

Managing narratives

You can add post-operative or post-treatment notes with an EHR narrative template. Create, edit, delete, and review EHR narratives as needed.

To manage narratives

1.   In the Treatment Summary section of EHR, click EHR Narratives.

The EHR Narratives window appears.

2.   Add, edit, delete, and review narratives as needed.

To learn more about EHR narratives, click any of the following links:

·        Consolidated view of EHR narratives

·        Adding and editing EHR narratives

·        Customizing insertable tables

·        Customizing the columns for insertable tables

·        Using the Tooth Selector

·        Adding signatures to EHR narratives

·        Deleting EHR narratives

·        Reviewing and locking EHR narratives

·        Adding EHR narrative addenda

·        E-mailing EHR narratives

·        Creating EHR narrative templates

·        Working with narrative templates

·        Adding and editing narrative categories

·        Deleting narrative categories