Easy Dental

Purging insurance carriers

With Easy Dental, you can add, edit, join, and purge insurance carriers and enter and edit coverage and payment table information for dental insurance plans. To make the process of assigning insurance easier, as you enter insurance companies, they are added to a database. As a result, you only need to enter the insurance information once.

From the Reports module, you can manage insurance information from a central location. Managing insurance information from a central location helps prevent you from entering duplicate plans. For information on assigning insurance to patients, see Patients.

To purge an insurance carrier

1.   In the Patient Banner, click the Settings button.

The Settings dialog box appears.

2.   Click Maintenance, and then click Insurance Maintenance.

The Insurance Maintenance dialog box appears.

3.   Click Purge.

The Purge Dental Insurance Plans dialog box appears listing all plans that are not attached to any patients.

4.   Do one of the following:

·        To delete a single carrier, select the carrier, and click Delete.

·        To delete every carrier on the list, click Delete All.

Note: If the carrier you want to delete is not listed in the Purge Dental Insurance Plans dialog box, it may be attached to a patient or to an outstanding claim. You must clear that insurance from the patient’s file before you can delete it. To find the patient, create and print the Insurance Carrier List Report for that plan.

5.   Click Close.