Saving credit cards for future use

When you post a credit card payment through Dentrix Ascend Pay, you can save the card on file to process future payments for the guarantor and authorized family members. With a card on file, you can be more efficient during patient checkout and collect payments in a timely manner not only at the time of service but when collecting on a patient balance after an appointment. Also, patients benefit because they can give you their card information once and not have to worry about having cash, checks, or HSA/FSA cards on hand for future visits.


  • Credit card information is not stored in Dentrix Ascend. It is stored by Worldpay for payment authorization. The information stored in Dentrix Ascend is a "tokenized" version of the data, which is a preferred method for in-app transactions. For an explanation of tokenization, see Credit Card Tokenization: What It Is, How It Works.

  • Saving a credit card on file requires the "Credit Card payment in-office" security right.

  • When you are creating or viewing a payment plan, you can also save a credit card for processing recurring payments for that payment plan and for posting regular credit card payments.

To save a credit card on file while making a payment

  1. In the Enter Payment dialog box, set up the options for posting the credit card payment, and select the Save card on file checkbox.

  2. Do one of the following:

    • For card interactions (such as swiping), click (or tap) Process Card.

    • For manual card entry, expand the Process Card button's menu, and then click (or tap) Manual Key Entry.

    Note: This button is available only if you have entered an amount and selected a lane.

    An animated ready indicator appears. The device is ready for input.

  3. Interact with the payment device as needed to process the credit card.

    The Edit Payment dialog box appears.

    Then, if the credit card is not already on file in the patient's record or in the record of the patient's guarantor (if the patient is not the guarantor), the Save Credit Card dialog box appears.

  4. Select the A printed agreement has been signed by the card holder and put on file for future use. checkbox.

  5. If you do not already have a signed agreement that authorizes you to charge the saved card, click (or tap) the Print agreement link to view the Credit Card on File Agreement on a new tab of your Web browser. Print the agreement, have the cardholder sign it, and then scan the document into the guarantor's record.

    Then, close the tab with the agreement to return to the tab with the Save Credit Card dialog box.

  6. Set up the following options:

    • Add a unique name for this card - A unique name to identify the card in the future. The name can be three to 40 characters long.

    • Authorized users - The family members who are authorized to use this credit card for future payments. The checkboxes of the patient's guarantor (if the patient is not the guarantor), the patient, and any other family members who share that guarantor are selected by default. You can manage cards on file only in the guarantor's record, so you cannot clear the guarantor's checkbox; however, you can clear the checkboxes of any family members who are not the guarantor to prevent this saved card from being used by those patients for future payments.

    • Enter a date this card can no longer be charged - The date when you can no longer charge this card. Do one of following:

      • To use the expiration date of the card, leave the Use card's expiration date checkbox selected.

      • To specify a date prior to the expiration date of the card, clear the Use card's expiration date checkbox, click in the date box, and then select the correct date on the calendar that appears.

  7. Click (or tap) Save.

  8. In the Edit Payment dialog box, print a receipt, change other options (such as notes and applied amounts) as needed, and then click (or tap) Save.