Editing conditions
You can edit any active or treated condition in a patient's clinical chart as needed.
To edit a condition
How to get there
If the correct patient is not already selected, use the Patient Search box to access the patient's record.
Note: You can include inactive patients in the search results by setting the Include inactive patients switch to On.
On the Patient menu, under Clinical, click (or tap) Progress Notes.
The patient's clinical record opens with the Progress Notes tab selected.
On the Progress Notes tab of a patient's clinical record, the procedure history for the patient appears. Select a condition.
The Edit Condition dialog box appears.
Change the information for the condition, such as the date, provider, or surfaces, as needed.
Change any of the following options as needed:
Date - The date when the patient either presented with the condition or became aware of it.
Provider - The provider who, according to your organization's policy, should be attached to this condition. For example, this can be the patient's primary provider, the provider who charted the condition, or the provider who will be scheduled to treat the condition. Only providers who have access to the current location and who are flagged as charting providers are available. The exception to this is when a provider is associated with the condition and no longer has access to the current location; that provider is available in the list unless you select a different provider and then save the change.
Status - An Active or a Treated condition.
Condition - The condition. To change it, click (or tap) in the box, begin typing a SNODENT code, SNOMED CT code, or description, and then select the correct condition.
Tooth - The tooth number (if applicable for the selected condition).
Surfaces - The surfaces (if applicable for the selected condition).
To set Class 5 to On, at least one of the applicable Surfaces must be selected: mesial, distal, lingual, or facial/buccal.
To apply a common combination of surfaces, under Surface combinations, click (or tap) the applicable button.
Notes - Any notes regarding the condition.
Click (or tap) Save.