Audit log

The audit log is a record of various activities performed by users in Dentrix Ascend.

To view the audit log

On the Home menu, under Reports, click (or tap) Audit log.

The Audit Log page opens. By default, the log displays events for today and the previous six days, with the most recent event displayed first (reverse chronological order or descending order). For each event in the audit log, the date, user, location, and other details appear.

Also, the audit log provides the following viewing options:

  • Date/Time - To search for events within a specific date range, select a date (today, yesterday, or a specific date) or range of dates (last 7 days, this month, last month, or a custom range) from the list..

  • User - To search for events performed by a specific user, select a user from the list (the Office Manager option does not correspond to any user). To search across all users, select the All Users option. Also, when you expand the list, you can begin typing part of a username or a user’s first or last name in the search box at the top of the list to quickly locate that user in the list.

  • Location - To search for events performed in specific locations, select the checkbox of each desired location from the list, and the click (or tap) Apply Selected. The current location is selected by default. Only locations that you have access to are available. Also, when you expand the list, you can begin typing part of a location name in the search box at the top of the list to quickly locate that location in the list.

  • Type - To search for events by type (if applicable), such as perio exam or clinical note, select the checkbox of each desired type from the list, and then click (or tap) Apply Selected.

  • Patient - To search for events by patient (if applicable), begin typing a patient's first name in the search box, continue typing to narrow the results, and then select the desired patient.

  • Action - To search for events by action (if applicable), such as add or delete, select the checkbox of each desired action from the list, and then click (or tap) Apply Selected.

  • Details - To search for events by a keyword in the description of the event, enter your search criteria in the search box.

To sort the list in ascending order by any of the columns, click (or tap) the desired column header. Click (or tap) the same column header again to sort the list in descending order by that column.

To print the report, click (or tap) Print. A printable version of the current page as it is displayed appears on a new browser tab. Click (or tap) Print on that page on the new tab. 

To export the report, click (or tap) Export. The current page as it is displayed is downloaded as a .csv file. You can open the .csv file in a spreadsheet program. The first row contains the column headers. The second row contains the filters in use for each column. Each subsequent row contains the details of that log entry. 

Note: "Tami Ascend" appears as the user for an entry for an automated appointment update if a patient confirms an appointment from a text or email message. TAMI stands for Task Automation and Management Intelligence.