Selecting a template for your email campaign

Patient Engage provides templates you can use for your email campaign.

To select a template for your email campaign

1.   From the Campaign Builder page, select one of the following template categories for your campaign:

·        Seasonal - Stay engaged with your clients as the seasons change.

·        Promote - Spoil your clients by offering them discounts and special promotions.

·        Educate Clients - Share your knowledge and demonstrate your expertise.

·        Build Reputation - Optimize your reputation on social media platforms.

·        Custom - Start from basic templates or upload your own.

2.   Within the selected category, browse for the specific template you want to use from these subcategories:

·        Recently Updated - For seasonal templates that will be updated every quarter.

·        Trending and Recommended - Top eight templates in the chosen category sent in the current quarter.

·        Favorites - Templates you have assigned as favorites in the chosen category.

·        All - All available templates in the chosen category.

3.   After locating the template you want, point to the template you want to use click Use Template.

After selecting a template, there are three steps remaining to building your campaign: 1) designing the campaign, 2) selecting recipients, and 3) scheduling delivery.