

Report and printing preferences

You can set up the preferences for reports and printing.

To set up the preferences

1.   From the Utilities menu, click Preferences.

The Preferences dialog box appears.

2.   Set up any of the following options:

On the Operation tab:

·        General Operations - Select Show Stats. on Daily Summary to display a practice summary at the bottom of the Daily Summary when running a day sheet.

·        Statements

·        Show payments made at time of service on separate line - Select this check box to put payments made at time of service on separate lines from charges on statements.

·        Show notification of claims submitted - Select this check box to put notifications that claims have been submitted on statements.

·        Consolidate detail for payments and adjustments - Select this check box to consolidate details for payments and adjustments of the same type on the same lines on statements.

·        Suppress detailed explanations - Select this check box to suppress detailed explanations on detail lines for payments and adjustments on statements.

·        Show transfer transactions - Select this check box to show transfers on monthly and quick statements.

·        Show 'For work done on' on e-statements - Select this check box to show the "For work done on" note on electronic statements.

·        Payment Plans - Calculate Finance Charges Based On: Select Amount Due or Patient Balance Payments to determine what criteria payment plan finance charges are based upon.

On the Print Defaults tab:

·        Print Now - Select Claim Forms, Billing Receipts, and/or Quick Statements to have the options to print those documents selected by default when you are posting procedures or treatment plans. Select Payment Receipts to have the option to print a receipt selected by default when you are posting payments.

·        Copies - Enter the default number of copies that you want to have printed for Claims and Receipts.

·        Receipts, Tx. Plans and Ledgers - Select any of the following:

·        Include Provider - Select Include Provider to include providers' names on receipts, treatment plans, and ledgers.

·        License # Tax ID - If Include Provider is selected, select License # and Tax ID to include providers' license and tax ID numbers on receipts, treatment plans, and ledgers.

·        Include patient birthdate and SSN/SIN - Select Include patient birthdate and SSN/SIN to include patients' birth dates and Social Security numbers on receipts, treatment plans, and ledgers.

·        Show UCR on receipts - Select this check box to have a column with your office's UCR fees be included on receipts.

·        Diagnosis Code (ICD) - Select whether you want ICD-9 or ICD-10 codes to appear in those areas of OMSVision.

·        Phone number printed on the Receipts - Select the phone number that you want to have appear on receipts:

·        Provider - The number entered for the rendering provider on procedures on the receipt that you are printing.

·        Workstation - The number entered for the location you are logged on to when you are printing the receipt.

·        Master location - The number entered for the main location (the first one in the practice locations table).

·        Location work was billed from - The number entered for the location at which the charges on the receipt that you are printing were posted.

·        Sort daysheet alphabetically? - Select this check box to sort entries on the Daily Summary (end of day reports) and the Daily Summary (quick reports) alphabetically; otherwise, the reports will be sorted chronologically (in the order that the procedures were posted).

·        Remember printers used for reports? - Select this check box to automatically select the last printer you selected for a report the next time you run a report.

·        Print NPI number on Rx? - Select this check box to have a provider's NPI number appear on prescriptions.

·        Print side by side on prescriptions? - Select this check box to print multiple prescriptions side by side on each sheet of paper. Two prescriptions will fit on one page. With this check box cleared, only one prescription will be printed on a page.

·        Do not print RX older than today? - Select this check box to not allow prescriptions prior to the current date to be printed.

·        Print Family Info on Receipt - Select this check box to include the names, account balances, and appointments of family members on patients' receipts.

·        Save Co-Therapist referral slip to the document center - Select this check box to save a copy of the co-therapist referral slip to the Document Center.

·        Pre-printed Forms - Click this button to open the Pre-printed form settings dialog box, from which you can indicate when to use a pre-printed form. Select Patient statements and/or Billing receipts. With no options selected, an entire document (boxes, lines, and text) is printed on a blank sheet of paper.

·        Labels and Envelopes - Click this button to open the Labels and Envelopes dialog box. You can set up the following options:

·        Patient Address Labels & Envelopes - Select Send guarantor for minors (under age 18) to address labels to guarantors for patients who are minors.

·        Labels - Select Send directly to the printer to send labels to the printer without seeing a print preview first.

·        Chart Labels - Name Order - Select the order of first and last names on chart labels: First Name, Last Name or Last Name, First Name.

·        Payment Plan Agreement - Click this button, and then type the text that you want to appear as a heading on payment plan agreements. The heading can be up to 1000 characters in length.

·        Contract Plan Agreement - Click this button, and then type the text that you want to appear as a heading on contract plan agreements. The heading can be up to 1000 characters in length.

·        Printing Treatment Plans - Click this button to open the Printing Treatment Plans Settings dialog box. Set up the following options:

·        Select any of the Show options to indicate what shows on printed treatment plans by default: Adjustments, Narratives, Tx. Plan Notes (this must be selected to group plan items by phases), Include Notes/Pre-Estimate Info., Exclude SSN from Treatment Plan Printout,  Exclude Appt/Phase Zero (0), Add Patient Name to all pages, and/or Add Practice (Location in) to all pages.

Note: For more information on Include Notes/Pre-Estimate Info., see List insurance estimates separately in the Printing treatment plans topic.

·        Select any other items that you want to appear on printed treatment plans - Teeth graphic, Notes Box, or Neither.

·        Click Edit Treatment Plan Disclaimer and then type the disclaimer text that appears on printed treatment plans. This text can be up to 1000 characters in length.

·        Registration Form disclaimer - Click this button to open the Registration Form Disclaimer Document dialog box. Double-click anywhere in the white area to open WordPad, type the desired text, and then close WordPad. Your document should be 1.8 inches high with a left indent of 0.13 inches and a right indent of 4.5 inches. This document is located in the dvwin\moreinfo folder on the server.

·        Patient Registration Welcome Letter - Click Locate to browse for and insert a letter. Click Clear to clear any previous selection.

·        Referrer Thank You Letter - Click Locate to browse for and insert a letter. Click Clear to clear any previous selection.

·        General Dentist Thank You Letter - Click Locate to browse for and insert a letter. Click Clear to clear any previous selection.

·        General Dentist - Treatment Complete Status Letter - Click Locate to browse for and insert a letter. Click Clear to clear any previous selection.

·        Pre-Registration Welcome Letter - Click Locate to browse for and insert a letter. Click Clear to clear any previous selection.

·        Appointment Cancellation Letter - Click Locate to browse for and insert a letter. Click Clear to clear any previous selection.

·        EOB Letter - Click Locate to browse for and insert a letter. Click Clear to clear any previous selection.

·        Suppress graphs on Production, Accts. Balance, and Tabulated Reports - Select this check box if you do not want graphs to appear at the end of these reports.

·        Production/Accts. Balance Report: Suppress providers with no data - Select this check box to exclude providers without data from this report.

·        Accts. Balance Report: Suppress providers with no current receivables - Select check box to exclude providers without current receivables from this report.

·        Print Patient Address/Reference Information On Refund Check - Select this check box to include this information on a refund check to a patient.

·        Display "Processing request, please wait..." message - Select this check box to have this message appear while a report is being generated.

·        Denial Claim Version - Select the default dental claim: ADA 2012.

·        Set Print Size - Enter a value from 95 to 99 to reduce a claim form to that percentage of its original size when it is printed. This will allow the claim to fit on a piece of paper when it is printed from a printer that doesn't allow for printing on paper using no margins. Enter 100 to keep a claim form at its original size when it is printed (this is the default).

·        Medical Claim Version - Select the default medical claim: CMS 08/05 or CMS 02/12.

·        Default reports to which location - Select the default location for reports: All, This, or No.

3.   Click Ok.


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