Voiding procedures
You can void completed treatment in a patient's clinical chart or ledger. You can void only completed procedures, not planned or existing treatment or conditions. Also, you cannot void a procedure that is attached to a claim. Voiding a procedure removes it from the clinical chart and progress notes but does not remove it from the ledger. Also, when you void a procedure, Dentrix Ascend automatically inserts text regarding the action into the procedure note.
The option to void a procedure is not available if the procedure was posted on the current date or if the procedure is not locked according to a certain ledger option; you can delete the procedure (if it is not attached to a claim) in that case.
Tip: If necessary, in the ledger, you can post an offsetting credit adjustment for a voided procedure.
To void a procedure
Do one of the following:
How to get there
If the correct patient is not already selected, use the Patient Search box to access the patient's record.
Note: You can include inactive patients in the search results by setting the Include inactive patients switch to On.
On the Patient menu, under Clinical, click (or tap) Progress Notes.
The patient's clinical record opens with the Progress Notes tab selected.
On the Progress Notes tab of a patient's clinical record, select a completed procedure.
How to get there
If the correct patient is not already selected, use the Patient Search box to access the patient's record.
Note: You can include inactive patients in the search results by setting the Include inactive patients switch to On.
Do one of the following:
On the Patient menu, under General, click (or tap) Overview. The patient's Overview page opens. Click (or tap) the Ledger box.
On the Patient menu, under Financial, click (or tap) Ledger.
The patient's Ledger page opens.
On a patient's Ledger page, select a completed procedure.
The View procedure dialog box appears.
Click (or tap) Void.
The Void Procedure dialog box appears.
Enter the reason that you are voiding the procedure.
Click (or tap) Void.