Where can I find the Request Review via Text icon?
You can find it under Today’s Follow-Up Actions on your Dashboard. If you do not see the Request Review via Text icon, please contact Customer Support.
Who can I send a text review request to?
You can send text review requests to any patient in your practice management system.
How long does it take for my patient to receive the text review request?
The opt-in request text is immediate. The review request link will be sent roughly 5-10 minutes after the opt-in is received.
Where will my patients’ reviews appear?
Patient reviews appear on your Business Profile page, and if applicable, on your Facebook and business website.
Can I send a text review request to patients without an appointment?
Yes. Click inside the text box next to Today's Follow-Up Actions to search for a patient and send them a text review request via text.
Why do I need to ask for verbal consent?
Verbal consent is required (according to TCPA law) before you can send text messages to your patients. Asking your patients for reviews via text message will help you receive more reviews, because your patients will be expecting the text message.
Can I edit the wording in the text review request message?
No. Editing text messages is not available because they must be compliant with text messaging carrier limitations, government regulations, and CTIA guidelines.
Can I request reviews for other sites, such as Google, Yelp, and so forth?
Reviews are collected for any review sites you defined under Intelligent Reviews settings.
Can I set up the text review requests to be automated?
Not at this time. We’ve found that asking your patients directly for reviews yields better results.
Will any response to the opt-in text other than TEXT be recognized as an opt-in?
The Opt-in Keyword is “TEXT” only. It is not case sensitive, so replying "Text", "text", or "TexT" will all be recognized.