Entering electronic prescriptions

If your organization uses Dentrix Ascend ePrescribe, and if you are logged in to Dentrix Ascend as a provider whose user account has electronic prescriptions enabled, you can enter a prescription order in ePrescribe and either submit it electronically to a pharmacy or print it. DoseSpot is the provider of the electronic prescriptions service.

Note: If you are entering an electronic prescription in ePrescribe as a proxy user, you can prescribe on behalf of a doctor.

To enter an electronic prescription

  1. How to get there

    1. If the correct patient is not already selected, use the Patient Search box to access the patient's record.

    2. On the Patient menu, under General, click (or tap) Prescriptions.

      The patient's Patient Prescriptions page opens.

    On a patient's Patient Prescriptions page, on the Prescription menu, click (or tap) New Electronic Prescription.

    Note: The New Electronic Prescription option is available only if the patient has a status of "New" or "Active."

    If the patient is younger than 18 years old and does not have a height and weight entered in ePrescribe, the Enter Patient's Height and Weight dialog box appears. You cannot perform any tasks in this patient's ePrescribe record until after you enter a height and weight; otherwise, skip to step 4.

  2. Do the following:

    • To specify the height, select the unit of measure (in or cm) from the Height Unit list, and then enter a value in the Height box.

    • To specify the weight, select the unit of measure (lb or kg) from the Weight Unit list, and then enter a value in the Weight box.

  3. Click (or tap) Save.

    The Electronic Prescriptions page opens.

    Note: You cannot navigate to other areas of Dentrix Ascend while accessing ePrescribe through a patient's record.

  4. If the patient does not have any preferred pharmacies set up, click (or tap) Add/Edit Pharmacies to add a pharmacy.

  5. Click (or tap) Add Prescription.

    The options to add a prescription appear.

  6. For Step 1, begin typing the name of a medication, continue typing as needed to narrow down the results list, and then select the correct medication.

    The applicable strength options appear.

  7. For Step 2, select the correct strength for the medication.

    The dispensing options appear.

  8. For Step 3, set up the following options:

    • Effective Date - Enter the effective date, or click (or tap) Today to insert today's date. This is required for controlled substances.

    • Patient Directions - Enter directions for the patient.

    • Dispense - Enter the amount to dispense, according to the specified units.

    • Dispense Unit - Select the units to dispense.

    • Refills - Enter the number of refills that are allowed.

    • Days Supply - Enter how many days' supply to dispense. This is required for controlled substances.

    • No Substitutions - To not allow substitutions, select the checkbox.

    • Save As Favorite - To save all the details of this medication as a favorite, so it is available to you in Step 1 when you are entering electronic prescriptions for any patient, click (or tap) this option. After you click (or tap) Save Prescription, you will be prompted to enter a nickname to identify the favorite.

  9. Click (or tap) Save Prescription.

    The prescription appears in the Pending Medications list.


    • To change the pharmacy for an individual prescription, from the corresponding Actions menu, select Change Pharmacy.

    • To change the pharmacy for the selected prescriptions, click (or tap) Change Pharmacy.

  10. In the Pending Medications list, either select the checkbox of each prescription to send (or print), or select the Select All checkbox to select all the prescriptions.

  11. Do one of the following:

    • To send the prescriptions electronically, click (or tap) Approve and Send.

    • To print the prescriptions, click (or tap) Approve and Print. The prescriptions appear on a new browser tab. Ignore the following steps.

    If you are prescribing any controlled substances and sending the prescriptions electronically, the Controlled Substance - Ready to Sign dialog box appears.

  12. Select the Ready to Sign checkbox.

  13. Enter your PIN and the two-factor authentication security code that you generate using the DUO Mobile app.

  14. Click (or tap) Sign & Send.

    The prescriptions now appear on the Active Medications tab.

  15. To exit ePrescribe, make sure that all your changes have been saved, and click (or tap) Done. Then, on the message that appears, click (or tap) Confirm.