Automatic submission of new images for analysis

With Dentrix Ascend Detect AI activated, as you acquire an individual image or a series, each image is submitted to Videa Health automatically for analysis as applicable.

When you finish the acquisition, the following can appear on the image automatically:

  • Results of the caries analysis - Boxes appear on the image where possible areas of decay were detected.

  • Results of the bone level (RBL) analysis - Dashed lines appear on the image where bone levels were measured. The color of a line (white, green, yellow, orange, or red) is determined by the severity of the calculated bone loss.

    Also, purple dots appear on the image where root apexes (if any) were detected.

    Note: You can position your pointer over a bone level measurement to view the calculated percentage of bone loss.

  • Results of the periapical radiolucency (PRL) analysis - Red circles/ovals appear on the image where possible signs of inflammatory bone lesions around the root apices of teeth were detected.

  • Results of the calculus analysis - Dashed orange circles/ovals appear on the image where possible areas of interproximal calculus were detected.

  • Results of the restoration imperfections analysis - Dashed yellow squares/rectangles appear on the image where possible areas of decay and open margins under restorations were detected.

  • Total number of indicators - The number of each type of Detect AI finding appears in fine print at the bottom of the image.

Note: If an error occurs during submission, on the error message that appears, do one of the following:

  • To resubmit the image for analysis, click (or tap) Re-Submit.

  • To end the acquisition mode without resubmitting the image for analysis, click (or tap) Finish Acquisition. You can manually submit the image for analysis later.

  • To continue to the next step in the acquisition sequence without resubmitting the current image for analysis, click (or tap) the X. You can manually submit the image for analysis later.

Do any of the following:

  • If you have acquired a series, to view detections for another image in that series, click (or tap) that image under Image Navigator.

  • For a selected image, on the Tools tab, select the AI tool.

    The number of Detect AI findings appears on the left.

    Note: For information about hiding Detect AI findings and tooth anatomy, refer to the topics about hiding and showing findings and hiding and showing tooth anatomy.

Important: If you rotate an image or zoom in or out, it is automatically resubmitted for analysis, and it make take 3-5 seconds for the Detect AI indicators to reappear.