Flagging and identifying orthodontia patients

You can flag the patient record of someone who is currently undergoing orthodontic treatment, and there are visual indicators to help you easily identify that orthodontia patient in various places of Dentrix Ascend. When the patient's orthodontic treatment is complete, you can remove the orthodontia flag from the patient's record if you no longer want to see those visual indicators for that patient.


  • Specifying whether a patient is an orthodontia patient or not requires the "Change ortho status" security right.

  • With a certain procedure code setting (Set patient's Ortho flag when completed is set to Yes), you can have a patients flagged as orthodontia patients automatically when orthodontia procedures are posted.

On the Patient Information page, to flag (or remove the flag for) an orthodontia patient

  1. When entering or updating patient information, on the Basic Info tab, set the Orthodontia Patient switch:

    • No - The patient is not currently undergoing orthodontic treatment.

    • Yes - The patient is currently undergoing orthodontic treatment.

  2. Enter or change other information as needed, and then click (or tap) Save.

On the Calendar page, to flag (or remove the flag for) an orthodontia patient

  • For a new patient - When you are creating an appointment, on the Appointment Information panel, set the Orthodontia Patient switch to Yes or No.

  • For a patient of record - When you are creating or editing an appointment, on the Appointment Information panel, select or clear the Orthodontia Patient checkbox.

To identify an orthodontia patient in Dentrix Ascend

  • When an orthodontia patient is selected, on the patient information ribbon, a purple "ORTHO" flag now appears under the patient's picture (or the placeholder image if there is not a picture attached).

  • When you are searching for a patient throughout Dentrix Ascend, a purple bar now appears next to an orthodontia patient on the search results list.

    Note: When you position your pointer over the purple bar, the tooltip reads, "Ortho."

  • On a patient's appointment card on the routing panel, a purple "ORTHO" flag now appears under the patient's picture (or the placeholder image if there is not a picture attached).

  • On the Calendar page, a purple "O" icon now appears on a patient’s appointment. Also, on the Appointment Information panel that appears when you select an appointment tile or create an appointment for a patient, a purple "ORTHO" flag now appears under the patient's picture (or the placeholder image if there is not a picture attached).