Entering bulk insurance credit card payments
Sometimes a payor includes multiple claims on an explanation of benefits (EOB). If the payor provides you with a physical or virtual credit card to cover those claims, you can split an insurance payment between multiple claims by entering a bulk insurance credit card payment and then applying part of that payment to each claim without having to open each patient's record individually to post an insurance credit card payment.
Important: Once an insurance credit card transaction has been processed by Worldpay, you cannot change, void, or delete the associated bulk insurance payment.
You can create bulk insurance payments according to your security rights for the Ledger.
The creation of a bulk insurance payment appears in the audit log.
To enter a bulk insurance credit card payment
On the Home menu, under Insurance, click (or tap) Bulk Insurance Payments.
The Bulk Insurance Payments page opens.
Click (or tap) Create New Bulk Payment.
The Create New Bulk Insurance Payment dialog box appears.
On the Payment Information tab, set up all the following options:
Carrier name - The carrier that the payment is coming from. Begin typing part of the carrier's name or payer ID, continue typing to narrow the results list as needed, and then select the correct carrier.
Payment date - The date of the payment. According to your organization's policy, this date may be the date that the funds were authorized or today (the date of the processing of the credit card).
Amount - The payment amount.
Payment type - To use a credit card provided by a payor, select Insurance Payment - Credit Card.
Click (or tap) Next, or select the Select Claims tab.
The Select Claims tab lists outstanding claims for the selected carrier.
On the Select Claims tab, select the checkboxes of the claims that this payment applies to.
To help you locate a claim quickly, you can use the Search box. Enter the name of a patient or subscriber, an insurance plan name, or a billed amount, and the claims that match your search criteria are listed.
For each claim, the patient name, date of service, subscriber, insurance plan name, and amount billed appear for your reference to help you identify the correct claims.
You can sort the list by clicking (or tapping) any column header.
You can select up to 1000 claims for the bulk payment.
Click (or tap) Next, or select the Summary tab.
The Summary tab lists the selected claims.
From the Use lane list, select the correct payment device.
Click (or tap) Process Card. This button is available only if you have selected a lane.
An animated ready indicator appears. The device is ready for input.
Interact with the payment device to process the credit card as explained in the topic about posting insurance credit card payments.
If the card is processed successfully, the Edit Bulk Insurance Payment dialog box appears with the Payment Information tab selected. The credit card number, cardholder's name, date and time, and ID for the credit card transaction appear for your reference.
To print a receipt, click (or tap) Print Receipt.
The receipt appears on a new browser tab, so you can print it.
Close the Edit Bulk Insurance Payment dialog box.
The new payment appears on the Bulk Payments in Progress panel of the Bulk Insurance Payments page.
You can now apply portions of the payment to the selected claims.