Dentrix Canada

Scheduled Patients Summary

If Scheduled Patient Summary was selected when setting up options for the report in the Daily Huddle Report dialog box, the report will include an extra pages with certain statistics for each scheduled patient. Each column of this summary is displayed according to the selected options under Select Report Sections & Order in the Scheduled Patients Setup dialog box. Also, patients are listed in the summary according to the criteria specified in the Scheduled Patients Setup dialog box and according to the state of the Include All Scheduled Patients check box in the Daily Huddle Report dialog box.

An “X” appears in a columns for a given patient if that patient or his or her corresponding appointment meets the criteria for that column (as indicated in the Scheduled Patients Setup dialog box). For example, if a patient on the list has a birthday on or within a specified length of time after his or her appointment, an X is displayed in the Birthday column (if the column has been set up to be displayed) for that patient. Additionally, a patient may have Xs in multiple columns or may not have an X in any column.