Patient Prescription toolbar

The toolbar contains several buttons that you can click to perform tasks in Patient Prescription and to access certain areas or features of Dentrix Enterprise.

The function of each button on the toolbar is explained in the following table.




New Prescription

Click to add a prescription.

View/Edit Prescription

Click to view or edit a prescription.

Delete Prescription

Click to delete a prescription.

Inactivate Prescription

Click to inactivate a prescription.


Click to reprint a prescription.

View Inactive Prescriptions

Click to show or hide inactive prescriptions in the list. If the inactive prescriptions are being shown, the View Inactive Prescriptions button is highlighted to indicate that it is active.

Electronic Rx

Click to manage prescriptions online using ePrescribe if a subscription has been purchased for this service.

Patient Education

Click to provide education resources to the patient, according to that patient's medical alerts/problems, medications/prescriptions, allergies, and laboratory test results.

Medical Alerts/Problems

Click to display any medical alerts (problems, allergies, medications, and implantable devices) for the patient who is selected in More Information. If the patient has at least one medical alert, the plus sign on the button is completely red. If the patient does not have any medical alerts, the plus sign is gray with a red outline.

Medical History Review

Click to open the Medical History Review dialog box to do the following: view the patient's medical alerts, medications, and allergies; specify if there has been a change in any of those since the patient's last visit; specify the patient's pain level (according to the selected scale), and enter notes to describe the pain; change the patient's smoking status; and/or specify if you have reviewed the patient's medical alerts.

Note: This button is available only if a certain global setting is enabled.

Prescription Settings

Click to manage prescription types.