Easy Dental

Setting up views for Treatment Manager

Before you can use the Treatment Manager, you must first set up a view. Setting up a view allows you to filter out certain accounts so that only the accounts you want to contact display. Once you have selected your view options, you can choose what account information you want to display in the Treatment Manager list.

To set up a Treatment Manager view

1.   In the Schedule toolbar, click the Treatment Manager button.

The Treatment Manager View dialog box appears.


2.   Do the following:

·        Select Patient – Select a single patient or a range of patients.

Note: Selecting a range of patients allows you to filter the list alphabetically. This option is useful if you have a very large patient base and want to limit the size of your list. For example, one week you can work on the A – J names, the following week the K – S names, and so on.

·        Click the From search button.

The Select Patient dialog box appears.

·        Select the first patient in the range, and then click OK.

·        Click the To search button, select the last patient in the range, and then click OK.

·        Select Patient Prov 1 – References the patient’s primary provider in the Reports module. If you are filtering the list by provider, you can select up to 10 providers at a time. If you have more than 10 providers, select All or divide the list into groups of 10.

·        Treatment Plan – Set options to filter patients based on when you entered their treatment plan, a minimum dollar amount, a minimum insurance estimate amount, and selected procedures.

·        Dated From – Type the first date of the treatment plan range.

·        To – Type the last date of the treatment plan range.

·        Min TP Total – Type the minimum dollar amount that a patient must have in treatment-planned work.

·        Min TP in Est – Type the minimum dollar amount that a patient’s total treatment plan insurance estimate must be equal to or exceed.

·        Procedure Code – Click the search buttons to specify a range of procedure codes from the Procedure Codes dialog box.

·        Next Appt – Type a date range, and do the following:

·        Appt Reason – Select All to include all patients regardless of the reason for their scheduled appointment, select With TP to include patients whose next appointment has at least one treatment-planned procedure, select With REC to include patients whose next appointment is attached to a recall type, select Both TP & REC to include patients whose next appointment is attached to a recall type and has at least one treatment plan.

·        Type – Select All to include patients regardless of the type of their next scheduled appointment, or select ASAP, Fixed, or Open to include patients with those appointment types. To choose more than one appointment type, press the CTRL key and then click the appointment types you want to include.

·        Select Billing Type – Select All Billing Types, or you can select up to 10 billing types by pressing the CTRL key and clicking the appropriate billing types in the list. If you have more than 10 billing types, select All Billing Types, or divide the list into groups of 10.

·        Patient Age – Type a range of ages to list patients according to an age group.

·        Patient Status – Select All to list every patient in your database, or select Patient, Non-Patient, or Inactive to restrict the list according to that patient status.

·        Contacts – Select Previous Entry Before and type a date to list patients whose last Contacts entry was prior to the date you specify or patients who do not have a Contacts entry.

·        Unscheduled Appts – Select All to list all patients regardless of whether they have an unscheduled appointment or not, select With an Unsched Appt to list patients who have unscheduled appointments only, or select Without an Unsched Appt to list only patients who cannot have unscheduled appointments.

·        Show Totals – Select to display the totals for your treatment-planned procedures.

·        Insurance – Do one or more of the following:

·        Insurance Coverage – Select All to list patients regardless of whether they have insurance coverage or not. Otherwise, select No Insurance to list patients with no coverage, Primary to list patients with a primary carrier only, Secondary to list patients with secondary carriers, or Primary w/o Secondary to list patients with a primary but not a secondary carrier.

·        For Patients with Primary Insurance – Type a month range in the Benefit Renewal From and To fields. (To appear on the list, a patient's benefits must renew during the range you set.) Type the minimum dollar amount patients must have in remaining benefits in the Min Benefit Rem field, and click the From and To search buttons to select a range of insurance carriers. (To appear on the list, patients must be covered by a carrier within the range.)

·        For Patients with Secondary Insurance – Type a month range in the Benefit Renewal From and To fields. (To appear on the list, a patient's benefits must renew during the range you set.) Type the minimum dollar amount patients must have in remaining benefits in the Min Benefit Rem field, and click the From and To search buttons to select a range of insurance carriers. (To appear on the list, patients must be covered by a carrier within the range.)

3.   Click OK.

Note: To learn about selecting column options for Treatment Manager, click Setting up columns.