Using ePrescribe, you can create and send prescriptions electronically to your patients’ pharmacies. Creating and sending prescriptions electronically is simpler than using a script pad and provides you with instant checks on drug interactions, dosage levels, and patient-specific factors including prior adverse reactions. Creating prescriptions electronically protects patient information through privacy and security measures including prescriber authentication.
Important: To add an ePrescribe provider, you must have first enabled secure password protection in Dentrix, entered your practice’s Fax number,and entered the provider’s credentials (email address, DEA number, DEA license expiration, DEA schedule, State ID number, State license expiration, and NPI). You must have also registered for the service, activated ePrescribe, and set up an administrator.
To add an ePrescribe provider
1. In the Office Manager, click Maintenance, point to Practice Setup, and then click Practice Resource Setup.
The Practice Resource Setup dialog box appears.
2. Select the provider you want to add to ePrescribe, click Manage, and then click Edit Provider.
The Provider Information dialog box appears.
3. If you have not done so already, type the user's email address, state ID, state, state license expiration, DEA number, license expiration, schedule, and NPI, and then click Electronic Rx User.
The Users dialog box appears.
4. Click Add.
The Select Provider - ePrescribe dialog box appears.
5. Select the provider from the list and click Select.
The User Details dialog box appears.
6. Select a User Type from the list.
· Doctor - A user who can prescribe.
· Mid-level No Supervision - A user who can prescribe without a doctor’s supervision.
· Mid-level with Supervision - A user who can prescribe under a doctor’s supervision.
· Prescribe On Behalf - A user who has rights to prescribe on the behalf of all credentialed users.
· Staff - A user who can prescribe on the behalf of a credentialed user.
7. Click Save.
Dentrix uploads the provider’s information.
Note: To learn about creating prescriptions electronically, click and then click Physician to view any of several tutorials on using ePrescribe.