Easy Dental

Treatment Manager overview

Many offices spend thousands of dollars a year to attract new patients to their practices as a means of increasing their overall revenue. Yet most offices already have a substantial amount of potential revenue sitting untouched in their patient treatment plans.

Capitalizing on that revenue source can be a cost-effective way to increase your practice’s bottom line. You can use the Treatment Manager to take advantage of that potential income by generating a list of patients to contact who meet certain criteria that you specify.

Through the Treatment Manager you have access to vital patient information, including treatment-planned work, balance, payment information, insurance information, and so on. Having this information at your fingertips will help you determine whether to contact the patient through a letter, a phone call, or an e-mail message.

Once you contact the patient, you can easily make notes regarding the contact, create an appointment, or make changes to the patient’s treatment plan.

To learn more about the Treatment Manager, click the following topics:

·        The Treatment Manager window

·        The Treatment Manager toolbar

·        Starting the Treatment Manager

·        Setting up views for the Treatment Manager

·        Setting up columns

·        Adjusting column widths

·        Sorting the Treatment Manager list

·        Removing patients from the Treatment Manager list

·        Scheduling appointments

·        Viewing appointments

·        Analyzing treatment plan information

·        Printing the Treatment Manager list

·        Printing mailing labels

·        Contacting patients using auto dial

·        Sending patients e-mail messages

·        Sending patients letters