Creating insurance aging reports
The Insurance Aging Report prints each insurance carrier with outstanding claims, including the insurance plan name and group plan name. It also prints the insurance phone number and group number, and then lists each outstanding insurance claim for the insurance carrier.
The insurance claim information includes a notation of primary or secondary, the date the claim was sent, the date a tracer was sent, the date the claim was placed on hold, the date the claim was re-sent, any status notes, patient name, patient birthday, subscriber name, subscriber ID number, estimated insurance payment, and the amount billed to insurance.
The amount billed to insurance is placed in the current, 31-60, 61-90, or > 90 column based on how long ago the claim was sent. The primary and secondary claim amounts are each totaled and printed with a combined total at the bottom of the report.
To create an insurance aging report
1. In the Reports toolbar, click the Account Reports button, and then click Insurance Aging Report.
The Insurance Claim Aging Report dialog box appears.
2. If necessary, change the report date.
Note: The default is the current date.
3. Do the following:
· Select Patient – Select the range of patients to print. Click the From search button to select the starting patient and the To search button to select the ending patient for the range. Or, leave <ALL> selected in both fields to include all patients.
· Select Primary Provider – Select the range of primary providers to print. Click the From search button to select the starting provider and the To search button to select the ending provider for the range. Or, leave <ALL> selected in both fields to include all primary providers.
· Select Insurance Carrier – Select the range of insurance carriers to print. Click the From search button to select the starting carrier and the To search button to select the ending carrier for the range. Or, leave <ALL> selected in both fields to include all insurance carriers.
4. Under Minimum Days Past Due, select the appropriate option to include all claims or only those sent for at least 30, 60, or 90 days.
· Over 0 –
· Over 30 –
· Over 60 –
· Over 90 –
Note: To include all claims, select Over 0.
5. Select one or both of the following:
· Print to File – Prints the Aging Report to a folder rather than the Batch Processor. Type a path to the folder in the text field.
· Print Status Notes – Prints any claim status notes on the report.
6. To send the report to the Batch Processor, click OK.