Weekly appointments overview

When your patients receive an appointment reminder by text message, email, or voice message, they can confirm their appointment by responding to the message.


·        For Patient Engage users with two-way confirmations enabled, when a patient responds to a message to confirm an appointment, the appointment detail will be confirmed in Patient Engage Live, Patient Engage, and your practice management software.

·        For Patient Engage users without two-way confirmation enabled, the process to confirm an appointment is manual. When you are viewing your Weekly Appointments section of the Patient Engage dashboard, Patient Engage Live app, or Patient Engage Mobile app to find out which patients have confirmed an appointment; you must confirm that appointment in your practice management system.

·        Should a patient not respond to the pre-appointment confirmable reminder, with or without two-way text confirmation, you staff will need to follow the same manual process to confirm an appointment in Patient Engage Live (or Patient Engage) as well as in your practice management system.

·        With Patient Engage Live and Patient Engage, if a patient responds with something other than an affirmative response, that patient's response appears in the Two-Way Text panel.

You can perform the following tasks to manage weekly appointments and confirmations:

·        Searching and filtering weekly appointments

·        Confirming an appointment

·        Add an appointment note