Easy Dental

Creating utilization reports

The Utilization Report is designed for managed care insurance plans. This report shows all procedures completed under selected insurance plans for selected date ranges. In addition, you can monitor co-payments versus the practice’s regular fees.

To create a utilization report

1.   In the Reports toolbar, click the Account Reports button, and then click Utilization Report.

The Utilization Report dialog box appears.

2.   If necessary, change the report date.

Note: The default is the current date.

3.   Do the following:

·        Select Insurance Carrier – Select the range of insurance carriers to print. Click the From search button to select the starting carrier and the To search button to select the ending carrier for the range. Or, leave <ALL> selected in both fields to include all insurance carriers.

·        Select Procedure Date – Type the date range for the procedures to include in the report.

·        Select Billing Type – Select the range of billing types to print. Click the From search button to select the starting billing type and the To search button to select the ending billing type for the range. Or, leave <ALL> selected in both fields to include all billing types.

·        Select Provider – Select the range of providers to print. Click the From search button to select the starting provider and the To search button to select the ending provider for the range. Or, leave <ALL> selected in both fields to include all providers.

·        Select Fee Schedule – Click the search button and select the fee schedule that you want to compare with each procedure. Select the fee schedule for your usual fees.

4.   Under Compare Fee Schedule With, select one of the following options to compare with the fee schedule that you selected in step 3:

·        Transaction Amount

·        Co-Pay From Coverage Table

5.   Under Include, select one of the following:

·        All Procedures

·        Only Procedures In Coverage Table

6.   To begin each plan on a new page, select New Page For Each Plan.

7.   To send the report to the Batch Processor, click OK.