Charting conditions
You can chart dental conditions present at the time of charting in a patient's clinical chart.
Note: A condition charted in the clinical chart appears only on the graphical tooth chart and in the progress notes, not in the financial ledger.
To chart a condition
How to get there
If the correct patient is not already selected, use the Patient Search box to access the patient's record.
Note: You can include inactive patients in the search results by setting the Include inactive patients switch to On.
On the Patient menu, under Clinical, click (or tap) Chart.
The patient's clinical record opens with the Chart tab selected.
On the Chart tab of a patient's clinical record, select one or more teeth.
Click (or tap) Add Condition
The Add Condition dialog box appears.
Select the applicable condition, surfaces (if applicable), and provider.
Do the following:
Make sure the correct provider is selected for this charting session.
Note: Only providers who have access to the current location and who are flagged as charting providers are available. Also, the provider who is selected by default is determined by the current location's Default procedure provider setting.
Click (or tap) a condition.
Note: The conditions that appear in the list depend on which teeth or if no teeth are selected. For example, if no teeth are selected (the treatment area is the mouth), a missing tooth condition will not appear in the list of conditions because it can apply only to one or more teeth, but malocclusion options can appear because they apply to the whole mouth.
If applicable, do one of the following:
If you are posting a condition that requires a surface to be selected, in the Select Surfaces dialog box that appears, select the surfaces on each tooth for the selected condition, and then click (or tap) Done.
To navigate between teeth, click (or tap) a Th. Alternatively, click (or tap) Back and Next.
To not enter surfaces for the selected tooth, set Exclude tooth to On.
To set Class 5 to On, at least one of the applicable Surfaces must be selected: mesial, distal, lingual, or facial/buccal.
To apply a common combination of surfaces, under Surface combinations, click (or tap) the applicable button.
If you are posting a condition that requires a direction to be selected, in the Select Direction dialog box that appears, select the direction for each tooth for the selected condition, and then click (or tap) Done.
To navigate between teeth, click (or tap) a Th. Alternatively, click (or tap) Back and Next.
To not enter a direction for the selected tooth, set Exclude tooth to On.
To specify surfaces or add notes for a "watch tooth" condition (SNODENT code 179235D), you can quickly edit the condition while remaining on the Chart tab.
To change the surfaces (if applicable) or add notes for any condition, you can edit the condition on the Progress Notes tab.