Referral messages

Word of mouth is one of the most powerful forms of advertising, and you can capitalize on this using our referral communication. Every email message sent from Patient Engage contains a Refer a Friend button at the bottom. Thank-you email messages can really help drive your referral program.

You can also add an incentive for patients to refer their friends and family.

Here is how it works:

1.   Patient Engage automatically sends your customers a thank-you email after an appointment.

2.   Your customers can select the Provide Feedback button on the email to write a review. If the customer was sent to your Demandforce Local Business Profile Page to leave a review, they will also be asked to complete a survey.

3.   The last question on the survey reads, “Would you refer a friend to this business?" If the patient selects Yes, they are taken to a page that enables them to refer friends to you through social media or email.

Note: Your patients can also click the Refer a Friend button in your emails to refer friends and family at any time.

For more information, read referral strategies.

To add an incentive to a referral

1.   Log in to Patient Engage.

2.   From the Dentrix Hub toolbar, click Settings.

3.   Under Communication, click Referral.

4.   Select the referral incentive you'd like new patients to see when they're referred by your existing patients.

5.   Select how long the offer will be valid. We recommend 30 days.

6.   When finished, click Save.


Tip: The easiest and most effective way to ask for referrals is by sending out a patient newsletter asking them to refer friends and family to your business. You might also consider setting up a referral rewards program to stimulate referrals--give your patients something (tickets, gift card, etc.) as a thank you for the referral. Make your customers aware of the new referral rewards program through the newsletter and/or with a poster in your waiting room.