Setting up default recare appointment lengths for online booking

When a patient uses the online booking feature to schedule a recare appointment, the length of the appointment for that recare type is determined automatically. However, you can set specific appointment lengths for each recare type to suit your preferences.

Note: Online booking settings are location specific (each location of your organization has its own online booking settings).

To set up default recare appointment lengths

  1. If you are not already viewing the correct location, select it on the Location menu.

  2. On the Settings menu, under Location, click (or tap) Schedule Template.

    The Schedule Template page opens.

  3. Click (or tap) Appointment Reasons.

    The Appointment Reasons dialog box appears.

  4. On the Recare Types tab, do one of the following:

    • To have the appointment length for each recare type be determined automatically, set the Automatically set duration based on schedule history switch to On. Dentrix Ascend will adjust the appointment lengths offered to a given patient for each recare type based on that patient's appointment history if different than the system defaults. Dentrix Ascend will adjust the system default for each recare type as needed every two weeks based on its analysis of the practice's appointment history.

    • To specify a custom appointment length for each recare type, set the Automatically set duration based on schedule history switch to Off. Next, for each Recare Type, select it, enter the desired appointment length in the Duration of Appointment box that appears, and then click (or tap) Save. For each recare type, the appointment lengths offered for booking online will be the same for all patients (they will not adapt to each patient's appointment history).

      Note: With set lengths for all patients, as your practice's efficiency changes over time, you will have to manually adjust the lengths to keep them up to date.

  5. To close the dialog box, click (or tap) Done.

    Note: Allow up to 24 hours for online booking changes to take effect.