Dentrix Canada

Running the Daily Huddle Report

You can set up options to filter this report and include production, collections, case acceptance, new patients, and scheduling statistics. You can also choose to include a summary of scheduled patients in a grid format, a list of scheduled patients, a phone list for scheduled patients, and route slips. After you have set up the report options, you can preview and/or print the report.

To run the Daily Huddle Report

1.   In the Analysis menu in the Office Manager, click Practice Advisor.

The Practice Advisor dialog box appears.

Note: If you enabled Dentrix passwords, users must have security rights to “Practice Analysis, Open” to open the Practice Advisor.

2.   Click Daily Huddle Report.

The Daily Huddle Report dialog box appears.

Note: You can also open this dialog box in the Appointment Book and Appointment List; in either File menu, click Print Daily Huddle Report.

3.   Select one of the Options to load a set of previously saved report options.

Note: The “Default,” “Daily Huddle Detailed,” “Daily Huddle Schedule Only,” and “Daily Huddle - All Detail” options are the only available options if you haven't previously saved a set of report options. You cannot delete or rename these default report sets.

If you select one of the set of saved options before saving the current options being viewed, a message appears and asks if you want to save the options. You have the following options:

·        Yes – Click to save the current options being viewed as a report option set, type the New Option Name, and then click OK.

·        No – Click to replace the current options being viewed with the selected option set.

·        Cancel – Click to return to the Daily Huddle Report dialog box with the current options still being viewed. The options from the saved set you selected are not loaded.

4.   Set up the following options to change the settings that are loaded by one of the selected Options or to change the default system settings for the report:

·        Enter Date for “Today” – The Today date for the report determines the date to use for Today, Tomorrow, Prior Day, and the current MTD range or cutoff.

Type a date in a DD/MM/YYYY format or select a date by clicking the down arrow to open a calendar from which you can choose the desired date (click the arrows to navigate from month to month; click the year to change it; click the month to change it; click a date to select it). The date you type or select is used as the report Today date.

·        Production & Collections By

·        Entry Date – With this option selected, all transactions used for production and collections will be used according to the entry date and the report Today date.

Entry date applies to the Production and Collections sections of the report.

·        Procedure Date – With this option selected, all transactions used for production and collections will be used according to procedure date and the report Today date.

·        Treatment plan amounts are always determined according to the procedure date of treatment-planned procedures and according to the treatment plan date (Tx Plan Date) of completed procedures.

·        Select Dentists - Click the Select All button  to include all dentists on the report, or select specific dentists by clicking each one. You can change which providers are dentists on the report in the Assign Providers as Dentist/Hygienist dialog box (see Assigning Providers).

The selected dentists are used as a filter for the following sections of the report:

·        Daily Huddle Summary page and Dentist Detail pages

·        Production – Production is determined according to the transaction provider.

·        Case Acceptance – Treatment case acceptance is determined according to the transaction provider.

·        New Patients – New patients are determined according to the patient’s provider.

·        Scheduling – Scheduling is determined according to the provider setup in the Appointment Book and the appointment provider.

·        Scheduled Patients Summary pages – Scheduled patients are determined according to the appointment provider.

·        Scheduled Patients List pages – Scheduled patients are determined according to the appointment provider.

·        Scheduled Patients Phone List pages – Scheduled patients are determined according to the appointment provider.

Note: All providers are always used for the Collections section of the report.

·        Select Hygienists - Click the Select All button  to include all hygienists on the report, or select specific hygienists by clicking each one. You can change which providers are hygienists on the report in the Assign Providers as Dentist/Hygienist dialog box (see Assigning Providers).

The selected hygienists are used as a filter for the following sections of the report:

·        Daily Huddle Summary page and Hygienist Detail pages

·        Production – Production is determined according to the transaction provider.

·        Case Acceptance – Treatment case acceptance is determined according to the transaction provider.

·        New Patients – New patients are determined according to the patient’s provider.

·        Scheduling – Scheduling is determined according to the provider setup in the Appointment Book and the appointment provider.

·        Scheduled Patients Summary pages – Scheduled patients are determined according to the appointment provider.

·        Scheduled Patients List pages – Scheduled patients are determined according to the appointment provider.

·        Scheduled Patients Phone List pages – Scheduled patients are determined according to the appointment provider.

Note: All hygienists are always used for the Collections section of the report. Also, hygienists are not used for the New Patients section based on the assumption that new patients will not have a hygienist as their primary provider.

·        Select Report Options

·        Number of Copies – Type the number of copies of the report you want to have printed. The number specified will be used as the default when you click the Print button in the Print Preview window.

·        Include Cover Page of Options Selected – Prints a cover page with the report that includes the following:

·        The practice information, such as the name, phone number, and address.

·        List of all the options used to generate the report.

·        Send Route Slips to Batch Processor – Select whether you want to print route slips for Today’s Appointments and/or Tomorrow’s Appointments. The route slips will be sent to the Batch Processor when you click Preview.

·        Select Report Sections & Related Options

·        Daily Huddle Summary – Select to include the Daily Huddle Summary in the report. The following options become available:

·        Appointment Note – You can print the Appointment Book day note.

·        Production – You can include dentist and hygienist production.

·        Include Dentist Detail – You can include numbers and statistics for each dentist separately.

·        Include Hygienist Detail – You can include numbers and statistics for each hygienist separately.

·        Collections – You can include collections statistics.

·        Case Acceptance – You can include treatment case acceptance figures.

·        New Patients – You can include new patient counts.

·        Include Dentist Detail – You can include numbers and statistics for each dentist separately.

·        Scheduling – You can include scheduling details.

·        Include Dentist Detail – You can include numbers and statistics for each dentist separately.

·        Include Hygienist Detail – You can include numbers and statistics for each hygienist separately.

·        Scheduled Patients Summary – With this option selected, the report includes the Scheduled Patients Summary. The following option becomes available:

·        Include All Scheduled Patients – With this option selected, the following options in the Scheduled Patients Setup dialog box (see next step) will not be used to determine which patients are displayed on the Scheduled Patients Summary pages of the report:

·        Select Report Sections & Order

·        CONSENT* Date older than

·        QUESTIONNAIRE* Response older than

·        BIRTHDAY* within

·        Select Appointment TYPEs*

·        Select PHONE* Number Types

·        Select Appointment STATUSes*

·        Select CONTINUING CARE* Types

·        Account BALANCE* over

·        Number of MISSED* Appointments

The selected options for Select BILLING* Types will always be used.

·        Scheduled Patients List – With this option selected, the report includes a list of patients and other information for each option selected under Select Report Sections & Order in the Scheduled Patients Setup dialog box (see next step) if a given appointment is scheduled for Today and/or Tomorrow (according to the selected options under Use Appointments for in the Scheduled Patients Setup dialog box) and if the patient for whom the appointment is scheduled and the appointment meet the selected criteria.

·        Scheduled Patients Phone List – With this option selected, the report includes a list of each patient and any contact numbers that patient has (as entered in the Family File) if that patient and that patient’s scheduled appointment (for Today and/or Tomorrow) meet the selected criteria in the Scheduled Patients Setup dialog box (see next step).

·        Unfilled Hours Calculations

·        Exclude Double-Scheduled Time – With this option selected, in the Scheduling section of the report, the calculation used for the dentists’ and hygienists’ unfilled hours will not include double-booked time.

·        Include Double-Scheduled Time – With this option selected, in the Scheduling section of the report, the calculation used for the dentists’ and hygienists’ unfilled hours will include double-booked time.

5.   To customize which scheduled patients will show on the report, click Scheduled Patients Setup

Note: This button is only available if you selected Scheduled Patients Summary, Scheduled Patients List, or Scheduled Patients Phone List. For detailed instructions about the setting up the options in the Scheduled Patients Setup dialog box, see Setting up the scheduled patients summary and lists.

6.   To save the set of report options you have chosen for future use, click Save Options.

In the Save Options dialog box, type a name for the option set, and then click OK.

If you have made changes to a set of report options but do not save the changes, the next time the Daily Huddle Report dialog box is opened, the Options list item will have "(Modified)" added to the end of the selected set's name, and the last changes made to the options are selected. However, if you select a different set of options from the Options list and do not save the changes, the selections will be lost.

7.   To rename or delete previously saved report option sets, click Manage Options.

From the Manage Saved Options dialog box, select a saved report, and then click Rename or Delete.

8.   To generate and preview the report, click Preview. (You can print the report from the Preview window.)

If you have not saved the report options as a set, a message appears and prompts you to save the options (see step 6).

The Processing Daily Huddle Report progress indicator appears.

The report may take a long time to generate, but you can continue working in Dentrix during the process.

To terminate the report generation, you can click Cancel at any time. A canceled report will not show in the report history (for details about previewing reports that have been generated previously, see Viewing reports generated previously).