Easy Dental

Creating family accounts reports

From the Family Accounts Report, you can print reports for family accounts. The report includes the date of treatment, tooth number, description, patient, charges, payments, and a running balance.

To create a family accounts report

1.   In the Reports toolbar, click the Account Reports button, and then click Family Accounts.

The Family Accounts Report dialog box appears.

2.   If necessary, change the report date.

Note: The default is the current date.

3.   Do the following:

·        Select Patient – Select the range of patients to print. Click the From search button to select the starting patient and the To search button to select the ending patient for the range. Or, leave <ALL> selected in both fields to include all patients.

·        Select Provider – Select the range of providers to print. Click the From search button to select the starting provider and the To search button to select the ending provider for the range. Or, leave <ALL> selected in both fields to include all providers.

·        Select Billing Type – Select the range of billing types to print. Click the From search button to select the starting billing type and the To search button to select the ending billing type for the range. Or, leave <ALL> selected in both fields to include all billing types.

4.   Edit or accept the First Transaction Date.

Note: All transactions up to the first transaction date are included in a balance forward entry. The report prints all transactions from that date forward.

5.  Select Print Condensed Report to print more than one family accounts module on a single page.

Note: Easy Dental does not create a page break between families.

6.   Select List Individual Patient Balances for Family to include each patient balance within a family account.

7.   To send the report to the Batch Processor, click OK.

Note: Easy Dental labels items that you place in history an (*), and items dated for history but entered after month-end are labeled with a (^).