Easy Dental

Account reports

Account reports consist of eleven different report options:

·        Family accounts – Prints reports for family accounts that include date of treatment, tooth number, description, patient, charges, payments, and running balance.

·        Patient history – Prints reports of individual patient accounts that include date of treatment, tooth number, description, patient, charges, payments, and running balance.

·        Aging – Provides totals and payments for each account for selected guarantors, providers, and billing types.

·        Patient balance – Prints all patients with their family and patient balances including $0.00 balances.

·        Payment plan – Lists accounts with payment plans according to the criteria that you select

·        Insurance aging – Prints each insurance carrier with outstanding claims, including the insurance plan name and group plan name.

·        Insurance claims to process – Shows all created insurance claims not sent to the Batch Processor, through eClaims, or printed.

·        Secondary insurance claims not created – Creates a list of primary claims for patients with secondary claims that have not yet been created.

·        Procedures not attached to insurance – Shows you insured patients who have had treatment billed without having an insurance claim created.

·        Pre-treatment estimate aging – Shows you when you sent pre-treatment estimates to insurance carriers.

·        Future due payment plan – Shows you payments that you can expect based on established future due payment plans.

·        Utilization – Shows you all procedures completed under selected insurance plans for selected date ranges.