Generating statements
You can generate billing statements for patients with a balance (payment is required).
Important: Run the global reorganize utility at least one a month, just prior to generating statements.
To generate statements
1. From the Report menu, point to Statements, and then click Print.
The Print Patient Statements dialog box appears.
2. Click any of the tabs (General tab, Cycles tab, Ranges/Return Addressing tab, Messages tab, Finance Charges tab, and Rebilling Charges tab), and set up the options as needed.
3. Set up how you want to filter the reports using the standard filter tabs.
4. Select Save settings for next time to save any options that you have changed for the next time you generate statements.
5. Select Log to patient ledger to log that statements were sent to patients in their ledgers.
6. Select Send as e-mail when possible to send statements to patients with e-mail addresses in their Patient Information Centers.
7. Click Transmit Electronic Statements to send statements electronically using Express Bill. When you are prompted to process the electronic statements, click Yes or No. (Express Bill is an outside service that requires activation for you to use this feature.)
8. Click Print Preview to preview the statements (each account's statement will appear as a separate page) before printing them. The date of the last statement for the patients will not be updated. Also, finance and re-billing charges will not be included in the calculation of a patient's portion on the statements.
9. Click OK. The date of the last statement for the patients are updated to reflect the current date.
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