

EHR overview

EndoVision has a fully-embedded, comprehensive Electronic Health Record (EHR) to guide you through thorough clinical record keeping in a standard SOAP (Subjective, Objective, Assessment, Plan) format. Other terms that are synonymous with EHR are EDR (Electronic Dental Record) and EOHR (Electronic Oral Health Record).

You can enter data quickly and easily with the check boxes and lists in EHR. Also, almost all of EHR is fully customizable, including user-customizable tables. You can also create user templates for options such as images, narratives, and treatment types. EHR can store the following information:

·        Patient, medical, social, dental, drug, and vital signs histories

·        Full record keeping on tests and examination data

·        Images

·        Documents

·        Professional user-defined narratives and narrative templates

·        And much more

EHR incorporates a wide range of technologies that allow secure, controlled access to the electronic clinical data. EHR provides the following tools:

·        Digitized signatures

·        Automatic drug interaction warnings

·        Step-by-step treatment recording

·        Sophisticated query and outcomes study tools

·        Prescription writing tools

·        Communications and correspondence tools

·        Links to the RapidPost Form engine

·        Connections to real-time insurance eligibility and claims tools

·        Online referral database (PBHS) to store patient data to collaborate with referrals on cases

To learn more about EHR, click any of the following links:

·        EHR treatment templates

·        EHR anesthesia templates

·        EHR image templates

·        EHR case types

·        Opening EHR

·        Using the Patient Summary section

·        Using the Cases section

·        Managing RapidPost Forms

·        Opening PBHS

·        Acquiring a CT or panorex

·        Managing EHR reports

·        Using the Subjective - Record section

·        Using the Objective - History section

·        Using the Assessment - Clinical/Radiographic Examinations and Tests section

·        Using the Plan - Teeth/Quads/Areas section

·        Managing diagnoses

·        Managing treatment plans

·        Viewing the Treatment Summary

·        Managing treatments

·        Managing narratives

·        Using the Canals section

·        Using the Images section

·        Reviewing EHR cases

·        Setting up EHR preferences