Sending claim attachments overview

Using Dentrix, you can easily send attachments, such as letters, X-rays, and images, to an insurance carrier along with an insurance claim. Documents, images, and even patient periodontal exams to claims and pre-authorizations that you send electronically are attached automatically. You can import text files and attachments from the Document Center, the Perio Chart, and your imaging software. You can also add, edit, and delete claim attachment requirements as the need arises.

Note: When you create a claim, any attachments are included automatically.

For more information on sending claim attachments and setting up claim attachment requirements, click the following links:

·        Sending attachments electronically

·        Attaching images from Smart Image

·        Attaching Document Center documents

·        Attaching images

·        Attaching screen captures

·        Importing and attaching files

·        Importing and attaching Perio Chart exams

·        Attaching files to non-electronic claims

·        Attaching clinical notes

·        Setting up claim attachment requirements

·        Adding claim attachment requirements

·        Editing claim attachment requirements

·        Deleting claim attachment requirements