

Opening EHR

You can open EHR from the following areas of EndoVision:

·        Patient Information Center: From the File menu, click Patient Processing. The Patient Lookup dialog box appears. Locate and double-click a patient name. The Patient Information Center opens. On the Patient Control Panel, click Electronic Health Record.

·        In-Office window: From the File menu, click In-Office Status. The In-Office Status window appears. Select a patient, and then click EHR.

·        Appointment Book: From the File menu, click Appointment Book. The Appointment Book opens. Right-click an appointment, and then click Electronic Health Record from the shortcut menu.

The Electronic Health Record window appears.

In EHR, you can document as much or as little as needed to adequately capture a patient's history, diagnosis, treatment, and exam information.

The following items are the basic components of EHR:

·        Patient Summary - A summary of patient information

·        Cases - Patient's treatment case

·        Subjective - Record - Patient's chief complaint or reason for the visit and history surveys

·        Objective - History - Patient's past treatment history

·        Assessment - Clinical/Radiographic Examinations and Tests - Exams or tests conducted during the case

·        Plan - Teeth/Quads/Areas - Treatment on teeth chosen for the treatment case

·        Treatment Summary - Summary of completed treatment cases

·        Reporting/Narratives - Templates and case documentation

·        Canals - Treatment done on canals

·        Images - Digital images from up to two bridged digital X-ray systems, such as Schick CDR, Dexis, or Zoom Makeover System

·        Control Panel - Similar to the panel that is present in the Patient Information Center. Provides the following options:

·       EHR Narratives

·       Documents

·       Progress Notes

·       Chart Missing Teeth

·       ClinicalVision

·       Consolidated Notes

·       Create Blank/Similar Case Template

·        Medical History/Allergies/Alerts - The same panel that is present in the Patient Information Center.


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