Attaching recare to patients

You can attach recare to a patient's record as needed.

Note: Manually attaching recare is not necessary. When you post a completed procedure that is associated with a recare type (such as when you are completing an appointment), Dentrix Ascend automatically attaches the corresponding recare to the patient's record, if it is not already attached, using the default settings for that recare type.

To attach recare to a patient

  1. How to get there

    1. If the correct patient is not already selected, use the Patient Search box to access the patient's record.

      Note: You can include inactive patients in the search results by setting the Include inactive patients switch to On.

    2. On the Patient menu, under General, click (or tap) Recare.

      The Recare page opens.

    On a patient's Recare page, click (or tap) Add New Recare.

    The options for attaching recare become available.

  2. From the Type list, select the type of recare that you want to attach to the patient.

    The other options become available.

  3. Change any of the following default settings to customize the selected recare type for this patient as needed:

    • Interval - How often the patient should be seen for this type of recare. To change the interval, enter a number in the box, and select Weeks, Months, or Years from the list. The Due Date is updated automatically.

    • Due Date - The next date that the patient should be seen for this recare type. Based on the specified Interval, the applicable due date appears in the box automatically, but you can change the date. Changing the due date does not change the Interval automatically.

      With the workflow compliance feature for your location turned off, when you complete an appointment with a recare type attached, the due date for the patient's next recare appointment (of this recare type) advances by the specified interval, and a message appears and asks if you want to schedule the next recare appointment. Click (or tap) Schedule Appointment, and then schedule the appointment.

    • Note - Information (such as thoughts, progress, and next steps) regarding the patient's recare. You can refer to and update the notes as needed when you communicate or follow up with the patient in the future.

      To insert today's date where the text cursor is located in the box, click Insert Date.

  4. Click (or tap) Save.