Creating aging reports
You can prepare an Aging Report for selected guarantors, providers, and billing types. Included in the Aging Report is the guarantor’s name, phone, billing type, last payment amount with date, last statement date, agreed payment amount and balances per aging period, insurance estimates, guarantor portion, and the total account balance. The report also provides totals and payments for each account.
Note: In Easy Dental, accounts are aged during the month-end update process. If you are not current in closing out months, the Aging Report may not be accurate.
To create an aging report
1. In the Reports toolbar, click the Account Reports button, and then click Aging Report.
The Aging Report dialog box appears.
2. If necessary, change the report date.
Note: The default is the current date.
3. Do the following:
· Select Account – Select the range of accounts to print. Click the From search button to select the starting account and the To search button to select the ending account for the range. Or, leave <ALL> selected in both fields to include all accounts.
· Select Primary Provider – Select the range of primary providers to print. Click the From search button to select the starting provider and the To search button to select the ending provider for the range. Or, leave <ALL> selected in both fields to include all primary providers.
· Select Billing Type – Select the range of billing types to print. Click the From search button to select the starting billing type and the To search button to select the ending billing type for the range. Or, leave <ALL> selected in both fields to include all billing types.
· Min Balance to Print – Edit or accept the default.
Note: If you select <ALL>, credit balances also print for the standard aging report. If you only want debit balances for the aging report, enter “.01” for the minimum balance to print. If you only want accounts with a balance over a certain amount, enter that amount.
· Last Pmt Before – Edit or accept the default.
Note: If you select <CURRENT>, Easy Dental disregards the last payment date for each account. You can use the last payment before date to exclude accounts that have made a payment recently. For example, if you enter a date for one month ago, any accounts that have a guarantor payment for the last month are excluded from the aging report. Easy Dental disregards insurance payments.
4. To include the first line of the account’s note, select Print Account Note.
Note: If you select this option and an account note is not attached in the Accounts module, Easy Dental prints the first line of the head-of-house’s patient note from the Patients dialog box.
5. Set the following options:
· Minimum Days Past Due – Select the minimum days past due.
· Over 0 –
· Over 30 –
· Over 60 –
· Over 90 –
· Sort Options – Select how to sort accounts.
· By Account Name –
· By Over 90 to Current Balance –
· By Largest to Smallest Balance –
· Select Report Types – Select the type of report you want to print.
· Standard Aging –
· Credit Balances –
· Provider Credits –
Note: The Credit Balances Report prints accounts with a credit balance and only uses the guarantor, provider, and billing type ranges, not the “Others” options.
6. If necessary, select the following:
· Calculate Aged Balance as of – Calculates each aged balance by the date that you specify. The default is the current date.
Note: If you select this option, the aging report takes longer to generate since Easy Dental recalculates each balance as of the date entered.
· Print to File – Prints the aging report to a folder rather than the Batch Processor. Type the path to the folder.
7. To send the report to the Batch Processor, click OK.