Changing ClinicalVision administration settings
If you are logged on to EndoVision as an administrator, you can manage the scope of ClinicalVision settings. Any setting can be global or workstation-, location-, or user-specific.
To change the scope of a setting
1. From the Tools menu, click Settings Administration.
The Setting Administration dialog box appears.
2. Select a setting, and then click Edit.
The Edit Setting Scope dialog box appears.
3. From the Scope list, select one of the following options:
· User - For each user that logs on to EndoVision, the value specified for this setting in the Settings dialog box of ClinicalVision can be different. If a user changes the value, it affects only that user.
· Location - For each location of EndoVision that users log in to, the value specified for this setting in the Settings dialog box of ClinicalVision can be different. If a user changes the value, it affects all users that log in to the location that user was logged in to when the change was made.
· Workstation - For each Windows user account on your computer, the value specified for this setting in the Settings dialog box of ClinicalVision can be different. If a user changes the value, it affects anyone who logs on to Windows on the same computer using the same Windows user account.
· Global - For all users and locations of EndoVision regardless of the computer being used, the value specified for this setting in the Settings dialog box of ClinicalVision is the same. If a user changes the value, it affects every user, location, and computer of your practice.
4. Click OK.
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