Using the Signature Manager, you can view a list of clinical notes and the signed status of those notes. You can also open other Dentrix modules, such as the Office Manager, Family File, Ledger, and others from the Signature Manager and sign multiple clinical notes from multiple providers simultaneously. You can open the Signature Manager from the Appointment Book or the Patient Chart. The Signature Manager includes the following columns:
· Appt. Date – Displays a patient's appointment date. By default, the Signature Manager sorts by appointment date.
· Note Date – Displays the date a patient's clinical note was created. No date appears if a note wasn't created.
· Patient – Lists all patients who have an appointment.
· Provider – Displays a patient's provider.
· Status – Displays the status of the note: Unsigned, Signed, Missing.
Note: Notes with a missing status cannot be signed. There are two classifications of missing status: Missing note means that a note hasn't been created. Blank note means that a note was created without any content.
To learn more, click the following links:
· Opening the Signature Manager
· Adding an addendum to clinical notes
· Filtering missing clinical notes by providers