Surveys, reviews, and referrals overview

Word of mouth is one of the most powerful forms of advertising, and you can capitalize on this using our referral communication. Every email message sent from Patient Engage contains a Refer a Friend button at the bottom. Thank-you email messages can really help drive your referral program.

You can also add an incentive for patients to refer their friends and family.

To learn more about online scheduling, click one of the topics below:

·        The difference between reviews and surveys

·        Adding and editing survey questions

·        What warrants a review to be removed?

·        Requesting that a review be removed

·        Adding reviews to your website

·        Adding the RSS feed to a public site

·        Setting up Reputation Builder for reviews

·        Sending a review request

·        Review request FAQ

·        Customizing intelligent reviews

·        Intelligent reviews FAQ

·        Responding to reviews

·        The review process and your NPS

·        Viewing your practice's NPS score

·        Where reviews appear

·        Featuring a review

·        Why do my patient reviews no longer appear on Google?

·        Downloading a copy of reviews

·        Setting up provider-specific appointments and feedback

·        Referral messages

·        Referral strategies