Adding insurance carriers
With Easy Dental, you can add, edit, join, and purge insurance carriers and enter and edit coverage and payment table information for dental insurance plans. To make the process of assigning insurance easier, as you enter insurance companies, they are added to a database. As a result, you only need to enter the insurance information once.
From the Reports module, you can manage insurance information from a central location. Managing insurance information from a central location helps prevent you from entering duplicate plans. To learn more about assigning insurance to patients, click Assigning insurance to subscribers or Assigning insurance to non-subscribers.
To add an insurance carrier
1. In the Patient Banner, click the Settings button.
The Settings dialog box appears.
2. Click Maintenance, and then click Insurance Maintenance.
The Insurance Maintenance dialog box appears.
Note: To ensure that you have not added the insurance carrier before, in the Enter Carrier Name text box, type the first few letters of the carrier's name. If the carrier appears in the list, select the carrier, click Close, and then skip to step 5.
3. Click New.
The Dental Insurance Plan Information dialog box appears.
4. Provide the following information:
· Carrier Name – Type the insurance carrier's name.
Note: To ensure that you have not added the carrier previously, click the search button. The Select Dental Insurance Plan dialog box appears from which you can search for the carrier by name, employer, group plan or number, local number, address, or payor ID.
· Group Plan – Type the group plan name or click the search button to select a group plan. If you do not have a group plan name, use the employer name.
· Employer – Click the search button to select an employer. Easy Dental links the insurance plan with the employer so that, when you enter patients with this employer in the Patients module, you can search by employer for the correct insurance plan.
· Address – Type Insurance carrier's street address, city, state, and ZIP code.
· Phone – Type Insurance carrier's phone number and extension, if applicable.
· Contact – Type the name of your contact at the insurance carrier.
· Group # – Type the plan number. If the plan is a union plan, type the local chapter's number.
· Last Update – Type the last date that you updated the insurance information. Easy Dental does not update this field automatically.
· Benefit Renewal – Select the month that the yearly insurance benefits renew for insured patients.
· Claim Format – Select the appropriate format from the list for printing claims for the selected carrier.
Note: For dental insurance plans, you can print the standard ADA form DX2003 using a laser printer. You can also send DX2003 claim forms electronically. If printed, Easy Dental includes both the insurance claim form and the information for the claim. The DX2003 form lets you create most insurance forms, but some carriers require their own form and will not accept standard ADA forms. Easy Dental integrates with many forms. If you need to use a carrier-specific form, contact Easy Dental Support for help in setting this up.
· Alt Code – (Optional) Select an alternate code for the selected carrier. Defaults to the ADA procedure codes.
· Fee Schedule – Click the search button to attach a fee schedule to the insurance carrier.
Note: If you attach a fee schedule to the carrier, Easy Dental uses that fee schedule instead of the fee schedule attached to the patient’s primary provider. However, if you selected a fee schedule for the patient, Easy Dental uses that fee schedule instead of the one attached to the carrier.
· Payor ID – If you subscribe to eTrans, type an ID, or click the search button and select an ID from the list.
· Provider ID Setup – Click the button to specify a specific insurance ID for a provider. For information on how to set up multiple IDs for a provider, click Setting up practice resources.
· National Plan ID – If you are an eTrans subscriber, type a national plan ID for this carrier.
· Source of Payment – If you are an eTrans subscriber, select the appropriate payment source for this carrier from the list.
5. Under Insurance Claim Options, do one or more of the following:
· Replace initial character of procedure code with – Select if the carrier requires the new ADA CDT-3 or CDT-4 codes, and you have not converted all of your codes to this format. Type the appropriate letter to replace the initial character of each procedure code, such as “D.”
· Do Not Include Dental Diagnostic Codes – Select to exclude dental diagnostic codes on the insurance claims for this carrier.
· Do Not Include Group Plan Name – Select to exclude the group plan name from printing on the claim or from being sent electronically.
· Do Not Bill to Dental Insurance – Select to prevent creating batch insurance claims for the carrier, to have Easy Dental ask if you want to include or exclude procedures flagged as "Do Not Bill to Dental Insurance" when you create a claim, and to exclude procedures from the Procedures Not Attached to Insurance Report. For more information, see Creating batch insurance claims and Working with account reports.
6. Click OK.