You can receive electronic claims called Electronic Remittance Advice (ERA) from payors and post them to the Dentrix database. You can view a list of all unprocessed and processed ERAs or select an ERA from a list to view and/or post electronic payments and adjustments to Dentrix claims that correspond to EOB claims. You can post EOB claim payments or adjustments one claim at a time or for all claims associated with an ERA. You can also post ERAs for both primary and secondary dental or medical claims.
This feature provides you the following information for each EOB you receive:
· Date received
· Payor name (insurance carrier)
· Payor ID
· Amount paid
· Reference #
· eStatus (unprocessed, started, or processed)
A copy of each ERA sent from eServices is saved and optionally attached as a document type to the Document Center in HTML format to each patient and insurance plan on the ERA. You can also view these copies in the Document Center.
Important: To receive and post ERAs, you must first register with eServices for Dentrix and have Dentrix eClaims installed. You can start the registration process from the Ledger. For complete instructions on how to register, please call 1-800-734-5561.
To register for ERAs
1. In the Ledger, click File, and then click Enter Batch Ins. Payment.
The Batch Insurance Payment Entry dialog box appears.
2. To register, click Register for ERAs.
The Dentrix website opens.
3. Click the Get Started link, and follow the prompts to complete the registration.
Note: For more information, see the following topics in the Dentrix Help: