Dentrix Ascend Detect AI overview

You can use artificial intelligence to detect possible caries, interproximal radiographic bone levels (RBL), periapical radiolucency (PRL), interproximal calculus, and restoration imperfections on X-ray images in Dentrix Ascend Imaging. This functionality, which seamlessly integrates into the acquisition process, requires the purchase of Dentrix Ascend Detect AI licenses. Detect AI is powered by Videa Health.

Videa Health's artificial intelligence leverages algorithms, analytics, and health data from millions of patient records to radically accelerate and improve decision-making for dentists by producing extremely accurate models that can identify and measure clinical indicators on dental X-rays with ease. So, Detect AI can help you improve patient care and increase revenue.

Note: Detect AI has been proven to help dentists detect more caries, regardless of individual experience level.


  • Caries detection works on all primary and permanent teeth but only for patients who are at least 3 years old.

  • Radiographic bone level (RBL) detection works only with periapicals and bitewings, only with mesial and distal surfaces, and only for patients who are at least 12 years old.

  • Periapical radiolucency (PRL) detection works only for patients who are at least 22 years old. PRL detections are radiographic signs of inflammatory bone lesions around the root apices of teeth. PRLs can be due to infections, cysts, and other causes.

  • Calculus detection works only for patients who are at least 12 years old. With calculus indicated on X-rays, providers can educate patients about the effects of calculus on their periodontal health and the importance of scaling and root planning. APA guidelines for the diagnosis of periodontal disease include radiographic bone levels (RBLs), calculus, and probing depths.

  • Restoration imperfection detection works only for patients who are at least 3 years old. With the help of AI, providers can identify possible decay and open margins under restorations (such as crowns and fillings).

To learn more about using Detect AI, view any of the following topics: