Customizing available procedures for insurance carriers

You can specify which procedures are available for posting to the records of patients who are covered by insurance carriers (when the "Carrier procedures" procedure filter is selected during posting). The "Carrier procedures" procedure filter is available during posting only if the patient has an active insurance plan attached to his or her record and if the provider who is associated with the procedure is contracted with the patient's carrier.

Note: Customizing the available procedures for insurance carriers requires the "Edit Carriers" security right.

To customize the available procedures for an insurance carrier

  1. On the Home menu, under Insurance, click (or tap) Carriers.

    The Insurance Carriers page opens.

  2. Select an insurance carrier.

    Tip: To help you locate an insurance carrier quickly, in the Filter box, enter part or all of a carrier's name, plan/employer, or group number to filter the carrier list so that it displays only those carriers that match what you enter.

    The options for editing the insurance carrier's information become available.

  3. Click (or tap) Available Procedures.

    The Available Procedures dialog box appears.

    Note: Only active procedure codes are listed.

  4. Do any of the following:

    • Search for and add or remove a specific procedure - Begin typing a procedure code or description in the Search for specific procedure box, continue typing as needed to narrow down the list, and then select or clear the checkbox of the correct procedure.

    • Add or remove a procedure - Scroll through the list as needed to locate the correct procedure, and then select or clear the corresponding checkbox.

    • Add or remove all procedures - Select or clear the checkbox next to Code in the list's header.

    Important: If you post a multi-code that includes some procedures that are not allowed for this insurance carrier, those procedures will not be posted. Likewise, if you schedule an appointment using a multi-code that includes some procedures that are not allowed for this insurance carrier, those procedures will not be attached to the appointment.

  5. Click (or tap) Save.

  6. On the Edit Carrier page of this insurance carrier, click (or tap) Save or Cancel.