Viewing credit card transaction reports

On the Worldpay iQ website ( and Worldpay OmniFlex website (, you can view transaction reports for Dentrix Ascend Pay. For questions regarding those reports, contact Worldpay customer service at (800) 846-4472.


  • Transactions that have been processed in Dentrix Ascend appear on the Worldpay iQ and OmniFlex websites, but transactions that have been processed on the Worldpay OmniFlex website do not appear automatically in Dentrix Ascend. For every transaction that you process on the Worldpay OmniFlex website, enter the transaction in Dentrix Ascend, so the Dentrix Ascend reports match the Worldpay reports.

  • Dentrix Ascend provides the Integrated Payments Report, which lists credit card payments (in-office or online) that have been posted, voided, or refunded using Dentrix Ascend Pay. You can use this report to help you reconcile credit card transactions in Dentrix Ascend with Worldpay reports.

  • Dentrix Ascend provides other reports that are not built exclusively for credit card transactions that have been processed using Dentrix Ascend Pay, but many reports in Dentrix Ascend include credit card payments, such as the Deposit Slip, the Payment Analysis Report, and any power report with payment type details.