Easy Dental

Creating payment plan reports

The Payment Plan Report provides you the means to monitor payment plans. The report includes information on terms remaining balances, last payment date and amount, and missed payments.

To create a payment plan report

1.   In the Reports toolbar, click the Account Reports button, and then click Payment Plan Report.

The Payment Plan Report dialog box appears.

2.   If necessary, change the report date.

Note: The default is the current date.

3.   Do the following:

·        Select Patient – Select the range of patients to print. Click the From search button to select the starting patient and the To search button to select the ending patient for the range. Or, leave <ALL> selected in both fields to include all patients.

·        Select Primary Provider – Select the range of primary providers to print. Click the From search button to select the starting provider and the To search button to select the ending provider for the range. Or, leave <ALL> selected in both fields to include all primary providers.

·        Select Billing Type – Select the range of billing types to print. Click the From search button to select the starting billing type and the To search button to select the ending billing type for the range. Or, leave <ALL> selected in both fields to include all billing types.

·        Enter Pmt Plan Date – Type the date range of payment plans that you want to include on the report, or leave <ALL> selected to print all accounts with payment plans.

4.   Under Select Pmt Plan Intervals, clear the intervals that you do not want to include on the report.

·        Monthly

·        Semi-monthly

·        Bi-weekly

·        Weekly

Note: By default, Easy Dental selects all the intervals.

5.   Under Select # of Pmts Missed, select one of the following options:

·        No pmts missed

·        0 or more

·        1 or more

·        2 or more

·        3 or more

Note: To include all accounts regardless of payments missed, click 0 or more.

6.   Do the following:

·        Previous Pmt Due Date – Type the previous payment due date for the payment plans. Leave <ALL> selected to include all accounts.

·        Enter Balance Remaining – Type a range in dollars for the remaining balance of the payment plans. Leave <ALL> selected to include all accounts.

·        Enter Remaining # of Pmts – Type a range for the remaining number of payments. Leave <ALL> selected to include all accounts.

7.   Under Sort Options, select one of the following options to sort the list:

·        By Account Name

·        By Most to Least # of Pmts Missed

·        By Remaining # of Pmts

·        By Largest to Smallest Amt Past Due

8.   Select one or both of the following options:

·        Print Last PP Note – Prints the last payment plan note for each account on the report.

·        Save As Default – Saves your settings for future payment plan reports.

9.   To send the report to the Batch Processor, click OK.