Requesting that a review be removed

Customer reviews are a reflection of your hard work and commitment to quality care. Potential patients use them to determine if your practice is right for them, so collecting current reviews from actual patients is important. However, there are times when reviews containing poor or questionable content are submitted and may warrant removal. For example, they may mention an employee's full name, or they make false accusations about the services provided.

We review all requests for removal, but we won't remove reviews simply because you don't approve of the content. Instead, the reason for removal must fall within the specific parameters set forth by the Public Review and Comments Policy.

To have a review removed

1.   Log in to Patient Engage.

2.   Click Reputation Management.

3.   Under Reputation Management, click Reviews.

4.   Click View.

5.  Under Respond to Review, click Request this posting to be removed from the web.

6.   Select the option next to the reason why the review should be removed and give a detailed explanation in the box provided. Offer as much detailed evidence as possible.

7.  Click the option to agree to the Public Review Policy.

8.   Enter your name in the Signature box.

9.   Type the verification code provided.


10. Click Submit to complete the process.


If you have further questions or need assistance, please contact Customer Support.

Note: To verify that your review has been successfully submitted, select the Reviews tab and locate the review you submitted a request for. If your review was submitted correctly, it will say Removed next to the star rating.


Can I choose which reviews get posted publicly?

Unfortunately, only reviews that violate the Public Review Policy can be requested to be removed. In order to maintain the integrity of the public web review feed, the system does not allow which reviews are posted publicly, but you may also choose to turn off the public web review if you like.