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Requirements, Registration, and Enrollment

To receive and process ERAs, you must complete these tasks:

The following briefly describes each task.


The following are software requirements for Dentrix Enterprise to process ERAs:

For help with software requirements, contact Dentrix Enterprise Support at 800.459.8067 (option 2).

Register for ERAs

Once the software requirements are met, register for ERAs with HS1 by contacting an Enterprise sales team associate at 800.459.8067 (option 1). A sales team associate will then provide you with a link to enroll with insurance carriers at DentalXChange.

Enroll with Insurance Carriers

DentalXChange — powered by Zentist — is HS1's third-party clearinghouse for ERAs. To enroll with carriers to receive their ERAs, click Enroll in ERAs at the DentalXChange website and follow the prompts to enter your practice's information. Zentist will make applications to the carriers on your behalf and will guide you through the enrollment process. Then, once the process is complete, you should begin to receive ERAs from DentalXChange to your practice management software (PMS). Zentist will also grant you access to their Remit AI Portal, where you can review the ERAs.

For questions or concerns, email hsone@zentist.io and include your organization's name and a direct callback number.

Key Information