

Reviewing and locking EHR narratives

You can review a narrative and add comments. Also, you can mark a narrative as completed and lock a narrative.

To review an EHR narrative

1.   In the EHR Narratives window, select the narrative that you have reviewed.

2.   Click Review.

The Review EHR Narrative dialog box appears with the created date and time at the top.

Note: If the narrative is complete and has been reviewed and locked, you cannot modify the options, but they are available for your reference.

3.   Select the Provider.

4.   Type any Comments regarding the narrative.

5.   If the review is complete, select the Completed check box, and then do the following:

a.   On the confirmation message that appears, click Yes.

b.   On the next message that appears and asks if you want to lock the narrative, click Yes or No.


·        Once a narrative is locked, it cannot be edited or deleted.

·        Once a narrative is locked for a patient, you can't delete that patient from the database. (You can only inactivate the patient.)


·        If you do not lock a reviewed narrative, you can lock it later by clicking the Lock button (in the Locked column) for that narrative.

·        If you do not lock a reviewed narrative, it will lock automatically according to the preference setting that controls when progress notes lock. If progress notes are set to never lock, a narrative has to be locked manually.

·        If you do not review a narrative, it will lock automatically according to the preference setting that allows any narrative that has not been reviewed after a specified number of days to be locked automatically.

c.   If a password has been set up for reviewing EHR narratives assigned to the provider, in the field on the dialog box that appears, type the appropriate password, and then click OK. The narrative is marked as reviewed and/or locked.

Note: To review all EHR narratives for a provider, from the Provider Table window, select a provider, and then click EHR Review.


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