Quickly posting a payment for a claim on an ERA

You can quickly post a payment for each claim that pertains to an ERA that Dentrix Ascend receives through the clearinghouse.

Note: Quickly posting a payment for a claim on an ERA requires the "Auto-post Bulk ERA Payments" security right.

To quickly post a payment for a claim on an ERA

  1. How to get there

    1. If you are not already viewing the correct location, select it on the Location menu.

    2. On the Home menu, under Insurance, click (or tap) Bulk/ERA Insurance Payments.

      The Bulk/ERA Insurance Payments page opens.

    3. Select the ERA Payments tab on the left panel.

      ERAs for claims that correspond to the current location appear.

    On the ERA Payments tab of a location's Bulk/ERA Insurance Payments page, click (or tap) an ERA on the left panel.

    On the left panel, the patient name and payment amount of each claim that pertains to the selected ERA appears.

  2. On the left panel, select a claim that is matched to a claim in Dentrix Ascend. On the right, the details of the claim appear. 

  3. On the right, verify that each procedure's Ins. Est., Approved Pmt, and Adjustment are correct.

    Note: If the selected claim on the ERA is not matched to a claim in Dentrix Ascend, you must match the claim to post a payment to it.

  4. Click Quick-Post Claim Payment.


    • A green check mark symbol appears next to the claim on the left panel to indicate that an insurance payment has been posted for that claim.

    • If insurance payments have been posted for all the claims on an ERA, Dentrix Ascend automatically marks the ERA as Completed. To view a completed ERA, on the left panel, set the Show Completed ERAs switch to Yes.

    • There is an indicator to help you identify payments that were posted automatically or quickly for claims on ERAs versus payments that were posted manually. (For more information, see the topics about quickly posting a payment for all claims on an ERA and managing ERA payment options.) For an automatically or quickly posted payment, an "A" appears in the following areas:

      • The entry in a patient's ledger.

      • The upper-right corner of the Edit Payment dialog box.