager |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Allows the user to view documents that can be viewed in the Web browser (such as .jpg, .png, .pdf, and .html files). Notes:
Edit document details |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Allows the user to edit the title and tags of a patient's document. Note: This right is available only if the Review documents stored in Document Manager right is selected. |
Export a file from Document Manager |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Allows the user to export a copy of a patient's document. Note: This right is available only if the Review documents stored in Document Manager right is selected. |
Upload a file into Document Manager |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Allows the user to upload or scan a document to a patient's record. Note: This right is available only if the Review documents stored in Document Manager right is selected. |
Delete a file in Document Manager |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Allows the user to delete a patient's document. Note: This right is available only if the Review documents stored in Document Manager right is selected. |
Manage Document Tags |
X |
X |
Allows the user to create, delete, and replace the organization's document tags. Note: This right is available only if the Review documents stored in Document Manager right is selected. |
Patient Information
Default Roles |
Right |
Administrator |
Billing Coordinator |
Provider |
Receptionist |
Description |
Create a patient |
X |
X |
Allows the user to create an individual patient record and patient records for households. |
Update patient information |
X |
X |
X |
Allows the user to modify a patient's basic information, related patients, preferences, referrals, and notes. Also, on the Patient Settings page (Settings > Patient Settings), allows the user customize the list of billing types that can be assigned on the Basic Info tab of the Patient Information page in all guarantors' records across your organization. |
Manage duplicate patients |
X |
Allows the user to mark a patient as a duplicate and to change the status from Duplicate to another status. Note: This right is available only if the Update patient information right is selected. |
Create medical alerts |
X |
X |
X |
Allows the user to attach a medical alert to a patient's record. |
Edit/Delete medical alerts |
X |
X |
Allows the user to modify or delete a patient's medical alert. Note: This right is available only if the Create medical alerts right is selected. |
Review recare procedures |
X |
X |
X |
Allows the user to view the recare that is attached to a patient's record. |
Manage recare procedures |
X |
X |
X |
Allows the user to add or edit a patient's recare. Note: This right is available only if the Review recare procedures right is selected. |
Review patient connection |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Allows the user to view a patient's history of connections (billing statements). |
Access Social Security # |
X |
X |
Allows the user to view a patient's Social Security Number on the Patient Information page. Note: The Update patient information security right is required to edit the Social Security Number. |
Change ortho status |
X |
X |
X |
Allows the user to specify whether a patient is an orthodontia patient or not on the Patient Information page. Note: The Update patient information or Create patient security right is required to change the ortho status. |
Edit patient chart # |
X |
Allows the user to edit a patient's chart number on the Patient Information page. Note: The Update patient information security right is required to edit the chart number. |
Review Saved Cards |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Allows the user to view cards on file on a patient's or guarantor's Patient Information page. |
Manage Saved Cards |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Allows the user to edit or delete a cards on file on a guarantor's Patient Information page. Note: The Review Saved Cards security right is required to manage saved cards. |
Send Referrals to DDX |
X |
X |
X |
Allows the user to submit a referral through DDX from the Referrals tab of a patient's Patient Information page. Note: The Review Saved Cards security right is required to manage saved cards. |
Default Roles |
Right |
Administrator |
Billing Coordinator |
Provider |
Receptionist |
Description |
Manage Reports |
X |
X |
Allows the user to save customized power reports as My Reports or Organization Reports. Allows the user to modify, rename, or delete saved power reports in My Reports or Organization Reports. Allows the user to modify the filters and data fields for power reports and to save a custom report in My Reports or Organization Reports. |
Create report presets |
X |
Allows the user to create presets for the procedures filter of the Aged Receivables Report. |
Update report presets |
X |
Allows the user to modify presets for the procedures filter of the Aged Receivables Report. |
Delete report presets |
X |
Allows the user to delete presets for the procedures filter of the Aged Receivables Report. |
Financial Reports |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Allows the user to generate and manage (if Manage Reports is selected) the following reports:
Note: On the Day Sheet or Provider A/R Totals Report, the user will see his or her provider-specific financial data if that user is a provider and will see totals for all providers. For the user (provider or not) to see provider-specific financial data for any provider, that user must have Financial Reports for All Providers selected. |
Clinical Reports |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Allows the user to generate and manage (if Manage Reports is selected) the following reports:
Schedule/Recare Reports |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Allows the user to generate and manage (if Manage Reports is selected) the following reports:
Auditing Reports |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Allows the user to generate and manage (if Manage Reports is selected) the following reports:
Clinical Note Tasks Report |
X |
Allows the user to generate the Clinical Note Tasks Report. |
Insurance Reports |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Allows the user to generate and manage (if Manage Reports is selected) the following reports:
Ascend Pay Reports |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Allows the user to generate the Integrated Payments Report, which lists credit card payments (in-office and online) that were posted, voided, or refunded using Dentrix Ascend Pay. |
Patient Reports |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Allows the user to generate and manage (if Manage Reports is selected) the following reports:
Send batch of Print & mail for me statements |
X |
X |
X |
Allows the user to use Dentrix Ascend's print-and-mail statement fulfillment service to print and mail statements for a batch of patients (terms, conditions, and fees apply). Note: This right is available only if the Patient Reports right is selected. |
Financial Reports for All Providers |
X |
X |
X |
Allows the user to view provider-specific financial data for any provider on the Day Sheet or Provider A/R Totals Report (if Financial Reports is selected). |
Time Clock Summary |
X |
Allows the user to generate the Time Clock Summary Report. Note: To add, edit, or delete time punches from the Time Clock Summary Report, the user must have Manage time clock punches (in the Other category) selected. |
Default Roles |
Right |
Administrator |
Billing Coordinator |
Provider |
Receptionist |
Description |
Review Schedule |
X |
X |
X |
Allows the user to view appointments and events on the Calendar page. Allows the user to view appointments on the Unconfirmed Appts., Patient Follow-up, Insurance Eligibility, and Lab Cases pages. On the Calendar page, allows the user to view the ASAP list, Broken/No Show list, and Pinboard. On the Calendar page, allows the user to change the View settings. Allows the user to open the Search for Openings page to locate a time slot for an appointment. Allows the user to view the Outstanding Lab Cases box on a location's Overview page. Also, allows the user to open the Lab Cases page and view and manage lab cases (mark them as outstanding or received). |
Manage Appointments |
X |
X |
X |
Allows the user the make, edit, and delete appointments. Note: This right is available only if the Review Schedule right is selected. |
Manage Events |
X |
X |
X |
Allows the user to make, edit, and delete events. Note: This right is available only if the Review Schedule right is selected. |
Multi-Location Scheduling |
X |
X |
X |
Makes the switch for turning the multi-location view on and off available to the user while he or she is viewing the Calendar page if the user has access to more than one location. |
View Production |
X |
X |
Allows the user to view production amounts on the Calendar page, and any buttons and links to show productions amounts are available. Note: This right is available only if the Review Schedule right is selected. |
Default Roles |
Right |
Administrator |
Billing Coordinator |
Provider |
Receptionist |
Description |
Review User |
X |
Allows the user to open the User Accounts page and view the following details for a user account (active or inactive):
Create New User |
X |
On the User Accounts page, allows the user to create a new user account. Note: This right is available only if the Review User right is selected. |
Edit User |
X |
On the User Accounts page, allows the user to edit the following details for a user account (active or inactive):
Important: The Edit User and Create/Update Role rights are required for at least one user in each location of your organization:
Note: This right also allows the user to change his or her password on the Change Password tab of the My Account page. |
Edit Working Hours |
X |
On the User Accounts page, allows the user to modify the working hours of a provider's user account. The user does not need the Edit User right selected unless the user needs to edit other information for a user account. Notes:
Inactivate User |
X |
On the User Accounts page, allows the user to inactivate or reactivate a user account. Note: This right is available only if the Review User right is selected. |
Change Password |
X |
X |
X |
X |
On the Change Password tab of the My Account page, allows the user to change his or her password. Note: The user does not have to have this right selected if the Edit User right is selected. But if the user does not have access to modify other users' accounts, the Change Password right is required to allow the user to change his or her own password. |
Review Location Information |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Allows the user to open the Location Information page and view the following details for a location:
Allows the user to open the Appointment Colors page and view the colors and layout of appointments. |
Manage Location Information |
X |
On the Location Information page, allows the user to edit the following details for a location:
On the Location Hours page, allows the user to edit a location's hours and change the default appointment length. Allows the user to open the Appointment Colors page and customize the colors and layout of appointments. On the Schedule Template page, allows the user to manage scheduling template time blocks, manage appointment reasons (including the default duration and duration by recare type), turn on/off online booking, and specify whether to show only the first slot (if online booking is on). On the Operatories page, allows the user to add, edit, and delete operatories. Note: This right is available only if the Review Location Information right is selected. |
Set up Location Access Restrictions |
X |
On the Basic Info tab of a location's Location Information page, allows the user to enable and configure access restrictions for the location and to disable the restrictions for the location. Note: This right is available only if the Manage Location Information right is selected. |
Review procedure/condition codes |
X |
X |
X |
Allows the user to open the Procedure Codes & Conditions page and view the following details of an active or inactive procedure or condition code:
Create procedure codes |
X |
X |
X |
On the Procedure Codes & Conditions page, allows the user to add a procedure code (individual or multi-code) and, before saving it, inactivate it or mark it as a favorite. Notes:
Edit procedure/condition codes |
X |
X |
X |
On the Procedure Codes & Conditions page, allows the user to edit the following details of an active or inactive procedure or condition code:
Delete/Inactivate procedure codes |
X |
On the Procedure Codes & Conditions page, allows the user to delete, inactivate, or reactivate a procedure code. Note: This right is available only if the Review procedure/condition codes right is selected. |
Review recare setup |
X |
X |
X |
Allows the user to open the Recare Setup page and view the details of a recare type. |
Manage recare setup |
X |
X |
On the Recare Setup page, allows the user to do the following:
Note: This right is available only if the Review recare setup right is selected. |
Review referral sources |
X |
X |
X |
X |
On the Referral Sources page, allows the user to view the referral sources and the following details of each: name, title, specialty, address, NPI, state ID, and phone numbers. Note: The Review referral sources right is required to allow the user to edit the details. |
Create/edit referral sources |
X |
X |
X |
X |
On the Referral Sources page, allows the user to do the following:
Note: This right is available only if the Review referral sources right is selected. |
Merge referral sources |
X |
X |
On the Referral Sources page, allows the user to merge referral sources. Note: This right is available only if the Create/edit referral sources right is selected. |
Review medical alerts |
X |
Allows the user to open the Medical Alerts page (medical alerts library) and to search for and view the details of a medical alert. |
Manage medical alerts |
X |
On the Medical Alerts page (medical alerts library), allows the user to do the following:
Note: This right is available only if the Review medical alerts right is selected. |
Review prescription |
X |
X |
X |
Allows the user to open the Prescription Setup page and view a prescription template's details (category, name, whether it is a controlled substance, sig, unit, whether a generic is permitted, refill count, and note). Note: The Manage Printed Prescription Format right is required to allow the user to view and modify the print settings for prescriptions. |
Create prescription (template) |
X |
X |
On the Prescription Setup page, allows the user to create a prescription template using either of the following methods:
Note: This right is available only if the Review prescription right is selected. |
Edit prescription |
X |
X |
On the Prescription Setup page, allows the user to edit an existing prescription template's details and then save the changes by clicking (or tapping) Update. Notes:
Delete prescription |
X |
X |
On the Prescription Setup page, allows the user to delete an existing prescription template. Note: This right is available only if the Review prescription right is selected. |
Manage Printed Prescription Format |
X |
X |
On the Prescription Setup page, allows the user to view and modify the print settings for prescriptions. Note: This right is available only if the Review prescription right is selected. |
Manage Electronic Prescriptions |
X |
X |
Allows the user to be an ePrescribe administrator so he or she can perform administrative tasks in ePrescribe. Notes:
Manage Web Profile |
X |
X |
X |
On the Patient Communications page, allows the user to open the Practice Profile dialog box and edit the location's profile. Important: The Review Communications setup right is required to allow the user to open the Patient Communications page. |
Review Communications setup |
X |
X |
X |
Allows the user to open the Patient Communications page and view the following:
Note: The Manage Web Profile right is required to allow the user to edit the location's profile. |
Manage Communications setup |
X |
X |
X |
On the Patient Communications page, allows the user to do the following:
Note: This right is available only if the Review Communications setup right is selected. |
Review/Generate letters |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Allows the user to open the Letters page (Home > Letters) and do the following:
Manage letters |
X |
X |
X |
X |
On the Letters page (Home > Letters), allows the user to do the following:
Note: This right is available only if the Review/Generate letters right is selected. |
Manage clinical note templates |
X |
X |
Allows the user to open the Clinical Notes Template Setup page and do the following:
Tip: The user can view clinical note templates from a patient's clinical record if the user has permission to create or edit a clinical note. |
Distribute clinical note templates |
X |
On the Clinical Notes Template Setup page, allows the user to distribute clinical note templates (and quick-picks) from the current location's current set or your organization's shareable set to other locations. Note: This right is available only if the Manage clinical note templates right is selected. |
Manage Shareable Set |
X |
On the Clinical Notes Template Setup page, allows the user to add, edit, and delete clinical note templates (and quick-picks) in your organization's shareable set. Note: This right is available only if the Distribute clinical note templates right is selected. |
Manage coverage tables |
X |
X |
Allows the user to open the Coverage Table Setup page and do the following:
Manage Statement Messages |
X |
X |
X |
On the Billing Statements page (Home > Billing Statements), allows the user to edit the billing statement message for a batch of statements and save the message as the location's default. Important: The Patient Reports right in the "Reports" category is required to allow the user to open the Billing Statements page. Note: The Generate individual statement right is required to allow the user to print a statement for an individual patient either by selecting Print Statement on the Patient menu or when checking out a patient in the Patient Walkout dialog box. |
Review role |
X |
X |
Allows the user to open the User Roles page and view the rights that have been set up for each role. |
Create/Update role |
X |
On the User Roles page, allows the user to do the following:
Note: This right is available only if the Review role right is selected. Important: The "Edit User" and "Create/Update Role" rights are required for at least one user in each location of your organization:
Delete role |
X |
On the User Roles page, allows the user to delete a user role. Note: This right is available only if the Review role right is selected. |
Review Provider Group |
X |
Allows the user to open the Provider Groups page and view the providers that are assigned to each provider group. |
Review Insurance Defaults |
X |
X |
Allows the user to open the Insurance Defaults page and view the following settings: billing provider, whether to warn users when the provider is not contracted with the carrier, rendering provider, address where payments should be sent, default place of service, and default authorization settings for new subscribers. Note: The Edit Insurance Defaults right is required to allow the user to change a setting. |
Create/Update Provider Group |
X |
On the Provider Groups page, allows the user to add and edit provider groups. Note: This right is available only if the Review Provider Group right is selected. |
Edit Insurance Defaults |
X |
X |
On the Insurance Defaults page, allows the user to change the following settings: billing provider, whether to warn users when the provider is not contracted with the carrier, rendering provider, address where payments should be sent, default place of service, and default authorization settings for new subscribers. Note: This right is available only if the Review Insurance Defaults right is selected. |
Delete Provider Group |
X |
On the Provider Groups page, allows the user to delete a provider group. Note: This right is available only if the Review Provider Group right is selected. |
Review ledger options |
X |
X |
Allows the user to open the Ledger Options page and do the following:
Manage ledger options |
X |
X |
On the Ledger Options page, allows the user to do the following:
Note: This right is available only if the Review ledger options right is selected. |
Review Discount Options |
X |
X |
Allows the user to open the Discount Options page and view the sliding fee scale and settings (procedure for visit charge and procedures to exclude). |
Edit Discount Options |
X |
X |
On the Discount Options page, allows the user to modify the sliding fee scale, add and remove columns, and edit the settings (procedure for visit charge and procedures to exclude). Note: This right is available only if the Review Discount Options right is selected. |
Move transaction lock date forward |
X |
X |
If the option to lock transactions automatically is selected (on the Ledger Rules tab of the Ledger Options page), in the Lock Transactions (Organization-Wide) dialog box (Settings > Lock Transactions), allows the user to change the cut-off date for transaction locking to a date after the current cut-off date. |
Move transaction lock date backward |
X |
X |
If the option to lock transactions automatically is selected (on the Ledger Rules tab of the Ledger Options page), in the Lock Transactions (Organization-Wide) dialog box (Settings > Lock Transactions), allows the user to change the cut-off date for transaction locking to a date before the current cut-off date. Note: This right is available only if the Move transaction lock date forward right is selected. |
Review Patient Forms |
X |
Allows the user to open the Patient Forms page (Settings > Patient Forms) and view the questionnaires (organization specific), consent forms (location specific), and treatment consent messages (disclaimers) and their corresponding settings. |
Manage Patient Forms |
X |
On the Patient Forms page, allows the user to do the following:
Note: This right is available only if the Review Patient Forms right is selected. |
Manage Patient Settings |
X |
On the Patient Settings page (Settings > Patient Settings), allows the user to enable and disable the selection of race or ethnicity on the Basic Info tab of the Patient Information page in all patients' records across your organization. |
Manage Organization Forms |
X |
On the Patient Forms page, allows the user to modify a questionnaire (organization specific) and its settings (expiration and whether it is active). Note: This right is available only if the Review Patient Forms right is selected. |
Create transaction tags |
X |
X |
When the user is posting or editing a transaction (adjustment and payment) on a patient's Ledger page, allows the user to create tags that can be attached to any adjustment or payment. Note: Additional rights in the "Ledger" category are required to allow the user to create or edit payments. |
View Credit Card Options |
X |
X |
Allows the user to open the Credit Card Options page and view the Worldpay accounts and lanes for Dentrix Ascend Pay. Note: The Manage Credit Card Options right is required to allow the user to manage the accounts and lanes. |
Manage Credit Card Options |
X |
On the Credit Card Options page, allows the user to manage Worldpay accounts and lanes for Dentrix Ascend Pay. Note: This right is available only if the View Credit Card Options right is selected. |
Manage Payments and billing Automation |
X |
X |
On the Payment and Billing Automation page, allows the user to change the Automation Settings. |
Imaging (See "Imaging security rights")
Default Roles |
Right |
Administrator |
Billing Coordinator |
Provider |
Receptionist |
Description |
Bypass Location Access Restrictions |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Allows the user to log in to Dentrix Ascend for a given location from anywhere even if the Location Access Restrictions feature has been turned on for that location. Notes:
Review inbox messages |
X |
X |
X |
Allows the user to access a given location's inbox and to view the number of unread messages on the User menu. Allows the user to mark messages in the inbox as read or unread. Also, allows the user to view message history. |
Manage inbox messages |
X |
X |
X |
Allows the user to hide and unhide messages in a given location's inbox. Allows the user to send or reply to text messages. Note: This right is available only if the Review inbox messages right is selected. |
Manage time clock punches |
X |
Allows the user to add, edit, or delete time punches from the Time Clock Summary Report. Note: This right is available only if the Time Clock Summary right (in the Reports category) is selected. |
Review Denti-Cal Reports |
X |
X |
X |
Allows the user to access a given location's Denti-Cal Reports inbox. |
Manage Denti-Cal Reports |
Currently, not used. Note: This right is available only if the Review Denti-Cal Reports right is selected. |