Posted Claims overview

From the Posted/Skipped Claims area, you can generate billing statements, edit posted claims, or append skipped claims to the Pending Claims area. The list box displays all posted or skipped electronic payment type claims during the current batch insurance payment session.

Once all claims have been processed or posted, any successfully skipped or posted claims are moved from the Pending Claims list to the Posted/Skipped list, and the Totals text boxes and list columns are updated.

The Posted/Skipped Claims list consists of 12 columns:

·        Date - The date the insurance claim was sent or created.

·        Subscriber Name - The name of the subscriber attached to either the insurance or the ERA claim.

·        Subscriber ID - The subscriber’s ID attached to either the insurance or the ERA claim.

·        Patient Name - The name of the patient attached to either the insurance or the ERA claim.

·        Birth - The birth date of the patient attached to the insurance claim. The birth date does not apply to an ERA claim.

·        Pri/Sec - Shows whether a Dentrix claim is primary or secondary. If you selected check payment type, the column displays "Pri Rec’d" or "Sec Rec’d."

·        eStatus - Appears blank for all listed claims when you select the check payment type. If you selected electronic payment type, the column displays one of the following statuses:

·        Posted - Indicates that the ERA Claim was posted.

·        OK-Skip’d - Indicates the eStatus of the ERA Claim was "OK - Post" but that the claim was only for adjustments and so was skipped.

·        Inv-Skip’d - Indicates the eStatus of the ERA Claim was "Invalid" and so was skipped.

Note: A status of "Invalid" is assigned when the ERA claim is for a primary or secondary adjustment, and the Dentrix claim for the ERA claim has not been paid.

·        NF-Skip’d - Indicates the eStatus of the ERA Claim was "Not Found" and so was skipped.

Note: A status of "Not Found" is assigned when a Dentrix claim cannot be found for the ERA claim.

·        EOB-Skip’d - Indicates that the ERA Claim was skipped because the ERA was skipped rather than processed.

·        Billed Amt - The total of the claim.

·        Subm Amt - The total amount submitted.

·        Est Amt - An estimate of the insurance payment for the procedure.

·        Adj Amt - The total of all adjustment amounts for check or posted electronic payment types. The amount is positive for write-offs and negative for refunds. Skipped claims (a status other than "posted" in the eStatus column) do not have a dollar amount.

·        Paid Amt - The total of all insurance payment amounts for check or posted electronic payment types. The column displays the claim payment amount of the ERA for skipped claims (a status other than "posted" in the eStatus column).

Totals text boxes

The Totals text boxes are read-only and provide you with the total dollar amounts of all posted and skipped claims.

·        # Posted/Skipped - Indicates the number of posted and skipped claims in the Posted/Skipped list.

·        Paid/Adj Skip’d - Indicates the total dollar amount of all skipped claims.

·        Adj Amt Posted - Indicates the total dollar amount of adjustments for all posted claims.

·        Paid Amt Posted - Indicates the total dollar amount of all posted claims.

Hiding Posted/Skipped Claims

Depending on the size of your monitor and what resolution you have it set to, you may need to re-size the Batch Insurance Payment Entry dialog box by first clicking either the Hide Enter Payment or the Hide Posted/Skipped button and then dragging the bottom edge of the dialog box to re-size it. You can then re-open the Enter Payment or Posted/Skipped Claims area by clicking either the Show Enter Payment or the Show Posted/Skipped button.